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Current Land System Provides Soil for Corruption

The CCP Central Party School’s newspaper, Study Times, recently republished an article on the current policies on  land usage. Today in China, people know that the government’s income comes largely from charges based on the state owned land. Most countries in the world create value out of utilizing land, such as producing high quality agriculture products. Indirect and sustainable creation of the national value based on land reflects the true value of land. In China, land is now more of a “private” stock item for real estate resale. The simple relationship between some government officials and real estate developers provides soil for corruption. The people believe it is the system and the policies that caused the situation.

Source: Study Times, December 21, 2009

Xinhua Signed Agreement with China Petrochemical

Xinhua News Agency signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with China Petrochemical Corporation (aka. Sinopec Group) on December 29. In the agreement China Petrochemical signed up for the “Xinhua 08” service platform, which is a financial information and trade services system that Xinhua developed. The system integrates real time news, market quotes, historic data, research tools, analytical models and financial trade into one platform. Xinhua News Agency defines its mission as “guiding” domestic public opinion and “positively influencing” international public opinion. This new agreement is the first step in an expansion of the agency’s traditional business scope to include the information services area.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

China’s Overcapacity in the Coal Industry

In a meeting on December 31, 2009, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced a halt to approvals of new coke, carbide, methanol, and other traditional coal chemical projects. 

China has seen an acute overcapacity in the coal industry in recent years. At the end of 2009, the newly added production capacity in the coal industry on top of 2008 is estimated at around 300 million tons. Thirty-one carbide and 25 methanol national projects are currently under construction. The overcapacity will be further intensified after they are put into operation. Coal-rich regions, one after another, have been planning coal chemical projects in recent years. The capacity of total submitted coal-to-oil conversion projects exceeds 40 million tons, coal-to-olefins is at 20 million tons, and coal-to-natural gas is 25 billion cubic meters — the equivalent of a one trillion yuan investment.
Source: People’s Daily, December 31, 2009

CASS Ranked China’s Economic and International Standing

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) evaluated, ranked, and published in its yellow book of eleven countries on economic and international standing, ranking China a "7."  

CASS published its report on December 24, 2009. The U.S., still considered a super power, was clearly ranked number "1," followed by Japan in second place and Germany in 3rd place.  

The evaluation criteria was based on five main and four secondary factors: 1) territory and natural resources, population, economy, military, and science; and 2) social development, sustainability, security and domestic politics, and international contribution.

China is ranked 2nd concerning military power. Its population is a contributor to its overall ranking.

Source: China Internet Press Center, December 24, 2009

VOA: How to Interpret China’s Rising?

Voice of America (VOA) published some experts’ opinions concerning China’s rising.  

Some highlights are:
1. The more Western countries ask China for help, the more China ignores Western countries. In the past, before a U.S. President came on a State visit to China, China released several political prisoners as a goodwill gesture. But now, China no longer feels such a gesture is necessary.

2. According to World Bank’s poverty standards, there are 800 million Chinese living below the poverty line. Besides, China’s small to mid- sized enterprises are struggling to survive. Additionally, there are complicated social problems and a suffocating political system. So China is not really rising.

3. China’s economic performance was a fake prosperity. China’s government plunged six trillion yuan into the economy, but the money was absorbed by the real estate industry. Now China’s real estate market is a bubble ready to burst. In 2010, the crisis will truly damage China.

Source: VOA, December 20, 2009

Wen Jiabao: No RMB Appreciation under Pressure

In an interview on December 27, 2009, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao commented on the RMB’s value. Wen confirmed that the RMB will not undergo any appreciation as a result of outside pressure. He suggested that protectionism is rising rapidly against China. Some countries are coming up with a large number of trade barriers, even in the name of environmental protection. Wen believes keeping a stable RMB value is China’s contribution to the world economy. Meanwhile, he is not optimistic about next year’s trend of Chinese exports.

Source: Xinhua, December 27, 2009

282 Confucius Institutes in 88 Countries

Huanqiu reprinted a report originally published on on December 4, 2009, describing the development of Confucius Institutes around the world. Since 2004, 282 Confucius Institutes have been set up in 88 countries. At present, online Confucius Institutes are available to 149 countries. In addition, there are 11 Confucius radio broadcasting classes.

In 2009, the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOCFL) has sent 2,060 training teachers to 109 countries and 2,740 Chinese language volunteer teachers to 71 countries. At the same time, 1,020 foreign students from 50 countries are studying in China for their Master’s degrees, majoring in International Chinese Education, and 2,200 foreign students are studying the Chinese language in China. Over 1,000 U.S. elementary and secondary school principals have been invited to visit China.

Source:, December 04, 2009 

China Is Worried about High Real Estate Prices

Xinhua reported that Wen Jiabao presided over a December 14 State Council Executive Meeting in which China’s communist controlled government acknowledged that the country is facing real estate problems. Since the time China stimulated its economy, the already high-priced housing market experienced another upsurge, making it unaffordable for the average Chinese to attain decent housing. Many Chinese people live in sheds. The meeting attendees demanded that the government exert pressure, curb rising housing prices and increase the supply of non-luxury residential properties, such as low to mid-level priced and small to mid-level sized housing and public rental housing. 

Source: Xinhua, December 14, 2009