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People’s Daily BBS Article: Get Ready to Bomb Japan with Missiles

On December 8, 2013, People’s Daily published an article on what China should do immediately now that it has established the East Sea Air Defense Identification Zone.

  1. The Chinese navy and air force should sink any ships, shoot down any aircraft, and arrest any people from other countries who enter the Diaoyu Islands’ waters and airspace without having received permission from the Chinese government.
  2. Encourage the Chinese people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to go to Diaoyu Islands, the waters and the land, under the protection of China or Taiwan’s Navies and Air Force. 
  3. Have a missile drill in the Diaoyu Islands waters soon.
  4. Stop any negotiations with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands.
  5. Submit a proposal on how the "Ryukyu Islands’ international status is undetermined" to the UN General Assembly for discussion and deliberation. Meanwhile, get ready to bomb Japan’s mainland with missiles.

Source: People’s Daily, December 8, 2013