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WHO: China Sent Its Internet Army to Help Tedros with His Attack on Taiwan

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus criticized Taiwan for discriminating against him. The Taiwan government rejected the blame. Then Beijing had its people, pretending to be Taiwanese, post apologies on the Internet to create a fake display of “Taiwanese people apologizing to Tedros.”

On April 8, Tedros said at a press conference, “Please do not politicize this virus. If you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags, then you do it. If you don’t want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it.”

He then said that he has been under racist attacks for months and that Taiwan’s foreign ministry was responsible for the threats and racist abuse. “This attack came from Taiwan. They even started criticizing me in the middle of all those insults and slurs. I say it today because it’s enough.”

Taiwan, though just across the Taiwan Strait form mainland China, has produced an amazing coronavirus containment result with only 380 cases and five deaths so far.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan was opposed to discrimination. “For years, we have been excluded from international organizations and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight Covid-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment.”

Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou said the Tedros’ comments were “irresponsible” and the accusations “imaginary.” The ministry said it was seeking an apology for “slander.”

Then many postings supposedly from the Taiwanese people apologizing to Tedros showed up on the Internet. The apology postings usually said, “I’m a Taiwanese. I am extremely ashamed of the Taiwanese people’s racial discrimination and malicious attack on Tedros. I am willing to apologize to Tedros and all black groups on behalf of the Taiwanese and beg for his forgiveness.”

The Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan reported that it was people from mainland China who created those articles. It stated that mainland China’s Free Xuzhou Twitter account first created those postings. It made the posting into a template and called for other users to “pretend to be Taiwan citizens,” to fill in the template and then to post them. They also attached a screenshot of Taiwanese’ IDs to make it look real.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Excerpt in Chinese:

谭德塞周三在记者招待会上驳斥特朗普所言世卫与中国关系过于严密的指责,表示,世卫与每个国家都保持密切关系,而且一视同仁。 他同时要各界团结,停止将这场全球卫生危机“政治化”。他特别敦促中国和美国表现出“诚实的领导力”。

谭德赛在批评美国将疫情“政治化“时,还放狠话说, “如果想被病毒利用,如果想看到更多的装尸袋,那就去做;如果不想,就应让病毒远离政治,将疫情与政治隔离。”特朗普周三对此回应说:“当谭德塞说政治化时,他才是政治化的人,细看世卫组织与中国的关系,不敢相信他居然敢谈政治化”。特朗普也再度炮轰世界卫生组织面对新冠疫情做得太少。他说,美国提供世卫的资金是中国的10倍,世卫却似乎事事都照着中国的意愿做,这对美国不公平,也对世界不公平。




Source: Radio France International, April 9, 2020国际/20200409-谁在-政治化-疫情-谭德赛称遭到台湾攻击和歧视-台湾驳斥

2. Excerpt in Chinese:





Source: Radio France International, April 10, 2020中国/20200410-中国网络现假冒台湾人承认攻击并要谭德塞向台道歉