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BBC Chinese: Indonesia Bans TikTok E-Commerce Services

BBC Chinese recently reported that the Indonesian government last week required TikTok to separate its e-commerce functionality from its video sharing services. The measures took effect on October 4. Authorities said the ban was intended to protect local brick-and-mortar and online retailers.

Indonesian Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said E-commerce cannot become social media now; the two need to be separated. He added that if TikTok does not comply with the new regulations within one week, its operating license may be revoked.

In 2021, Indonesia became the first country to pilot e-commerce services for TikTok, and it is also one of the largest markets in the world for the TikTok Shop. TikTok responded in a statement saying its first priority is to comply with local laws and regulations. It will no longer conduct e-commerce transactions in Indonesia.

Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s largest economy, and the country’s online retail industry has boomed in recent years. Indonesia’s population exceeds 278 million, while TikTok’s users in Indonesia number 125 million. This figure includes 6 million seller accounts as well as millions of content creators who use the TikTok Shop to make money.

The rise of online retailers has hit brick-and-mortar stores hard in Indonesia.

Source: BBC Chinese, October 4, 2023


CCP Media Praises “Community of Common Destiny for Mankind”

{Editor’s note: The “Community of Shared Human Destiny” is a political framework promoted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to advance foreign-policy goals, i.e. increasing the CCP’s power to influence other international players and its ability to dominate in the realms of economics, security, and geopolitics. [2]}

Xinhua reported that China’s State Council Information Office recently released a white paper titled “Working Together to Build a Community of Shared Human Destiny: China’s Proposals and Actions.” The article said that “this year marks the 10th anniversary of China’s proposal” of the concept. The article stated that over the past decade, the idea of a “Community of Shared Human Destiny” has formed into a scientific and theoretical system, and that this concept “is superior to the idea of ‘Universal Values’ promoted by a select few Western countries. It aligns with the trend of the times, advocates for global cooperation, and promotes the development of the international order in a more just and equitable direction.”


[1] Xinhua, September 28, 2023

[2] “Community of Common Destiny”, Wikipedia, retrieved October 7, 2023

First International Order for China’s C919 Airplane Comes From a Chinese Company

Chinese media reported that Brunei’s Gallop Air has signed a letter of intent to purchase 30 aircraft. The purchase wil l include fifteen C919 models and fifteen ARJ-21 models from the China Commercial Aircraft Co. This marks the first C919 order and the second ARJ-21 order from an overseas airline. The deal was valued at US$2 billion.

The C919 is China’s first domestically-developed jetliner, seating 158 to 192 passengers and having a range of 4,075 to 5,555 kilometers. The ARJ-21 is a Chinese-produced regional airplane seating 78 passengers.

It turns out that this international order actually originates from a Chinese company.

Chinese media reported that the Gallop Air (骐骥航空), though operated in Brunei, is a private company based in China. The company was established in August 2021, registered with 10 million Yuan capital. Its full name is “Qi Ji Aviation Industry Development (Shaanxi) Co.” (骐骥航空产业发展(陕西)有限公司).

The first international sales of the Chinese ARJ-21 model, sold to Indonesia’s TransNusa, was also backed by China’s state-owned funds.

1. Lianhe Zaobao, September 25, 2023
2. NetEase, September 26, 2023

Chinese Continue Fishing in Sea of Japan Despite Beijing’s High-Profile Protest of Japan’s Nuclear Wastewater

Beijing has made a big deal of criticizing Japan for discharging treated and diluted wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. China has also announced a comprehensive ban on importing Japanese seafood.

However, Japanese media The Asahi Shimbun reported that Chinese fishing vessels continue to operate near Japanese waters and that there has been no significant drop in the total count of such boats. The report said that on September 19, 162 Chinese fishing vessels were observed operating approximately 1,000 kilometers east of Nemuro City in Hokkaido, Japan. From early August to September 19, there were 146 to 167 Chinese fishing vessels each day, fishing for saury, mackerel, and sardines in the North Pacific waters off Hokkaido, alongside Japanese fishing vessels.

Source: Radio Free Asia, September 26, 2023

UDN: Vietnam to Restart Rare Earth Mine, Will be Largest in the World

Vietnam will restart its largest rare earth mine next year according to a recent report by United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups. Two companies participating in the bid told Reuters that this Western-backed mining project will be the largest rare earth mine in the world. According to estimates from the U.S. Geological Survey, Vietnam ranks second in the world in rare earth reserves. A large part of these reserves remain untapped.

U.S. President Biden recently visited Hanoi with the aim of deepening relations between the United States and Vietnam. He signed an agreement enhancing Vietnam’s ability to attract U.S. investors for the purpose of developing rare earth mines.

Analysts and foreign officials say the purpose of the U.S. investing in Vietnam’s rare earth mines is to lighten dependence on China and reduce supply chain risks. Given China’s near-monopoly position as the world’s biggest rare earth metal producer, China has been able to set low prices so as to discourage other countries’ willingness to invest in their own rare earth mining operations. Refining rare earths metals is a very complex process, and China has mastered many related processing technologies.

Source: UDN, September 25, 2023

CNA: India Suspends Travel Visas Issuance to Hong Kong Passport Holders

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that India has suspended the issuance of tourist visas to holders of Chinese and Hong Kong SAR passports. In the past, Hong Kong passport holders could apply for an Indian e-Visa online or submit their application in person at the Indian Consulate General office in Hong Kong. Business visas are not affected, and British National (Overseas) (BNO) passport holders are still eligible to apply for visas.

This move may be related to the tense relations between China and India. Regarding visa eligibility of Hong Kong BNO passport holders, India is probably drawing a distinction between Hong Kong SAR passport holders (regarding them as Chinese citizens) and BNO passport holders, who are British nationals.

The Indian online visa platform shows a list of countries and regions whose residents can apply for Indian visas. Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau are excluded from the list, but Taiwan residents are included.

The Consulate General of India in Hong Kong did not respond to CNA’s inquiries on this matter.

Source: CNA, September 30, 2023

CCP Funds Taiwan Communist Party to Infiltrate Elections: Chairman Indicted

The chairman and vice chairman of the Taiwan People’s Communist Party (TPCP), Lin Te-wang and Cheng Chien-hsin, were indicted on charges of receiving financial support from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) to influence Taiwan’s elections. Prosecutors said Lin was expelled from Taiwan’s Kuomintang party (KMT) in 2016, lost an election, then formed the TPCP in 2017 and served as its chairman. Since then, Lin has contacted TAO officials and led delegations to China to develop ties. In 2018, a TAO official instructed Lin to run for office and nominated Cheng as well. During their campaigns, they received funding from the TAO. The TPCP has also protested visits by U.S. officials. Prosecutors said the TPCP has become an agent of China, using intimidation to influence Taiwan’s sovereignty and democracy.

Analysts say this incident shows China’s sophisticated infiltration model of using small parties to influence specific groups so as to achieve the effect of “encircling the city from the countryside.” The lack of awareness by Taiwanese people is also a problem, with numerous cases of Taiwanese people spying for China.

Prosecutors have indicted Lin and Cheng and recommended harsh sentencing under Taiwan’s Anti-Infiltration Law. Nonetheless, some experts have expressed concern that Taiwan’s legislation is inadequate for this case, with punishments lighter than in other countries — that there is a need for greater consciousness among the public regarding China’s hostile intentions and latent infiltration across all levels of society.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 3, 2023

China’s Version of the Story on Removal of Floating Barriers at the Scarborough Shoal

{Editor’s Note: Last week many international media reported that China’s Coast Guard deployed floating barriers in the disputed Scarborough Shoal area to block Philippine fishing boats from entering those waters. The Philippine Coast Guard responded by cutting the ropes so that its fishermen could enter the lagoon and fish.}

China’s state media has said that reports about the Philippine Coast Guard are a lie, saying that it was China that removed the floating barrier from the Scarborough Shoal, not the Philippine Coast Guard. Xinhua published a statement by Chinese Coast Guard Spokesperson Gan Yu on September 28:

On September 22nd, official vessels of the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau illegally entered the waters near China’s Scarborough Shoal without China’s government approval, engaging in provocative activities. The Chinese Coast Guard lawfully employed measures such as verbal warnings and route controls to effectively manage the situation. They temporarily deployed anti-intrusion nets in response to the Philippine vessels’ attempt to forcibly enter the lagoon. On September 23rd [the China Coast Guard] proactively removed those blockades and restored the area to a state of normal control. These operations were conducted professionally and in accordance with the law. The Philippine claim that they removed Chinese barriers [by themselves] is entirely fabricated and self-staged.

Source: Xinhua, September 28, 2023