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China Review News on Circulating the Renminbi Overseas

The People’s Bank of China recently published a “Notice on Issues of Three Types of Organizations, Including Offshore Renminbi’s Clearing Houses, Investing the Renminbi in Banks’ Bond Markets.” China Review News quoted an article by the Shanghai Securities News, commenting that it will improve the Renminbi’s circulation overseas to create the condition for it to “come back” after “pushing it out,” moving forward the goal of making the Renminbi a major foreign exchange currency.

The article stated that there are 3 ways to push the Renminbi to “go abroad.” They are: currency exchange between China and other countries, using the Renminbi for cross-border trade settlement, and Hong Kong’s Renminbi’s offshore market. The article then argued for establishing a Renminbi onshore market in Shanghai to provide a better condition for the Renminbi to circulate back.

Source: China Review News, August 24, 2010

Qiushi Journal on ‘Four Major Boundaries’

Qiushi Journal, the publication of the CCP Central Committee organs, published an article discussing drawing boundaries on four major issues:

1. Staying with Marxism. “If Marxism’s leading position is shaken, there will be no theoretical foundation for Communism with Chinese Characteristics…”
2. Insisting on socialist public ownership as the main economic form with the supplement of multiple other economic forms (e.g. private ownership). [Ed: This would mean state-owned enterprises will control the majority of China’s economy.]3. Staying with Chinese style democracy, which is under the CCP’s leadership. The “CCP’s strong leadership is the largest political advantage for China.” “Western style democracy is not ‘universal.’”
4. Insisting on socialist ideology and culture. The capitalist ideology and culture is gradually becoming China’s main challenge. “The struggle in ideology is, in essence, the struggle between the socialist value system and the capitalist value system.”

Source: Qiushi Journal, August 16, 2010

Xu Caihou: To Continue the Rise of the Military’s Training Wave

Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Committee, stated on August 16, 2010, that China should continue the rise of the big wave of military training. Xu stressed the focus on transitioning the military training from mechanization to information technology. The essence of controlling information is to control electromagnetic power. Strengthening the training under complex electromagnetic conditions is the focal point of the military training transition. Xu also asked that the party organizations in the military increase their leadership over military training.

Source: China Review News, August 16, 2010

China Review News: Aircraft Carrier Show Reveals U.S. Anxiety

China Review News republished an article by China Youth Daily that analyzed the reasons for the U.S. showing off its aircraft carrier to China:

1. Mid-term Election Politics. As the election approaches, the Democrats are in a bad position due to a poor economic situation and a high unemployment rate. They are trying to change the focus to outside the U.S, and are therefore targeting China, the “frequent target for U.S. politics to attack.”
2. Strategic Anxiety over China. The recent issue of China’s “threat on the sea,” which the U.S. media “cooked up,” shows that the U.S. is anxious about China as China starts to build its sea power.
3. Using China to “Return to Asia.” U.S. strategists are using China as an excuse for them to stay or return to Asia. They did it successfully to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries.

Source: China Review News, August 16, 2010

Chinese Media Intensive Commentaries on Cultural System Reform

Hu Jintao’s speech at the 22nd group political study of the Central Politburo of the CCP is the “general mobilization order” for “deeply advancing the cultural system reform,” Global Times commented on August 7, 2010. The Central Propaganda Department immediately sent out an order, requesting all propaganda, ideology, and culture work follow Hu’s speech and “further enhance (everyone’s) political responsibility (to the party).” All major Central media have followed the tone by publishing series of commentaries to create a public environment echoing Hu’s direction.

Source: Global Times, August 7, 2010

The Six Highlights of the Vanguard 2010 Exercise

Xinhua published an article that identified six highlights of the five-day air defense military exercise, Vanguard 2010, that just finished on August 7. The article was from Lieutenant general Feng Zhaoju, deputy director of the exercise and Deputy Commander of the Jinan Military Region:
1. Battle system theory
2. Unit integration – using IT to integrate different basic combat units into a combined combat force, based on the mission requirements and situation.
3. Information system support
4. Complicated electronic-magnetic environment usage
5. Air-ground actual combat
6. Real battle.

Feng also stated that the “unit integration” is a brand new area to start. The exercise has developed some practical measures in surveillance, early warning, command control, and fire attack areas.

Source: Xinhua, August 7, 2010

PLA Major General: Shandong Province Is the Outpost of Beijing’s Air Defense

Starting on August 2, China carried out a large scale military exercise, Vanguard 2010. The five-day exercise took place over the central province of Henan and the eastern coastal province of Shandong, which borders the Yellow Sea. China Review News republished an article by China National Radio, which interviewed Major General Chen Wenrong, Deputy Commander of the Shandong Province Military Region and Commander of the Shandong Joint Air Defense Command. According to Chen, Shandong is the outpost of Beijing’s air defense system. It is responsible for both air defense early warning and air combat operations. The air defense forces at Shandong are composed of four parts, including coastal air defense, urban air defense, reserve air defense, and civic air defense forces. Besides the coastal air defenses, all three other parties have largely participated in the exercise.

Source: China Review News, August 6, 2010

China Developing State Image Promotion Ads

China has hired a media company to help it create two advertising videos to promote its state image, Global Times reported. China will broadcast these videos on the major media all over the world around October 1. The article further explained China’s self promotion strategy. The state image promotion is to demonstrate China’s “soft power” to the world, a continuation after the 30-second “Made in China” self-promotion ad on CNN in 2009. In addition to relying on international main stream media to “make a sound,” China also works on developing its own power media to send China’s voice overseas. That includes CCTV’s addition of Arabic and Russian channels from last year, and the launch of China Xinhua News Network Corporation (CNC), a 24-hour news channel under Xinhua, on January 1, 2001.

Source: Global Times, August 3, 2010