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Ministry of Public Security Carries out the Big Visit Campaign

The Public Security Bureau throughout China has started a “Big Visit” campaign. According to the Ministry of Public Security, Beijing started the campaign last November. Many provinces and cities, including Tianjin, Shanghai, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, and others, started a full-scale campaign in January 2011. “Police officers visit companies, schools, organizations, entertainment sites, and residential neighborhoods to talk about security and safety issues and address people’s needs.”

Source: The Ministry of the Public Security website, January 19, 2011

Improving China’s Military Training

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the CCP’s Central Committee, republished an article from PLA Daily stressing the importance of improving the current military training to better suit warfare based information systems. The article advocates joint military exercises that integrate various military units, using the information network platform.

It points out that the PLA’s current training lacks an environment that simulates hardships and a near-war situation. Hence, training is relatively simple with reduced challenges. The new training should provide simulations of the actual war field, multi-dimensional surveillance, complicated electro-magnetic fields, real fighting, political and psychological warfare, network attacks and defense, and a hydrological and meteorological environment.

Source: Qiushi Journal, Jan 6, 2011

Li Yuanchao on Training Cadres on a Large Scale

The twelfth National Cadres Training Conference was held in Beijing on January 21, 2011. Li Yuanchao, head of the CCP’s Central Organization Department, made a speech on how best to conduct large scale training for cadres. Li pointed out that the training should continue strengthening the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and should focus on the goals and tasks of the twelfth five-year plan. Li called on those conducting the training to use the CCP’s 90th anniversary as an opportunity to inculcate cadres in a better understanding of the Party’s nature and to enhance the cadres’ thoughts about Party nature.

Source: Xinhua, January 21, 2011

Chinese Government Scholar: The U.S. Is Using Universal Values to Intimidate China

Yu Wanli, an Associate Professor of International Strategy Studies at Beijing University, wrote an article on possible changes in the U.S. policy toward China. As the Chinese government funds China’s universities, Yu’s view reflects the Chinese government position. In his article, Yu discussed how the U.S. is likely to stress universal values to both the Chinese people and the global community in order to intimidate China.                


Yu said that the U.S. will not stop its efforts to intimidate China on China’s core interests, including arms sales to Taiwan, the Dalai Lama, and Xinjiang.“ (It will) continue using the issues of democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech to deepen its influence over the Chinese people.” Furthermore, globally, “it is more and more clear that the U.S. is intimidating China through its allies, the multi-party system, and the system of universal values.”

Source: China Review News, January 10, 2011

Social Science in China: China Will Have More Influence over the U.S.

Yang Jiemian, Dean of the Shanghai International Studies Institute, predicted a change in the Sino-U.S. relationship. Yang suggested that, over the next five years, instead of being under U.S. influence, China will have more and more influence over the U.S. 


“The United Nations remains the most authoritative and legitimate entity over world affairs, but regional organizations and forums will have more influence.” The gap between the developed countries (with the U.S. as the representative) and the developing countries (with China as the representative) is closing, but the developed countries will remain in the leadership positions. “The China-driven change of rules in the global scheme of things will manifest mainly in the international monetary system and trade.” “China’s influence will remain limited when it concerns such areas as the military, technology, cultural influence, international speaking power and rule making.” “The Asia-Pacific will be the main platform where China and the U.S. interact.”

Source: Social Science in China, December 30, 2010

China to Verify Passengers’ Names against Train Tickets

China will require passengers to provide their names when purchasing a train ticket. The passenger will then have to show an ID with the same name to board the train. During the massive railway travel season for the upcoming Chinese New Year, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an, Chongqing, Chengdu, and many other cities will initiate a name verification pilot project.

Twenty-five types of proof of identity will be accepted, including a residential card, a temporary residential card, a driver’s license, a military officer ID, a student ID, a passport, an alien residence card, and a temporary ID card issued by the Railway Police Office.

Source: People’s Daily Online, January 11, 2011

Focusing on a National Security Strategic Chain

PLA Daily published an article that Qiushi Journal later republished stating that China should focus on its national security strategic chain, which is composed of strategic resources, strategic industries, and strategic capabilities. “We should better utilize the resources in our nation to serve our national security and development purpose.” “(We should) construct a stable strategic resources security system (in the world) and increase our strategic resource reserve.” “International cooperation is the best way to obtain a supply of stable strategic resources, but we should never give up the option of using abnormal means to safeguard the security of our strategic resources.”

“Our military capability is the backbone of our national strategic capabilities.” “Our military capability should extend to wherever our national interests reach.” “It is critical to have our military capability reflect our national strategic status and interests."

Source: PLA Daily, December 23, 2010

Xinhua: Commentary on China’s Future Development

Xinhua published a commentary about the outlook for China’s future. Though the article was written with many glorious words, it stated, "The next five to ten years is not only a critical period for our country in terms of constructing a wealthy society; it is also a tough period in terms of overcoming escalating problems and increasing difficulties. Under the new situation, short term and long term problems in economic development intertwine, structural and systemic problems coexist, and internal and international problems interact, making it urgent to transform the economic development model and hard to improve people’s living standards and maintain social stability.”

The article mentioned several economic development directions: adopting a proactive fiscal policy and a stable monetary policy, expediting the realignment of the nation’s economic structure, stabilizing food prices (as a significant goal), improving economic development’s sustainability and the capacity of self-stimulus (ed: instead of relying on outside, or government stimuli), and increasing the quality and efficiency of economic development.

Source: Xinhua, January 2, 2011