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China Mobile Denied after Eight Years of Waiting

Well-known Chinese news site Sohu recently reported that the U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commission) unanimously rejected the application that China Mobile submitted in 2011 for it to become a communications service provider. The excuse was still the old-fashioned national security concern. In fact, in July of 2018, the U.S. Department of Commerce had already recommended that the FCC refuse China Mobile’s application. The FCC Chairman pointed out that China Mobile was owned by the Chinese government and it could collect U.S. intelligence for the Chinese government. He identified this as an unacceptable risk. However, in 2011, the China Mobile application only filed for the service scope of international telecommunications, instead of U.S. domestic communications. The U.S. government has since been dragging its feet on the review and approval process. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the matter and recommended that the U.S. government give up its Cold War mentality. It appears that this latest development is yet further evidence that shows the Trump administration is trying to make China’s entry into the U.S. market harder.

Source: Sohu, May 10, 2019