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Government/Politics - 270. page

China Youth Daily: China Must Walk Its Own Path

China Youth Daily published a commentary titled “China Must Walk its Own Path.” The commentary stated that, from identifying Marxism as its core to applying Marxism to China, the Communist Party has blazed a Chinese style socialist path. It pointed out that the Communist Party has done three major things and has had three major achievements. The three major things are 1) completing the new democratic revolution, national independence and people’s liberation; 2) completing the socialist revolution and establishing the socialist system; and 3) engaging in open-door reform and developing Chinese style socialism. The three major achievements are 1) blazing a Chinese style socialist path; 2) founding Chinese style socialist theory; and 3) establishing the Chinese style socialist system.

Source: China Youth Daily reprinted by Xinhua, August 15, 2011

China’s Vice Premier: Government Credibility Tied to Safety of High-speed Railway

On August 15, 2011, at a State Council’s kickoff on safety issues, Zhang Dejiang, China’s Vice Premier, said that safety checks on China’s high-speed railway network must be conducted to raise the government’s credibility. “An extensive safety check has become … an urgent need in order to raise government credibility and public satisfaction.” Zhang said that if major safety threats are found during the month long inspection from now to mid September, train operations and construction should be suspended immediately.

Source: The Beijing News reprinted by People’s Online, August 17, 2011

China’s Ministry of Agriculture: The Best Practices in the Party’s Ideological Work on Farmers

Red Flag Manuscript published a research paper from China’s Ministry of Agriculture that discussed the best practices in the Party’s ideological and political work in the countryside. The article stated that the victories that the Party achieved in the past were the result of taking resolving agricultural and farmers’ issues as the number one priority, adopting and implementing agricultural policies, and targeting the hearts of farmers in the Party’s ideological and political work, all of which won the support of the vast majority of farmers. The practices that have proved best include 1) always consider the farmers’ issues as the most important; 2) always tie the core task of the Party with the ideological work on farmers; 3) always treat the resolution of land problems as the foundation of the Party’s work on farmers’ issues; 4) implement the Party’s agricultural policies along with its ideological and political work.

Source: Red Flag Manuscript reprinted by Qiushi, August 10, 2011

Study Times: The Contemporary Value of Mao’s Ideology of Forming a United Front

 Li Anji, an official with the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, wrote in Study Times that understanding Mao Zedong’s ideology on forming alliances is critical to building a harmonious society. Li addressed the issue from three perspectives: the pragmatism, the long-term vision, and the tactics of Mao’s ideology in forming alliances with non-Communist Party organizations. “Currently, the most important historical task placed in front of the Communist Party’s Central Committee and the people is to build a harmonious socialist society. To that end, the following has important theoretical and practical revelations: to sum up and learn from the rich and harmonious concepts in Mao’s united front ideology will assist us in spotting the main issue in contemporary China, coordinating the ever-widening disparity of interests of different groups, solidifying the domestic united front, building a harmonious society, creating a harmonious domestic environment for economic and social development, establishing a broad international united front, strengthening international exchange and cooperation, and creating a peaceful international environment for the rise of China.“

Source: Study Times, August 8, 2011

International Herald Leader: China needs a Ministry of National Emergencies

The International Herald Leader, a publication under Xinhua, stated in a commentary that there is a need to form a cross-functional “Ministry of National Emergencies” under the State Council.

The commentary said that the existing “Command Center,” “Group of Leaders,” or “Rescue Center” in China appear to be temporary, unprofessional, and not in conformance with international standards. It named the Homeland Security Department in the U.S. and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia as the models for China to follow.

“If the answer had been yes to the question about a Ministry of National Emergencies, then the current investigation of the high speed train incident could have been handled by this Ministry rather than the ‘Specialist Team’ set up by the authorities in the Ministry of Railways.” The commentary observed that, provided there was no security leakage issue, the ministry could have invited high speed train experts from countries such as Japan and Germany to conduct a joint investigation to identify the causes.

Source: Xinhua, August 5, 2011

Young Journalists Swear Loyalty Oath to the Party

On August 4, one hundred young journalists from 18 official news media agencies including People’s Daily, Xinhua, PLA Daily, Qiushi, Guangming Daily, and Economic Daily went to Qingliang Mountain in Yan‘an, the birthplace of the media center of the Communist Party. From 1935 to 1948, Yan‘an served as the revolutionary base for the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

They visited the Yan’an Media Memorial Hall and participated in a ceremony where they took an oath to “carry on the party’s media work tradition … and strive to be a media worker who will let the party be worry-free." Following the oath swearing ceremony, the group was divided into ten teams and went to stay with the villagers in Wuqi and Yanchang villages of Yan’an in order to experience the villagers’ life and “increase their sense responsibility as news reporters.”

Source: Chinese Communist Party News Website, August 4, 2011

Guangming Daily: What Is the West Afraid of by Warning Africa not to Learn from China?

Guangming Daily published an article expressing the Chinese Communist government’s discontent with British Prime Minister David Cameron’s comments on China during his visit to Africa. The article said, “British Prime Minister Cameron visited Africa recently for the first time since he took office. Although his schedule was cut short due to the News of the World phone hacking scandal, Cameron didn’t forget to find time in Nigeria to give the Africans a lecture on Western democracy and free trade. At the same time, (he) specifically warned the African countries not to learn from China’s development model, which is ‘autocratic capitalism;’ (and that) only a ‘free society’ will bring Africa ‘sustainable stability and development.’ What he meant was that the Western system is the only choice for Africa.”

“Attacking China and Sino-African relations is not a manifestation of Western confidence. On the contrary, it is proof that they lack confidence. They deliberately belittle China in front of Africans. (Their purpose) is to maintain their control and monopoly over Africa in ideology, politics, the economy, and culture, and to kill Africa’s self-awareness and independent development. From this perspective, Cameron—the new generation prime minister of the self-claimed ‘out of the shadow of colonialsm’ and ‘not imposing Western beliefs on Africa,’ is no different from his predecessors. What they have done is truly ‘autocratic capitalism.’”

Source: Guangming Daily,July 28, 2011

Party Official Advocates Promotion of Red Culture

Huanqiu reported on some comments made by Liu Yunshan, the Propaganda Minister and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party after visiting the Red Army memorial at Zunyi and the propaganda and cultural units in Guiyang. Liu expressed that he advocated the promotion of red culture. 

“We have blazed a path for the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. We are ushering in a golden period of cultural development. We must fully understand the status and role of culture, profoundly grasp cultural characteristics and patterns, institutionalize innovative mechanisms, and strengthen policy support in order to powerfully guarantee the promotion of the development and prosperity of socialist culture.” Liu emphasized that it is necessary to use historical cultural resources, red cultural resources, folk cultural resources and ecological cultural resources wisely.

Source: Huanqiu, July 25, 2011