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Xinhua: The Party’s Loyalty Education Needs to be Institutionalized

Xu Xuejiang, the deputy chief editor of Xinhua News Agency, wrote a commentary calling for beefing up the Chinese Communist Party’s loyalty education, in the run up to its 90th anniversary. 

According to the article, betraying the Party lands on those members who have lost faith in the Party and are against the Party’s policies. It says “A small number of Party members, full of complaints, are dissatisfied with the Party and the government. They are always bad-mouthing the country and socialism. They always feel that China is neither free nor democratic, making a mockery of the People’s Congress system and the CCP-led democratic consultative system with multi-party cooperation. They nakedly advocate the implementation of the Western multiparty system. A few sneakily hope that the Eastern Europe’s ‘color revolution’ and Middle East and North Africa ‘Arab Spring’ are staged in China.” 
Xu suggested five measures to institutionalize loyalty education: 1) Upon joining the Party, new members should sign a written guarantee not to go against the Party’s initiatives or to be corrupt. 2) The Party’s routine activities are to include annual loyalty education. 3) Loyalty education shall also occur on the anniversaries of the Party’s significant dates. 4) The Party School shall include loyalty education as a required course. During each session, students should receive no less than one week of loyalty education and must write an experience sharing paper afterwards. 5) Qualified members should be actively recruited and Party membership should be firmly discontinued for those who are against the Party’s initiatives, constantly spread messages of distrust among the masses, and are unwilling to alter their opinions.

Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2011