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Chinese Military Expert Proposes to Train Navy and Air Force Double-Category Military Officers

Li Dapeng, an associate professor at the Naval University of Engineering (Wuhan, China), published an article on China Youth Daily, which was then republished on the websites of People’s Daily and Xinhua, proposing to train Navy and Air Force double-category military officers in order to counter the U.S. "Air Sea Battle." Below is an excerpt from the article: 

"The “U.S. ‘Air Sea Battle’ concept was formed to deal with new political, economic, and technological situations. … The United States declared that the ‘Air Sea Battle’ is not directed against a specific opponent. However, the U.S. Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Center released a report called, ‘Why is there an air Sea Battle?’ The report said, ‘With the proliferation of advanced military technology and military use by other countries, particularly when it is being applied to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Iranian army, the ability of the U.S. military to enter the Western Pacific and the Persian Gulf regions is being challenged.’" 
“Therefore, the purpose of the ‘Air Sea Battle’ concept is to ensure that the U.S. will be able to execute its military power in certain areas in the face of China and Iran’s military challenges.” 

“In recent years, the United States has continued to increase its investment in the Asia-Pacific strategy. Through joint military exercises, optimizing the systems of overseas military bases, troop redeployment, and strengthening strategic channel control, the U.S. has formed a strategic encirclement of China and has been preparing for the implementation of the ‘Air Sea Battle’ against China.”

“The U.S. military has been considering the training of military officers who fall within the ‘double military categories’ of both the navy and the air force. … Currently, the ‘Air Sea Battle’ has already transformed from the strategic planning phase into the implementation phase. Whether it is for responding to the ‘Air Sea Battle,’ or to adapt to the requirements of the development trend of the war, we should actively plan to train Navy and Air Force ‘double military categories’ personnel.” 

“To this end, we should, on the basis of an in-depth study of the ‘Air Sea Battle,’ implement the transition mechanism of naval and air force institutions and personnel training programs.” 

“Facing the current situation, we should boldly act to build more efficient and capable combat forces, train naval and air force double-category personnel, and accelerate and deepen the revolution in military affairs so as to take the driver’s seat in the possible future ‘Air Sea Battle,’ and win the war.” 
Source: China Youth Daily, August 22, 2014