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Interview with Zhong Weiguang: From Tibet to China’s Totalitarianism

In spite of economic development, China remains a totalitarian country under the Communist Party. In an interview, Zhong Weiguang, a scholar and expert on contemporary totalitarianism, stated that the Berlin Wall collapsed, not because Western leaders praised the Eastern Communist leaders for their openness and reforms, but because of the constant pressure from the West and because of the frequent protests in Eastern Germany. Zhong believes that a peaceful, non-violent approach and a tireless pursuit of faith and human rights will bring down the Chinese Communist regime.

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Chinese Hackers: Tonight, Let’s Attack CNN!

On April 19, 2008 Chinese hackers launched an intensive denial-of-service attack on CNN following CNN commentator Jack Cafferty’s April 9 comment criticizing the Chinese Communist regime. The young people carrying out the attack have never watched CNN, for CNN and many other western media outlets are censored by the goverment. The hackers relied on the State-run media’s claims that Cafferty’s comment was “an insult to China,” and became part of the Chinese regime’s campaign against the West.
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The Chinese Government Instigates Violence in New York — New Evidence of Communist Infiltration

Those who practice Falun Gong, a cultivation practice based on Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, have encountered what they never thought would happen in the United States. Since mid May 2008, on a daily basis, mobs in the hundreds have physically and verbally assaulted Falun Gong practitioners on the streets of Flushing, New York. Six thugs have been arrested. In a recorded telephone conversation, Peng Keyu, the Chinese Consul General in NY, admitted his role in instigating the violence.

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The Olympics: The Foremost Political Task Facing the Party and the State

Beijing has repeatedly stated that the West is politicizing the Olympics Games. Many including President Bush also believe that the Olympics is all about sports. However, published speeches by the Communist Party and government officials call for prioritizing preparations for the Olympics as a national political task. A successful Olympics is a political task for the Party buildup, airport security, environment protection, transportation, the judiciary and digital broadcast of TV, just to name a few.

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Political or Apolitical: The 2008 Beijing Olympics

China has alleged that international human rights groups are politicizing the Olympics by pressing China to cease human rights abuses. The International Olympics Committee reiterates the Games is all about sports, not politics. A review of the regulations and practices that China has adopted in preparation for the Olympics, however, shows that China is treating the event as the most important political milestone since it came to power in 1949.
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China’s Military in 2007

Based on published Chinese language media reports and website articles, this article attempts to give an overview of the Chinese military in 2007 from three perspectives: the Sino-US military relationship, geo-strategic development, and enhanced weapons systems. In summary, 2007 saw a cooperative yet prickly military relationship between the US and China. At the same time, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has conducted joint military exercises with countries in Asia and Europe. Advanced military weapons systems and technologies expand the PLA’s ability to attack around the globe, in outer space, and in cyberspace.
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Product Safety Scandals Reported in China

While American consumers may have been alarmed by the magnitude of the quality of food made in China , mainland Chinese have been facing them on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, “fake, counterfeit, and sub-standard products” problems have been plaguing Chinese consumers for years, and the problem is only getting worse. Even in China’s official media, often quite conservative in reporting negative news, one can easily spot reports regarding gross food safety violations and horrifying incidents.

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