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Resuming Production: Hubei Airport Group Gets Ready for Operations

As China pushes for resuming production, Wuhan City and Hubei Province sent out a signal to move towards lifting the “lockdown” controls.

On March 8, the Hubei Airport Group issued a notice to prepare for resuming operations. The notice said, according to arrangements by the Hubei Provincial and Wuhan Municipal Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Center, each unit of the Hubei Airport Group should resume work starting March 10, each regional airport should complete preparation for resuming operations by March 12, each company should complete preparations for resuming flights and operations by March 16, and the group company and relevant government offices should inspect the preparations on March 17.

A reporter from e Company obtained information from someone close to the airport group, “Now it is just in the preparation stage. Whether to resume flights is dependent on how the epidemic develops from March 15 to March 20.”

[Editor’s Note: There had been several incidents in the past few weeks in which a local government planned to lift the “lockdown” but then reverted back, including: Wuhan allowed people to leave the city for few hours, Beijing rescinded a plan to resume operations for the movie industry, and Qianjiang City, Hubei Province retracted an announcement to unlock the city.]

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Excerpt in Chinese:


通知显示, 按照省市新冠肺炎疫情防控指挥部部署,湖北机场集团各部门3月10日开始正常到岗上班;各支线机场在3月12日之前完成复工复航准备工作;各板块公司在3月16日前完成复工复航准备工作;3月17日集团领导和相关部门组织复工复航检查。


Source: Stock Times, March 9, 2020