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China Review News: China Has Labor Shortage for Agriculture

According to China Review News, several media reported that China’s total grain production in the summer of 2010 showed a 0.3% decrease from last year, because the good laborers have migrated to the cities. China Review News observed that the pay for basic labor jobs in cities is much higher than for agricultural work. Therefore many young and strong farmers have migrated to the cities, leaving only the old, the weak, women, and kids at the farms. Also, the low education level in villages makes it hard to adopt mechanization in farmlands, even though it could be a way to make up for the loss of strong laborers.

Source: China Review News, August 2, 2010

Liu Yunshan: Culture Development Should Follow the Party’s Direction

On August 1, 2010, Liu Yunshan, Head of the Central Propaganda Department of the CCP stressed the importance of culture development. He stated that China should treat China’s traditional culture with respect, resolutely hold up to Marxism, and cherish the revolutionary culture that the communist party has developed. He also stated culture development should focus at the grassroots level, including villages, rural and poor areas, and minority regions.

Source: China Review News, August 1, 2010

Xinhua: Strategies to Fight the U.S. Aircraft Carrier’s Supremacy

After China’s unusual repeated protests, the U.S. “George Washington” aircraft carrier will not enter the Yellow Sea, but will perform joint exercises with South Korea in the Japanese Sea. China and the US have entered an “aircraft carrier dilemma” era, International Herald reported on July 22. The article listed three strategies for China to deal with the US:
1. Best strategy: A political solution: Define China’s core interest areas along China’s coastal areas and use political and diplomatic approaches to block U.S. carriers from entering it.
2. Mediocre strategy: A political approach plus military preparation such as anti-surveillance preparation, monitoring the U.S. carrier, conducting China’s exercises in certain water areas, etc.
3. Military strategy: If the U.S. carrier arrives at China’s coast despite China’s strong protests, then send a nuclear submarine carrying strategic missiles to the ocean war locations, increase the combat readiness level of the land-based long-range missiles, and apply military pressure against the U.S. carriers battle group, etc.

Source: International Herald, July 22, 2010

PLA Established a Centralized Network Warfare Command

According to a South China Morning Post report that was republished by the Global Times, the PLA has established its first network warfare center, called the Information Protection Center. This center is directly under the General Staff Department and will command all the Internet-based strategic information centers throughout all PLA units. It is the first time that the PLA confirmed it has developed a network warfare strategy. Some believe the strategy has shifted from the information protection of the past to developing network warfare.

The PLA also published a rule that prohibits its 2.3 million soldiers from creating web pages and blogs, entering the online community, and using online chatting and dating services, even when on vacation.

Source: Global Times, July 25, 2010

Xu Caihou: Continuing to Develop the Party in the Military

On July 24, the Deputy Chairman of Central Military Committee, Xu Caihou, stressed continuing to improve the level of the party’s development in the military. Xu said the Chinese army is created by the CCP. Upholding the party’s absolute leadership over the military is the fundamental principle and eternal spirit of the PLA. The party development in the military should resolutely follow Hu Jintao’s instructions. Xu made this statement at the Conference on Party Development in the Military.

Source: Xinhua, July 25, 2010

Defense Minister: Improve China’s National Defense Mobilization Capability

Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglei stressed that China should adhere to the strategic direction of combining development for military and civilian use and strengthen national defense mobilization and emergency response capabilities. Liang made this statement after visiting several enterprises and inspecting the national defense mobilization work in a few cities in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Source: People’s Daily, June 26, 2010

CCP Expanding Its Organizational Presence in Enterprises and Communities

The Party organization has covered all basic residential units, urban and rural, as well as 98% of state-owned enterprises and institutions, according to Wang Qinfeng, the Deputy Minister of the Central Organization Department (COD) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Wang made this statement on June 28 at the COD’s party statistic news press conference. The party organization in non-publicly owned enterprises has also grown 1.3% over last year. By the end of 2009, the party organization and labor union had achieved full coverage of the legal and CPA professions, the two primarily targeted industries.

Source: Xinhua, June 28, 2010

Germany Investigating Chinese Officials Spying on Falun Gong

Germany’s Federal Prosecutor’s office is investigating two high-ranking Chinese officials on allegations of espionage targeting Falun Gong practitioners, German news magazine Der Spiegel reported on June 26. One of the accused is said to hold the position of a Chinese vice-minister and serves as head of the “610 Office,” an extra-judicial arm of the Chinese Communist Party, which executes the Communist Party’s directive to fight the Falun Gong meditation movement worldwide. The Spiegel report mentioned the investigation could make Chancellor Angela Merkel’s upcoming China visit more difficult.

In December 2009, a diplomat of the Chinese Consulate in Munich was ordered to leave Germany after being found to have spied on the German Uighur community.

Source: The Central News Agency, June 27, 2010