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Reuters Chinese: List of Key Recent Agreements China Signed with Foreign Countries

Reuters Chinese (Shanghai Branch) recently published an article summarizing the important agreements the Chinese government has concluded with other countries in recent years. Chile: RMB 22 billion (US$3.5 billion) in a currency exchange agreement; Peru: 5,300 kilometers in a railway project and various other cooperation projects in energy, mining, infrastructure building, quarantine, medicine and space industries; Columbia: multiple agreements on infrastructure building, the steel industry and the Buenaventura Port Economic Development Zone; Brazil: a Chinese order for 22 airplanes, a US$10 billion loan to Petro Brazil, and an ocean shipment agreement on iron ore; India: US$22 billion in cooperation agreements in energy, trade, and financial industries as well as building industrial parks; Belarus: a five-year potash supply agreement, RMB 7 billion (US$1.1billion) in currency exchange, and US$7 billion in loans; Russia: 32 cooperation projects worth US$25 billion (mainly in railway, energy and information security), plus a number of bank credits as well as loans. 
Source: Reuter Chinese, May 27, 2015