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Local Government: China Implemented Health “Code” on Mobile Phones

China has implemented a Health “Code” (健康码), installing it on each individual’s mobile phone. The Health Code has three colors: green, yellow, and red. Different locales may implement the color system differently, but in general, green means the phone holder is healthy; yellow means the person needs to quarantine himself at home; and red means the person needs to go to the hospital for quarantine and treatment.

People are required to install the Health Code app on their phone and show the status when entering places.

Wuhan recently mandated that when riding the bus or subway, people must use their phone to scan the bus or subway car barcode when getting on and scan it again when getting off. This will allow the government to track who rides the bus or train and from which station to which station. When one person is confirmed as having the coronavirus infection, the Health Code of other people who also rode the same bus or train car will change to yellow, meaning they need to quarantine themselves at home.

Radio Free Asia reported that it received a notice that a residential community management office sent to the residents. The notice stated: “According to the notice from the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, if citizens went out for a non-business reason and had contact with a novel coronavirus patient, or was suspected or confirmed as having the coronavirus infection, they would be responsible for all expenses, including the quarantine cost, examination cost, treatment cost, and living expenses.” The notice stated that the 14-day quarantine and medical exam cost is about 8,000 yuan (US $ 1,120) and the treatment cost for a confirmed patient is 400,000 yuan (US $56,000).

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Medical Supplies: “Wake-up Call” – the CCP Controls U.S. Pharmaceutical Supplies

Globalization has resulted in the manufacturing of many medical products and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) moving to China. During the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is able to control the export of medical materials to support countries that are its “friend” and also to force other countries to reduce their criticisms of the CCP.

#1: On March 4, Xinhua published a commentary on U.S.-China relationship, stating that it can send the U.S. to “the hell of the novel coronavirus pandemic” by banning the export of medical supplies.

“If China retaliates against the U.S. at this time, in addition to announcing a travel ban on the U.S., it can also announce the strategic control of medical products and a ban on exports to the U.S. Then the U.S. will be fully trapped in the novel coronavirus.

“According to the public statements of officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most of the face masks in the U.S. are manufactured in and imported from China. If China prohibits the export of masks to the U.S., the U.S. will fall into a mask shortage. Then it won’t even be able to take the most basic measures to prevent the novel coronavirus.

“Also, according to the public statement of the CDC officials, most of the drugs in the U.S. are also imported. Though some drugs are imported from Europe, their production bases are still placed in China. Therefore, more than 90 percent of imported drugs in the U.S. are related to China. This means that, at this time, as long as China declares to keep its medicines for domestic demand and ban exports, the U.S. will fall into the hell of the novel coronavirus pandemic.”

#2: An article from the Washington Times, back on March 17, said the coronavirus is a “wake-up call” to the U.S. that it is overly dependent on China for its pharmaceutical supplies. “With the coronavirus crisis threatening to strain the U.S. government’s large stockpiles of such drugs, health experts warn that China’s own outbreak and related societal shutdown could mean major shortages ahead as Chinese factories struggle to keep up production of the APIs.”

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Local Government: Local Governments in China Are Still against Hubei People

Though the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had been reporting zero infection cases in Hubei and, on March 25, removed the lockdown in Hubei Province for all cities except Wuhan, other cities in China are still suspicious of Hubei people and do not want to take them in.

Voice of America (VOA) reported that, at a bridge between Hubei and Jiangxi provinces, police from both sides engaged in a fight since Jiangxi wanted to block Hubei people from coming in. On March 27, police from Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province went to the bridge to set up roadblocks to prevent automobiles from Hubei from crossing the bridge. Hubei police objected. Both sides engaged in a fight which they then further reinforcement. It escalated when Jiangxi’s special police and hundreds of Hubei people joined in. Police cars were even flipped upside down.

QQ reported that many provinces and cities required that, for Hubei people to go in, in addition to a health certificate, they must also provide the local community’s acceptance certification (to accept the Hubei people to live in the local area). However, it is hard for Hubei people to obtain such a certificate.

Media also reported that buses carrying Hubei people from cities of low coronavirus risk were told, when they arrived at their destination city at other provinces, to go back home. Some people were forced to sleep in the bus. Some were even told to use plastic bags when they needed to go to bathroom, so that “they would not get off the bus to spread the virus.”

Beijing has announced that it does not want any people from Hubei (whether they traveled there or lived there) to come to Beijing. Bao Liqun, Deputy General Manager of China Railway’s Wuhan Bureau Group, said that there were nearly 200,000 people stuck in Hubei who needed to go to Beijing.

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World against the CCP: Sichuan Citizens and Politicians from U.S., U.K, Brazil, Australia, and Italy Criticized the CCP

Many people, including politicians, news reporters, and citizens in China criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for bringing disasters to the world.

#1: China: Zhao Kai, a citizen in Sichuan Province, published a video calling for dissolving the CCP. He also thinks that the international righteous forces should help the Chinese people dissolve the CCP. This will not only benefit the Chinese people, but also help the world as the CCP has always been a great threat to the world’s civilized system. (Epoch Times)

#2: U.S.: On March 25, Secretary Pompeo, stated at a press conference after the G7 Foreign Minister’s meeting:

“First, we spent a substantial amount of time on threats posed by authoritarian states.  The Chinese Communist Party poses a substantial threat to our health and way of life, as the Wuhan virus outbreak clearly has demonstrated.  The CCP also threatens to undermine the free and open order that has underpinned our mutual prosperity and safety in the G7 countries.

“I urged every one of the countries to work together to protect the UN and other organizations from its malign influence and authoritarianism.  We G7 countries must promote our shared values of freedom, sovereignty, good governance, transparency, and accountability, and push the UN to uphold these principles as well.”

#3: U.S.: Morgan Ortagus, a Whitehouse spokesperson, said that the Global Engagement Center (GEC) under the Department of State is currently working hard to deal with the war of false information from foreign countries. The GEC formed three new teams to deal with false information from Russia, China, and Iran, respectively. The GEC was originally founded to focus on anti-terrorism tasks. (Radio Free Asia)

#4: U.K.: The Mail on Sunday reported that, on March 29, Boris Johnson, Britain’s Prime Minister, who has been infected with the coronavirus, was furious with China’s way of handling the epidemic. He will review the U.K-China relationship after the pandemic is over and may take counter actions, including excluding Huawei from the U.K.’s 5G infrastructure work. (Mail on Sunday)

#5: Brazil: On March 19, Eduardo Bolsonaro, Congressman and son of Brazil’s President, tweeted, “Once again, the authoritarian regime chose to hide some serious matters instead of revealing the facts, which could have saved countless lives. China should be condemned, and democracy is the solution.” (Epoch Times)

#6: Bernie Finn, a member of the Australia parliament, posted on Facebook on March 20:

“The communist regime in China is no friend of Australia. It’s really gone out of its way to prove that this time. We should NEVER believe or trust it again!”

He posted on March 27 again:

“I have no problem with Chinese people, whether they be here or in their homeland. My issue is with the communist Chinese Government that lied, covered up and allowed the Wuhan virus to kill not just its own people but engulf the world.

“Despite the best efforts of communist shills, my position is VERY clear: Chinese people – good; Chinese Government – bad.

“Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.”

#7: Italy: On March 26, Marco Respinti, an Italian news reporter, published an article on Rete Liberale, an Italian newspaper, stating, “Don’t call it ‘Chinese virus,’ but call it ‘CCP virus.’” (Epoch Times)

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Accountability: Chinese Professor Challenged the CCP with Ten Questions

As the novel coronavirus pandemic has continued spreading around the world, not only have the politicians and scholars around the world started holding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for causing the worldwide disaster, but Chinese have also started challenging the CCP.

The BBC commented that it was the CCP’s bureaucratic system that made China suffer as much as it did. Officials in China are only responsible to higher-ups but not to the people. Many people in China thought that it was the “inaction” of the officials that resulted in the missed time in responding to the virus.

Radio France International and the Epoch Times reported that on March 13, Hu Xuemei, a law professor at Shanghai East China Normal University submitted ten requests on the National Health Commission’s website asking for information to be released to the public. There were reports that in early and mid-January, healthcare practitioners and researchers had reported to the government about the SARS-linked virus and its ability to transmit from person to person. This included reports to the National Health Commission and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), but the government didn’t take any serious action against the epidemic until January 20.

Hu’s requests were:

  1. The media reported that, on January 12, that Hong Kong University confirmed the first “person-to-person” transmittal case and informed Shenzhen, Guangdong, and the National CDC on the same day. Is it true? Can you please release information?
  2. The media reported that, on January 15, China’s CDC activated a Level 1 emergency response to the Wuhan epidemic. Is it true? Please release information.
  3. The Media reported that, from January 3 to February 3, China’s CDC provided the U.S. Wuhan epidemic information 30 times. Is that true? Please release the information.
  4. The Media reported that, on January 5, the Public Health Clinical Center affiliated with Fudan University identified the entire genome of Wuhan Pneumonia and found that it is 89.11 percent homologous to SARS coronavirus; they recommended to the National Health Commission, “take appropriate preventive measures in public places.” Is that true? Please release information.
  5. The Media reported that on, January 6, China’s CDC activated a Level 2 emergency response to the Wuhan epidemic. Is it true? Please release the justification for the Level 2 response.
  6. On January 8, when National Health Commission sent its second expert group to Wuhan, did they investigate the 59 confirmed cases that the Wuhan Health Commission published on January 5? Did they verify (the information) for each and every patient if they were infected from the Huanan Seafood market? Please release the second expert group’s report.
  7. The Media reported that National Health Commission’s first expert group arrived at Wuhan on December 31, 2019 and stayed there for four days. Is that true? Did they investigate the 27 confirmed cases that Wuhan Health Commission published on December 31, 2019? Did they verify for each and every patient, if they were infected from the Huanan Seafood market? Please release the first expert group’s report.
  8. Please release the following information: the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia infection count and cases that Wuhan reported on or before January 24; after which period did Wuhan stopped reporting data? Did the National Health Commission or the CDC send any person to inquire or investigate the reason for stopping the reporting of data? If so, what was Wuhan’s response to the inquiry?
  9. Please release the justification for issuing Wang Guangfa the honorary title “Advanced Individual.” (Wang was a medical doctor in the second expert group to Wuhan; he stated that there was no “person-to-person” transmission.)
  10. Please release the official document “National Plan on Surveillance, Investigation, and Management of the Unknown-Caused Pneumonia Program.” Is that regulation still in effect?

Hu said that China’s Government Information Openness Rule stated that she should receive a response in twenty days. As of April 4, 21 days after the requests were made, there has been no report that Beijing has provided a response.

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Medical Supplies: Earlier This Year, the CCP Bought up the World’s Medical Supplies

In the early stages, when the outbreak was only in China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mobilized many companies to buy up the medical supplies from around the world. As the result, other countries had very few supplies left when the pandemic outbreak expanded. China imported at least 2 billion face masks and 25.4 million items of protective clothing from all over the world.

#1: According to China’s Customs report, from January 24 to February 2, China imported a total of 94,000 batches of epidemic prevention and control materials, of total of 240 million pieces with a net worth of 810 million yuan (US $114 million). Among them, protective equipment accounted for 74.9 percent, with 230 million pieces and 610 million yuan. It included 220 million face masks, 2.5 million pieces of protective clothing, and 279,000 pairs of goggles.

#2: According to China’s Customs report, from January 24 to February 29, China imported 2.46 billion pieces of epidemic prevention and control materials, with a net worth of 8.21 billion yuan (US $1.16 billion). The protective equipment included a count of 2.4 billion pieces, including 2 billion face masks and 25.4 million protective clothing.

#3: The CCP mobilized many Chinese companies to perform these global purchases. On January 31, Xinhua reported that Fosun International, Alibaba, Suning and many other companies have opened up overseas channels for global procurement.

It also stated that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said it will do its utmost to promote the resumption of production, while encouraging enterprises to expand international procurement to meet domestic demand.

#4: China Poly Group, the state-owned enterprises for internal sales of arms and defense products, was also involved. It used its connections to coordinate the shipping of medical supplies to China. Poly International Development Limited mobilized its employees to conduct procurement globally. Several hundred employees, in seven cities in three countries including Australia, worked on sourcing supplies.

#5: The Sidney Morning Herald reported that Greenland Group, a Shanghai government owned company, whose focus in Sydney and Melbourne was real estate business, totally stopped its business and instructed all of its employees on “sourcing bulk supplies of surgical masks, thermometers, antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizers, gloves, and Panadol” to ship to China. According to a company newsletter, the Greenland Group sourced 3 million protective masks, 700,000 hazmat suits and 500,000 pairs of protective gloves from “Australia, Canada, Turkey and other countries.”

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Virus Origin: In March, China Completed a Five-Month Coronavirus Vaccine Development Effort

China reported that, on March 16, its first recombinant coronavirus vaccine (adenovirus vector) was approved for clinical trial. Volunteers, organized in 3 groups with 36 people in each group, were given injections. They were under observation for 14 days.

The Institute of Biological Engineering, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the Academy of Military Sciences, and CanSino Biologics, Inc (CanSinoBIO), a biopharmaceutical company, developed the vaccine. Major General Chen Wei, China’s chief biochemical weapon defense expert and an Academician at China’s Engineering Academy, led the development.

However, on the Internet, people pointed out that it would have taken at least 5 months to develop the recombinant coronavirus vaccine that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had gotten approved. The U.S. has also developed a vaccine in a short period, but it was based on a different technology (mRNA technology), which could take about 40 days to do. The traditional recombinant vaccine could provide a permanent cure but the mRNA vaccine is like a flu shot that needs to be done every year.

Thus, people questioned when the CCP started its vaccine development so it could complete the five months of efforts by March.

Below is the timeline of vaccine development efforts of Chen Wei’s team, according to reports by Economic Daily, New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), HK01, Liberty Times, Wang Hao’s Facebook Posting (quoted by the Liberty Times).

On January 26, Chen Wei went to Wuhan to take over the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, China’s first Biocontainment Level 4 (BL4) lab (Chinese call it a P4 lab). (NTDTV – based on a report from China’s state media)

On January 28, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences started developing the vaccine. (NTDTV – based on report by China’s state media)

On February 26, Chen’s team developed and manufactured the recombinant coronavirus vaccine. Pictures on the Internet showed the vaccine bottle. The label said, “manufactured on February 26, 2020; expires on February 25, 2022; and manufactured by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the Academy of Military Sciences and CanSinoBIO.” (NTDTV and HK01)

On March 3, Chen Wei and six other party members took the vaccine injection for a “first-time human body safety test.” Sun Chunlan, China’s Vice Premier, went to the site to congratulate them. (NTDTV – based on a report by China’s state media)

On March 16, China started a human clinical trial. (Economic Daily)

Some people questioned whether the CCP actually started the vaccine work back in September, 2019 (Liberty Times quoted Wang Hao’s Facebook posting and also another Twitter account which made the same point). They said two things are suspicious:

  1. On September 18, 2019, China held a “Novel Coronavirus Emergency Response” Exercise in Wuhan.
  2. CanSinoBIO’s stock price had a strange performance in November and December of last year. The stock has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since March 2019, but it was very attractive initially. In October 2019, after Wuhan’s “Novel Coronavirus” exercise, its stock started to rise; there were a large volume of purchases in mid-November; and the stocks’ price doubled in December; though there was not much news about the stock at that time.

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Accountability: US Law Makers and Netherlands Official Held the CCP Accountable

As the novel coronavirus pandemic kept spreading over the world, politicians and scholars started holding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for causing the worldwide disaster.

#1: National Review reported that, on March 24, Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) and Representative Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) introduced a bicameral resolution to condemn the CCP for its initial handling of the coronavirus outbreak, and called for an international investigation to determine how the cover-up hastened the emergence of a global pandemic.

Hawley, who first called for an investigation into the CCP’s accountability, said in a press release, “Since day one, the Chinese Communist Party intentionally lied to the world about the origin of this pandemic. The CCP was aware of the reality of the virus as early as December but ordered laboratories to destroy samples and forced doctors to keep silent.”

“There is no doubt that China’s unconscionable decision to orchestrate an elaborate cover-up of the wide-ranging and deadly implications of the coronavirus led to the death of thousands of people, including hundreds of Americans and climbing.” Stefanik added, “This Resolution calls for China to provide compensation for the harm, loss, and destruction their arrogance brought upon the rest of the world. Simply put China must, and will, be held accountable.”

The bill calls on the international community to “quantify the harm caused” by China’s actions and to “design a mechanism for delivering compensation” from the CCP to those affected.

#2: On March 22, Jaap van Dissel, Director of the Infectious Disease Control Center of the RIVM, the Netherlands’ National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, admitted in an interview that the key reason for European countries to become the hardest hit of the pandemic at that time was because they believed the information from the CCP and the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Yes, this information might be wrong,” he states. “At first, we completely rely on information from China. China said the chance for this virus to spread in its country is very slim. The WHO also gave an estimation on the most likely scenario and said the risk of (the virus) spreading seems to be very small. We in the Netherlands and other European countries, such as Germany and France, adopted the same position, which was the WHO’s position at that time.”

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