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CRN: US Interference in the Korean Peninsula

China Review News (CRN) recently republished an article on the situation in the Korean Peninsula. The article complained that the U.S. and its allies ignored China’s call for resuming the Six Party Talks. At the same time, the U.S. is ramping up its military exercises. In the author’s opinion, the U.S. ultimately does not want to see a chaotic situation in the region. However, complete stability is not the U.S. goal. The author suggests that the U.S. wants to create and maintain a “less than stable situation,” so the U.S. can play the role of an “offshore balancer.” Thus, the U.S. can justify keeping a presence in the region. The article also referred to the situation in the South China Sea as part of the same strategy.

Source:China Review News, December 7, 2010