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International Herald Leader: Beijing Conducting an Intensive Diplomatic Offensive

On November 12, 2010, the International Herald Leader reported that Beijing recently started a round of intensive diplomatic offensives in response to the U.S. employment of a surrounding and blocking strategy against China. Five out of the nine CCP Politburo Standing Committee Members, including Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Wu Bangguo, and Zhou Yongkang, have visited foreign countries in the past two months. Their foreign visits focused on Europe (the EU, France, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Poland, and Turkey), Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand), and India. [Ed: On November 14, Xi Jinping also started a series of visits to Singapore, South Africa, Angola, and Botswana, but this was not mentioned in the article.]

The article stated that the U.S. has intensified its Asian diplomacy and has focused on the security issue. It labeled China a “threat creator” and has been marketing itself as “big brother” to those of China’s neighboring countries that fear China. China has countered with economic, trade, and cultural diplomacy, since “its economy and trade are China’s strength.” “Though China should not expect much strategic gain from Europe, diplomatic success in Europe can boost China’s confidence while it faces setbacks in Asia.”

Source: International Herald Leader, November 12, 2010

China Plans to Build Manned Space Station by 2020

 A Mobilization Conference for the Manned Space Station and Docking Mission was held on November 15. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare for the kickoff of China’s manned space station project. The project will be implemented in two phases: the space experiment lab and the manned space station.                                                         

The outline of the schedule:
2011 – Conduct the first docking test (unmanned)
2012 – Complete the docking task (either unmanned or manned)
2016 – Develop and launch 2 space experiment labs
2020 – Develop and launch the core module and the experiment module, and assemble the 60-ton manned space station in orbit.

Source: People’s Daily Online, November 16, 2010

Xinhua: Top Beijing Officials Concerned about Inflation

According to a Xinhua report, several top Chinese officials recently expressed concern about rapid price increases due to inflation in China. On November 11, Wen Jiabao, while visiting Guangzhou for the Opening Ceremony of the Asian Games, paid a visit to a local supermarket. Wen asked the sales-persons there about prices, supplies, and the sales of fruits and vegetables. Wen told them, “The State Council is working on policies to control rapid price increases.”

On November 16, at China’s Global Debt and Capital Market conference, Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the Bank of China, said, “China is facing the risk of an inflow of capital” and “the rising prices in China need attention from all areas.”

Sources: Xinhua, November 16, 2010

China to Strengthen Control of City Residents

Xinhua was authorized to publish “The Opinion on Strengthening and Improving the Development of the Urban Community Residential Committee,” which was jointly issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP and the General Office of the State Council on November 9. This directive stressed that such a committee is the CCP’s basic organization in the city and called for great efforts from Party organizations at all levels to develop it. The directive also emphasized the important role that the residential committee plays in maintaining social stability.

Such a committee will be strictly under the Party’s leadership. The concomitant Party committee members are suggested to be “democratically” elected as the heads of the residential committee. The residential committee will have 5-9 staff members. The city-level government will provide the financing for both the staff salaries and for operations. It will also provide annual training in Party ideology for the head of the committee and training for other members every two years. The provincial Party committee will meet regularly to discuss residential committee development work and the city, county, and district Party secretaries will be directly responsible for the development work.

Source: Xinhua, November 9, 2010

China Radio International: U.S. Monetary Policy Hurts China’s Economy

The U.S. has created a great challenge for China’s economy, China Radio International Online reported. The U.S. flooding the market with U.S. dollars has multiple impacts and effectively devalues the U.S. dollar: 1. It makes China lose money on its foreign reserve holdings of U.S. dollar based assets, such as U.S. Treasury bonds. 2. It puts great pressure on the renminbi to appreciate and hurt China’s export economy. 3. It provides the market with extra money that may come to China and continue pushing up China’s stock and housing market bubble. 4. It causes a big increase in the price of commodities such as oil, food, and iron ore, and in turn, it creates the pressure of inflation on China’s economy as China imports large quantities of these commodities. 5. It forces the Bank of China to increase the renminbi supply to maintain the renminbi exchange rate.

Source: China Radio International Online, November 9, 2010

China Youth Daily: Is India Ready to Challenge China?

Commenting on Obama’s visit to India on November 7, 2010, an article in China Youth Daily said that some Indians want to challenge China, with U.S. backing. The U.S. supports India with economic ties and international diplomacy. Some Indians criticize China for using Pakistan to block India’s rise. They feel that it is the right time for India to challenge China for the leadership of South Asia and even for all of Asia. India is using diplomatic and economic means to win other Asian countries’ friendship in order to counter China’s expansion.

However, the article argued that the U.S. just wants to use India to counter China. The U.S wants itself, not India, to be the leader of Asia. Just like its relationship with Japan, the U.S. will never view India as an equal.

Source: China Youth Daily, November 9, 2010

Guangming Daily: On China Enduring a U.S. Trade War

According to an article on the Guangming Daily Online Website, the U.S. has intensified its trade war against China. Over the past 2 weeks, the U.S. filed 24 trade actions against China. These cases of trade violation exhibit a new pattern: 1. They focus on high value-added products and new industries; 2. Instead of using anti-dumping charges, the new cases are an outgrowth of 337 investigations and 301 methods of investigation; and 3. They represent highly-synchronized attitudes and actions on the part of all U.S. departments.

The article also stated that the exchange rate war was just the beginning of the trade war. “The exchange rate debate is an excuse. Starting a trade war against China is the fundamental reason.” The article praised China for not taking action to counter the U.S. trade war. It also warned the U.S. that, given its extremely weak economy, it will not be able to bear the consequences of a Sino-U.S. trade war.

Source: Guangming Daily Online,  November 1, 2010

Qiushi: Losing Control over Media Caused USSR’s Collapse

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the CCP Central Committee, published an article that claims that the Party’s losing control over its media was what triggered the USSR’s collapse. The article said that “media reform” in the USSR was the reason more and more media abandoned their Party loyalty and shunned the Party’s leadership.

“Negative information (about the Communist Party) flooded the news under the name of ‘openness.’” Also, a foreign ideology invasion flourished. The USSR’s media reform thus caused a cycle of “news reform – the media opening up – the entrance of foreign forces – exposure of the negative side – the accumulation of public unhappiness – an inability to counter the assault – a complete loss of media control – a loss of power.”

The article concluded that it is critical for the CCP to control the media and not to open the media to private ownership.

Source: Qiushi Journal, November 1, 2010