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Defense University Professor: Establishing IT-Based System for the Military

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the CCP Central Committee, republished an article from Chinese Social Science Today titled “Establishing a Chinese-Characteristic IT-Based System for the Military.” Author Yuan Wenxian is a Major General, professor, and head of the information warfare, command, and training section at Beijing’s PLA National Defense University. Yuan outlined the Chinese military information system as “three layers, six areas, and four types.”

The three layers are: the Central Military Commission (general command) layer, the military region/military type layer, and the combat troop layer. The six areas are: IT warfare, military composition, armory and equipment, military training, military political work, and military supply and management. The four types are: the policy system, organization system, legal system, and technology standards system.

Source: Qiushi Journal, October 27, 2010

China Review News: Digesting the Twelfth Five-Year Plan

A China Review News article on October 24, 2010, reports that China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan focuses on “transitioning.” It describes China’s current economy as having an imbalance between domestic and foreign demand, and expects this imbalance to reverse, that is, for domestic demand to rise, accompanied by a fall in foreign demand. The Plan targets a change from an economy featuring low-cost manufacturing to one with high value-added production.

The article lists five potential changes for the coming five years: 1. Economic growth decelerates and local government’s “GDP fever” pursuit cools down, as the eight percent GDP growth rate is no longer Beijing’s highest priority. 2. The domestic market is to expand, especially in the luxury goods and culture-related industries. 3. Rural areas are to see major development. 4. Economic prosperity is to shift from export-oriented coastal provinces to the central and the western provinces. 5. China is to develop new energy and “green” energy.

Source: China Review News, October 24, 2010

PLA Live-Fire Exercise in Tibet

According to a People’s Liberation Army publication, the Tibet Military Region Command conducted a live-fire military exercise in late Fall, with the actual date not disclosed. The exercise took place at a 4,700 meter elevation and involved troops from the air force, armored units, artillery, and electronic warfare units. The exercise showcased fighter jets, armed helicopters, artillery, the electromagnetic system, a new type of tank, and a new air defense system that was just deployed to the military.

Source: The PLA Pictorial

China Celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the Chinese Army Joining the Korean War

China held a high-profile celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Chinese army joining the Korean war. The Commemoration conference was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 25. Hu Jintao met with Korean War veterans prior to the conference. Xi Jinping, the newly-elected Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, attended the meeting. Xi also gave a speech at the commemoration conference. In his speech, Xi paid tribute to the old CCP leaders, the North Korean government, and the USSR. Chinese media published articles to praise China’s achievements in the Korean war.

North Korea held a 30,000-person celebration in Pyongyang on October 25. Kim Jong-Il, King Jong-Un, and other top leaders attended the event. Guo Boxiong, the Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, led a high-level PLA delegation to Pyongyang for the event.

Sources: Xinhua and Yangcheng Evening News, October 25, 2010

Official Report from the CCP’s Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee

Xinhua published an Official Report from the CCP’s Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, which was held from October 15 to 18 in Beijing. The conference members listened to and discussed the CCP’s work report presented by Hu Jintao. The conference passed the twelfth five-year plan for the national economy and social development.

The Report stressed that “in current China, (we should) stick to the essential requirement that ‘development is of overriding importance.’” It listed many economic development strategies. It stressed the importance of developing culture and increasing China’s cultural soft power. It also stressed that the CCP’s leadership is the fundamental guarantee for future development.

Xi Jinping was elected to the position of Vice Chairman of the CCP’s Central Military Commission. [Ed: This is widely viewed as a step in preparation for Xi’s taking over the CCP’s top leadership position in 2012 when Hu Jintao’s term is over.]

Source: Xinhua, October 18, 2010

China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan Focuses on Seven New Industries

China News Service reported that the newly passed Twelfth Five-Year Plan delineated seven new industries for investment: new energy, new energy for automobiles, saving energy and protecting the environment, next generation IT (focusing on the Internet, cloud computing, and GIS), bio-technology, high-end equipment manufacturing (e.g. aerospace, ocean engineering, and satellites), and new materials.

Source: China News Service, October 18, 2010

China Starts R&D on Super High-Speed Train

On October 19, Xinhua reported that China has started research and development on a super high-speed train that can exceed 500 km (310 miles) per hour. China has become the largest country with such a high-speed train capability and scale. At the end of September, China had two high-speed railroads under construction. One will cover 7,055 km and another over 10,000 km. On September 28, 2010, during a test run on the Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railroad, “Harmony” CRH308A, China’s own high-speed train, set a world record of 416.6 km per hour.

Source: Xinhua, October 19, 2010

China’s Central Bank Increased the Required Reserve Ratio

On October 11, 2010, China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China, notified six banks that it will increase the required reserve ratio for them by 50 basis points. The six banks include the four major state-owned banks and 2 publicly traded banks, China Merchants Bank and China Minsheng Bank. “The market anticipates this action will only last for 2 months. The main purpose is to react to the high number of new loans that banks issued in September of this year.”

Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said that there hasn’t been enough evidence to show that the quantitative tools that the central bank adopts, including reserve ratio and open market operation to absorb liquidity, cannot meet the goal of controlling inflation.

Source: China Review News, October 12, 2010

[Ed: China Review News is a Hong Kong based Chinese government news agency with a focus on international affairs.]