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The Fall of the Soviet Union Due to the Loss of the Party’s Soul

An article published on Xinhua’s Outlook Weekly magazine analyzed the collapse of the former Soviet Union 20 years ago. “The fall of the Soviet Union was due to the loss of the Party’s soul and the degeneration of the Party’s nature. Gorbachev’s blind political restructuring and hasty democratization were the accelerator and the fuse of the whole process.” 

Having reviewed the “failure” of the Soviet Union’s political reform, the author, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, concluded, “Political reform is the self-improvement of the socialist system. Thus we must uphold the right direction. Political reform must be conducive to the country’s stability and national unity; it must be conducive to enhancing political democracy, political stability and political effectiveness; it must be under the strong leadership of the Party on a comprehensive, scientific and political development road.”

Source: Outlook Weekly, June 27, 2011

First Privately Owned Party School Formed in Shanghai

The Ossen Group, a private company in Shanghai with a core business in steel and real estate, formed its own Party school, the first in the private business sector. The Ossen Party School consists of the school principal, an administrator, and a guidance counselor and will organize trainings for the Party members within the Ossen group. 

According to the Party secretary of the Ossen Group, the group has established CCP branch offices in each subsidiary company, conducted training and education on Party guidelines and core values, and regularized CCP activities in the group so as to attract the younger generation to embrace the Party. Now 90 percent of the company’s leadership personnel are CCP members. In recent years, it has recruited over 150 new Party members.

Source: People Daily Online, June 21, 2011

Returned Overseas Chinese Organized to Show Support for the Party

To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the Communist Party organized various activities for overseas Chinese who returned to settle in China. On June 19, 2011, close to 2,500 attended the “Overseas Chinese Support the Party with Their Hearts” event at a Beijing stadium where the attendees sang pro-Party songs. People from 15 organizations formed groups to sing together. “The song ‘There would be no new China without the Communist Party’ opened the entire performance. People sang an array of select songs together to pay tribute to the Chinese Communist Party’s 90 years of struggle and great achievements.” Earlier, organizations of overseas Chinese from Vietnam, Laos, and Korea held various activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Party, with pro-Party songs and music.

Source: Guangming Daily, June 21, 2011

A Million CCP Members in Anhui Swore Loyalty to the Party

On June 15, at a local Revolutionary Martyrs’ Cemetery in Hefei, the capital city of the Anhui Province in eastern China, over 1,000 Chinese Communist Party members in provincial government agencies and military organs re-chanted their oath and swore loyalty to the Party. It is part of the campaign taking place at all levels of CCP organizations in the province, with the theme of “a million CCP members refresh the oath made when joining the Party and memorialize revolutionary martyrs.”

Source: Xinhua, June 15, 2011

CCP’s Propaganda Eye on the Young Generation

As the CCP’s 90th anniversary approaches, books and videos glorifying the CCP’s history have been flooding bookstores. A noteworthy phenomenon is that all the products target the young generation born in the “80s” and “90s,” and are tailored to their taste. Li Zhongjie, deputy director of the Party’s History Research Centre, announced that “the website of CCP history” that recently opened on June 8 is very suitable for a young audience. The announcement signals that the CCP is following the market’s requirements to describe history from the young generation’s perspective so as to attract them to the Party. Movies and TV series of the same themes also feature popular young stars, which boosts the ratings.

Source: China News Service, June 13, 2011

Qiushi: Unswervingly Uphold the Party’s Absolute Leadership over the Army

Li Jinai, a member of the Central Military Commission and chief of the General Political Department of the PLA, published an article in the Party’s top publication Qiushi, reemphasizing the absolute leadership of the Party over the army. “The Party’s absolute control of the army is a fundamental principle of the army’s development and the eternal soul of the army.” Li slammed the voice of “nationalization of the military,” calling it an “attack on the fundamental principle and system of the Party’s absolute control of the army, with a goal of breaking the army away from the Party’s leadership, overthrowing the ruling status of the CCP, and overthrowing socialism with Chinese characteristics.” 

The idea of “nationalization of the military” calls for a western style relationship between the military and political party, where the army is led by the government instead of any political party. In recent years, it has been under heavy attack by official media.

Source: Qiushi, June 16, 2011

China’s Health Ministry to Blacklist Reporters

On Monday, June 13, 2011, Mao Qunan, the Director of the Public Information Center of China’s Health Ministry, said at a conference themed “scientifically understanding food additives,” that media reports on food safety are increasingly worrying the public. The Ministry is establishing a media platform “to attack and contain the few media that are intentionally misleading the public by spreading wrong messages with ulterior motives.” “We will also establish a blacklist for a very few media reporters,” said Mao.

Source: Xinhua, June 15, 2011

Grassroots Communist Party Organizations Cover the Tibet

On June 10, 2011, the Chinese Communist Party’s Organization Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region announced that CCP organizations have been established in each of the 5,200 administrative villages, a complete coverage of the region’s countryside. 

According to the Organization Department, they have actively developed a cadre team and by the end of 2010, the team had 109,000 members, of which 77,000 or 70.03 percent were Tibetan ethnic minorities. The region now has a total of 208,000 Party members, which accounts for 7.2 percent of the population. Since the region was established, Party membership has grown 14 times in total; the number among farmers and herdsmen has grown 22.86 times, reaching 97,700 members.

Source: China News Service, June 10, 2011