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Outlook Weekly: Changes in U.S.-Sino Strategic Relationship

“In this new era, the U.S.-Sino relationship will be filled with conflicts, fights, and cooperation with no major ups and downs”, claimed by Niu Xingchun, a researcher from the Chinese Academy for Contemporary International Relations. The article was published in Xinhua’s Outlook during the visit to China of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Niu summarized the following four changes in the Sino-U.S. relationship:

1. The U.S. has realized that China will grow to be a super power. It is a trend that no external forces can stop. The theory of China’s upcoming collapse has no market in the U.S. anymore.
2. What the U.S. cares about most is whether China will contribute to the current international order.
3. Even though there exist various types of conflicts between the U.S. and China, “peaceful competition and cooperation” has become the mainstream consensus in the U.S.; and
4. The U.S. has come to agree that China’s foreign strategic goal is not to challenge the U.S. in its hegemonic status in the world.

Source: Outlook Weekly, July 2, 2008

Retired Senior Leader Proposed Name Change for CCP

Hong Kong based magazine Cheng Ming Monthly published an article “Chinese Communist Party to Launch Big Party Rectification in the Fall” in the July 2008 Issue. According to the article, former member of the standing committee of the CCP’s polibureau, and former chairman of the National Political Consultative Conference Li Ruihua proposed to stop using the name of Chinese Communist Party.

In an internal party conference, Li said that the CCP’s development and theory are evolving constantly to adapt to the fast changing society. From a long term perspective, he suggested to change the party’s name to People’s Party or Socialist Party.

Source: Epoch Times, July 5, 2008

Flushing NY Residents Call for Expulsion of Pro-Communist City Council Member

On July 3, NY City Council Member John Liu had his first meeting with Falun Gong practitioners who have been targeted in the recent violence on Flushing streets by pro-Communist thugs. Previously, Liu held private meetings with the pro-Communist suspects and rejected requests from his constituents who practice Falun Gong. During the July 3, 2008 meeting, Liu’s constituents called for Liu’s expulsion from City Council for his pro-Communist conduct unbecoming of an elected official. Calls were also made for FBI’s investigation of Liu’s ties with Chinese Communist regime.

Source: Epoch Times, July 3, 2008

Officials Demoted As Result of Unrest in Guizhou Province

On July 3, 2008, the Communist Party Secretary of Weng’an County and the Political Commissar of the County Public Security Bureau, Guizhou Province, were removed from office because of “serious dereliction of duty” during a June 28 social unrest incident. Guizhou Provincial Party Secretary Shi announced the decision at a July 3 Provincial Party meeting.

On June 22, a female high school student died. On June 28, tens of thousand of local residents trashed and set fire to the buildings of the Party, the police, the courts and the secret police. Longstanding grievances over corruption spilled over into a clash when the girl’s family, believing she had been raped and murdered, accused the local authorities of a cover up.  Internet police have been removing Internet comments critical of the authorities.

Source: Xinhua, July 3, 2008

Olympics Negatively Affecting Chinese Coal Market

The Beijing Olympics will have negative impact on the Chinese coal market, said Market, a newspaper under the ownership of the People’s Daily on June 27. Supplies of coal will likely decrease due to pressure from the international community on human rights and air quality in China. The authorities are expected to shut down mines to reduce accidents. Coal trucks will either be turned away or re-directed at check points leading to Beijing. For example, the Hebei provincial government has banned cargo trucks from entering into Beijing between July 1 and September 20.

Source: Market, June 27, 2008

Guangzhou Government’s Open House Highlights Dissatisfaction with Corruption

On June 26, 2008, tens of thousands of residents waited in the rain to air grievances to Guangzhou Mayor and other high level officials during an open house at local government offices. It is helpless and saddening, said Guangming Daily. “It is not normal that matters that should have been resolved through official channels may be resolved only through interventions by higher-ups.” “Who should ultimately be shamed by this?” implying  that the authorities are responsible for such failure. Of the 84 comments posted at, most expressed disappointments in government curruption and abuse of power.

Source: Guangming, June 28, 2008

Top Chinese Leaders Voted No on Earthquake Warning

According to an article in the July issue of the Hong Kong based Trend Magazine, before the May 12 earthquake, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders received serious warnings from seismology experts. During a vote on whether to inform the people, eight members of the Standing Committee of the CCP’s Polibureau voted no. Premier Wen Jiabao was the only dissenting voice.

The CCP’s decision was made to insure the success of the Olympic Torch Relay. The source said on April 26 and 27, 2008, scientists in the Natural Disaster Prediction Committee under the China Geophysics Institute reached an agreement on the following warning: “From May 2008 to April 2009, there is a possibility of Magnitude 6 – 7 earthquake in Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai bordering areas.” Chinese seismologist Geng Qingguo was more specific, he predicted that a Magnitude 7 or stronger earthquake may happen around May 8, plus or minus 10 days at Sichuan Province’s Aba Region.

On April 30, 2008, a document containing the predictions was secretly sent to the China Earthquake Administration. But it failed to convince China’s top leaders to take action.

Source:, July 3, 2008

Yum! Brands Inc. Cracks Down on Corruption in its China Operations

With speedy expansion into the China market, Yum! Brands Inc. is facing a rise in the number of business frauds and has launched a crackdown on internal corruption. The latest dismissal took place in a Pizza Hut store in Shanghai in mid-June where an employee was dismissed as a result of forging a fake financial statement.

According to statistics disclosed by Yum! Brands Inc., by the end of 2007, there were 2,100 KFC stores, including 300 opened in 2007, while the total number of Pizza Hut stores reached 300 including, 100 new stores opened in 2007. The revenue of Yum! Brands Inc. in China reached 21.5 billion yuan and its profits grew by 30 percent, accounting for 1/3 of its profits worldwide.

Source: China Business, June 23, 2008