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Guangming Daily: On China Enduring a U.S. Trade War

According to an article on the Guangming Daily Online Website, the U.S. has intensified its trade war against China. Over the past 2 weeks, the U.S. filed 24 trade actions against China. These cases of trade violation exhibit a new pattern: 1. They focus on high value-added products and new industries; 2. Instead of using anti-dumping charges, the new cases are an outgrowth of 337 investigations and 301 methods of investigation; and 3. They represent highly-synchronized attitudes and actions on the part of all U.S. departments.

The article also stated that the exchange rate war was just the beginning of the trade war. “The exchange rate debate is an excuse. Starting a trade war against China is the fundamental reason.” The article praised China for not taking action to counter the U.S. trade war. It also warned the U.S. that, given its extremely weak economy, it will not be able to bear the consequences of a Sino-U.S. trade war.

Source: Guangming Daily Online,  November 1, 2010