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BBC Chinese: Hong Kong Fell Deeper into Ideological Control

BBC Chinese recently reported that the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) published its 2016 Annual Report on Freedom of Speech. The Annual Report observed that Hong Kong has fallen deep into an “ideology war” that has made the “one country, two systems” policy seem to be facing an “unprecedented threat.” Among 26 mainstream media companies in Hong Kong, the Chinese government or the Mainland capital currently control 31 percent directly. Many journalists and media companies have been asked to “edit their reports” by “orders from high up.” However, Carrie Lam, the Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration, said in a press forum that she did not see any practical examples of Hong Kong having a worsened freedom of speech environment, although she heard many foreign agencies perceive that things are getting worse. The HKJA Annual Report reported that 85 percent of the journalists and 45 percent of the residents surveyed agreed that the level of freedom of speech in Hong Kong is on the decline. 
Source: BBC Chinese, July 3, 2016