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People’s Daily: (If) China Pulls the Trigger on Japan’s Economy, Japan Will Fall Back 20 Years

On September 17, 2012, People’s Daily overseas edition published an article expressing China’s attitude toward the Japanese government’s purchase of the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands titled “(If) China Pulls the Trigger on Japan’s Economy, Japan Will Fall Back 20 Years.” The article asserted that Japan’s economy is not immune from the economic means that China might use. Once China is forced to pull the trigger on Japan’s economy, China will target Japan’s weakest points, such as Japan’s manufacturing sector, financial sector, certain products that are exported to-China, and investment enterprises.

“When fighting an economic war, both China and Japan will get hurt. However, China has the determination and endurance to ‘kill 1000 enemies even at the price of 800 (Chinese) people’s deaths.’”  

Source: People’s Daily, September 17, 2012