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Xinhua: Russia Opened Its First Institute to Study Xi Jinping Thought

Xinhua News Agency reported that Russia has established a research office in Moscow, specializing in the study of “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era.” The office’s name in Russian is “Research Office on Chinese Contemporary Ideology and Xi Jinping Thought.” It was set up by the Institute of China and Modern Asia Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The office has 10 specialists now, from the Institute of China and Modern Asia Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of World Economy and International Relations Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Russian Higher Economic University.

The office’s research covers various fields, including politics, the economy, diplomacy, military, ecology, and culture. The first batch of its research results will be published in monograph form in 2025.

Source: Xinhua, June 21, 2023

Italy Contemplates Exiting “Belt and Road Initiative” as CCP Dispatches Delegation amidst Coercive Communications

Italy, the only G7 country participating in China’s “Belt and Road Initiative,” is contemplating its withdrawal from the program. To persuade the Italian government to renew the agreement, a delegation led by Liu Jianchao, head of the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party, is reportedly being sent to Rome. The main objective of Liu’s visit is to engage in a dialogue with Italy’s center-right governing coalition, particularly with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in order to secure the renewal of the “Belt and Road Initiative” agreement by the end of the year.

Italy joined the initiative in 2019 under former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, but its economic benefits were considered to be below expectations. The current memorandum of understanding for cooperation is set to expire at the end of this year, and, if it is not renewed, it will become invalid. On multiple occasions, the Meloni government has expressed its inclination to withdraw from the initiative .

The Chinese Ambassador to Italy, Jia Guide, warned that if the “Belt and Road Initiative” is not renewed by the end of the year, it will pose a significant obstacle to bilateral exchanges. China is planning to send an important delegation, including ministers responsible for propaganda and customs, to visit Italy in the near future. However, if Italy withdraws from the initiative, China has threatened to suspend such exchanges and visits.

China has also hinted at possible economic and trade consequences for Italy if it chooses to withdraw from the “Belt and Road Initiative.” The official Chinese media outlet, the Global Times, has conveyed coercive messages in this regard.

Source: Radio Free Asia, June 23, 2023

Lianhe Zaobao: U.S. Nuclear Aircraft Carrier to Make Rare Stop in Vietnam

Singapore’s primary Chinese language newspaper Lianhe Zaobao recently reported that the US aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan will dock in the central Vietnamese port city of Da Nang on June 25, for six days. The USS Ronald Reagan is the ninth ship of the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. While the situation in the South China Sea remains tense, it is very rare for a US warship to call at the port of this Southeast Asian country. The Ronald Reagan was the third US aircraft carrier to visit Vietnam after the Vietnam War. In 2020, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, the fourth ship of the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, docked in Vietnam. China claims almost the entire South China Sea, which includes the exclusive economic zones of Vietnam and other countries in the region. The South China Sea is an important waterway for international routes. American aircraft carriers often pass through this resource-rich sea area and Chinese warships often track and monitor them. The Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong fleet sailed southwest of the Taiwan Strait only a few days ago.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, June 23, 2023

EUCCC: European Companies’ Confidence in Doing Business in China Has Deteriorated

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) just released its latest survey. The survey showed that, in the face of growing risks and a more unstable business environment, European companies’ confidence in doing business in China has deteriorated. Companies have begun to review their investment and business strategies in China. According to the survey, 64 percent (a record high) of the respondents said that doing business in China has become more difficult in the past year, and 30 percent of the companies said that their revenue shrank compared with the same period last year. This ratio increased by 20 percentage points and reached the highest level in history. Around 75 percent of the companies have reviewed their supply chain strategy in the past two years, with 24 percent saying they plan to relocate some of their supply chains to China and 12 percent who have already moved some of their supply chains out of China. In addition, 10 percent of the respondents said that they have moved or plan to move their Asian headquarters or business unit headquarters out of China. The number of respondents who regard China as the top three investment destinations in the future has dropped by 13 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Surveys point to increased decoupling between headquarters and China operations, mainly to manage risk. Jens Eskelund, president of the EUCCC, said the negative trends seen from this year’s survey were worrying and reflected challenges posed by an uncertain policy environment in China and heightened geopolitical tensions.

Source: LTN, June 21, 2023

HK01: German Intelligence Agency Identified China as the Biggest Threat to Economic and Scientific Espionage

Popular Hong Kong new online media HK01 Network recently reported that, Germany just released the Report of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Although Germany releases this report every year, this time it is extraordinary both in terms of the strength of its warnings and in measuring changes in Germany’s security environment within a year. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said at a press conference that Russia’s war on Ukraine is a turning point for Germany’s domestic security. However, the strongest warning in the Report is directed at China, which it calls Germany’s “greatest threat in terms of economic and scientific espionage.” Earlier, the German government released, for the first time, a comprehensive national security strategy aimed at expanding Germany’s efforts to counter new military, economic and geopolitical threats. The Report indicated that Germany was one of the most important targets for Chinese investment in Europe in 2022. Direct investment not only provides opportunities for China to close its innovation deficit and achieve technological leadership, but also opens the door to political influence, espionage, and sabotage. These activities could also jeopardize Germany’s competitiveness as an industrial and technological hub and undermine the legal system of a market economy. Ultimately, this threatens to lead to a loss of prosperity and thus jeopardize democracy, social cohesion and Germany’s independence. Chinese Premier Li Qiang was visiting Germany at the time the Report was published.

Source: HK01, June 21, 2023

Japanese Air Conditioning Manufacturers Shift Supply Chain Away from China

Japanese home appliance companies like Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, and Fujitsu General are taking steps to improve their supply systems for residential air conditioners following the challenges faced during the summer of 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic led to production stoppages and semiconductor shortages, impacting the sale of air conditioners. To avoid missed profit opportunities and meet the high demand for air conditioners in 2023, these companies are enhancing their production capabilities and supply chains.

Hitachi Johnson Controls Air Conditioning has established a new production line for indoor air conditioning units in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. By increasing production capacity and adding around 200 workers, the company aims to meet the summer demand for air conditioners. Previously, most of their air conditioners were manufactured in China, but the temporary shutdown of the Shanghai factory in 2022 disrupted production and semiconductor procurement. Learning from this experience, Hitachi decided to shift production to Japan, increasing the proportion of air conditioners manufactured in Japan by 20 percentage points.

Mitsubishi Electric’s Shizuoka factory is operating at full capacity to produce lightweight outdoor units for high-demand models. The company incorporated feedback from construction workers and adopted a design that is easier to install. Fujitsu General, on the other hand, is intensifying production at its Shanghai factory targeting the Japanese market. The company implemented measures to overcome pandemic-related restrictions, such as using alternative components.

Japanese companies are collaborating closely in component procurement and production to improve the supply system. They are also implementing long-term measures to ensure a stable supply chain, such as adjusting product designs to reduce the number of components and localizing component procurement in various factories worldwide.

To address rising electricity prices and changing consumer preferences, companies are introducing energy-saving and eco-friendly air conditioner models with higher efficiency. Second-hand air conditioners have also become popular, leading to increased sales in this market segment.

Overall, Japanese home appliance companies are focused on building resilient supply chains and balancing stable supply with profitability. They have learned from the challenges of the past and are taking proactive measures to meet the demand for air conditioners and offer innovative, energy-efficient products to consumers.

Source: Nikkei, June 14, 2023

CNA: New Development Bank Aims to Challenge Dollar Now Needs Dollar to Rescue

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that the New Development Bank jointly established by China and the BRICS is supposed to reshape international finance and reduce developing countries’ dependence on the U.S. dollar. However, after Russia invaded Ukraine, the bank may now become a “zombie bank.” Chinese President Xi Jinping and the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa established the New Development Bank (NDB) eight years ago, headquartered in Shanghai. According to interviews with bankers and others familiar with the matter, NDB has now all but stopped making new loans and is having trouble raising dollar funds to pay its debts. Shortly after Russia’s foray into Ukraine last February, the New Development Bank froze all new loans to Russia to reassure investors. However, Russia owns nearly 20 percent of NDB, and Wall Street was quick to turn wary of it. Since then, NDB has had to take on increasingly high debts to service old debts and meet its own liquidity needs. After the establishment of NDB, members found it difficult to rely solely on China’s banks and capital markets. The bank began borrowing billions of dollars from Wall Street as well as Chinese state-owned banks. About two-thirds of its borrowing is in dollars. Given its own slowing economic growth, China has so far been reluctant to commit more money to boost the NDB’s coffers. To complicate matters further, according to the bank’s charter, the next country likely to be the NDB’s rotating president is Russia.

Source: CNA, June 17, 2023

China’s Police Shared Experiences on Conducting Operations Overseas

Recently overseas media reported that Chinese police from Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province published their “successful” experiences in conducting operations in other countries. The article was published in the second issue of the Zhejiang Police College Publication in 2019.

There are 330,000 Chinese from Qingtian County who live in 128 foreign countries and regions. These diasporas have established 314 diasporas associations.

The police experience article talked about their work of combining “one concept, two overall plannings, three collaborations, four major mechanisms, and five areas of governance.”

“Two overall plannings” included the planning for domestic and overseas,words, two battlefields. Domestic planning – visit the relatives (inside China) of the overseas “stability maintenance” targets (usually the political activists/dissidents whom the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) views as a threat to its rule in China). Overseas planning – send working groups abroad to meet with the Chinese diasporas.

“Three collaborations”: One is to collaborate with Chinese embassies and consulates and  them to reach out to local Chinese diaspora groups. Two is to collaborate with the leaders of diaspora associations – Qingtian police has established regular collaborative mechanism with 230 Chinese diaspora associations and maintained regular contacts with 150 influential diaspora leaders. Three is to collaborate with the people who were the former police officers or relatives of former police officers.

The article also talked about strengthening the party’s leadership, including expanding the party organization’s reach to the overseas Chinese diaspora associations and establishing a party structure inside the Chinese diaspora associations via the party organs at China’s embassies and consulates.

The Qingtian police created a “Police-Diaspora Station” service center. Its online system started operation in 2018. The Qingtian police led the efforts, with Chinese diaspora associations participating in and providing offices. The service center has organized video conferences, information sharing sessions, regular meetings, and timely service. It created 15 sub-centers in 11 countries including Spain, Italy, and France.

The “four major mechanisms” includes establishing a “grid-management” mechanism, with larger diaspora associations as the base, and diaspora leaders, diasporas who are party members, and overseas police liaisons as the expanding points, to manage the diaspora communities. It has “successfully” handled 15 cases of a few diasporas’ protests against the CCP or its leader’s visit.

The “five areas of governance” listed anti-Falun Gong as its first area. It quoted that Qingtian police guided the “World Chinese Diaspora Anti-Cult Association in Spain” to protest the Shen Yun performance held in Barcelona in 2014.

Source: Epoch Times, May 25, 2023