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Propaganda and Lies: Mainland Chinese Calling the Returning Chinese “Flying Thousands of Miles to Poison Chinese”

To portray itself as the world leader in fighting the novel coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been reporting an extremely low rate of infection cases or even a zero count in many provinces for many days.

However, this propaganda campaign has backfired. The propaganda lured many Chinese who were overseas, especially Chinese students who studied in other countries, to returned to China because it is a “safe haven” as the other parts of the world are reporting high rates of infection.

The CCP did not anticipate this and did not want them, since it was still fighting the coronavirus and had no energy to deal with returning Chinese. The CCP also worried about the potential for importing infections.

China’s official report showed 21 new infection cases on March 17, with 20 coming from overseas.

Beijing reactivated the Xiaotangshan Hospital, a hospital set up during the SARS outbreak in 2003 for the primary purpose of isolating the confirmed patients instead of treating them. Their actual death count was unknown but was guessed to be high. This time, the hospital, with over 1,000 beds, will primarily hold the people found to be at risk after a Custom’s check. It will include confirmed patients and suspected patients.

Postings criticizing the returning Chinese spread on China’s Internet, such as, “You were not here when we were developing the motherland, but you are the fastest to fly back thousands of miles to poison the Chinese here” or, “The motherland treated you as a child but you treated the motherland as a fool.”

A Weibo comment said, “Those overseas Chinese should know that you are coming back to take refuge, not to be our masters. The Chinese people are all suffering a hard time now. Go back if you can’t stand it.”

Another Weibo article made a call to move all people entering China to Wuhan. “Instead of returning to home to create the risk of getting your own family quarantined, why not go to Wuhan to pass the hard times with the people there?”

Many overseas Chinese felt hurt. “When the epidemic exploded in China,” a person said, “many people and I donated money and bought face masks and protective clothing to send to China. Now many of us are sad: we are discriminated against in foreign countries, but also cursed when we go back to China.”

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Excerpt in Chinese:




Source: BBC, March 17, 2020

2. Excerpt in Chinese:



尤其幾位從義大利、澳洲回大陸的女孩,有人隱瞞謊報個人旅遊情況 ,被強制隔離檢疫還向工作人員索取飲水,非瓶裝礦泉水不喝,或要求保護其人權等,態度高調、言語辛辣,「倨傲」的故事廣為傳播後以偏概全,對海外華人的形象貶損似達到新高點。




Source: World Journal, March 20, 2020把海外華人嚇回國再當公敵/

3. Excerpt in Chinese:

日前,微博网友@菩提树joan 发表长文,呼吁把境外入境人员集中到武汉,“与其回到自己的家乡造成全家人一起隔离的危险,不如到武汉共渡难关”,经某媒体转发后,引发轩然大波。

Source: Beijing News, March 16, 2020

4. Excerpt in Chinese:








Source: BBC, March 16, 2020