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Tech News: Satellite Analysis Showed Chinese Economy Did Not Rebound

Taiwanese technology news site Tech News recently reported that, despite China’s global propaganda, a new scientific study showed that the Chinese economy did not rebound. According to the Broad Activity Index (BAI), provided by U.S economic analysis vendor SpaceKnow, Chinese supply chain industrial activities continued to shrink. As of early April, the Chinese BAI was -0.2 percent. The company deployed cutting-edge technology which uses three satellites to monitor over 5,000 supply chain checkpoints in China. Satellite based methane and ozone studies also showed Chinese economic activities remain on a very low level compared to “normal” times. However, the night-time lighting level did not change much. It was discovered that factory closures were replaced by hospital openings. The study concluded that the Chinese economy didn’t even start to rebound.

Source: Tech News, April 13, 2020