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Study Times: Party School’s Last Name Is Party”

Study Times, the newspaper published by the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, published an article by Shen Baoxiang, a Party School professor. Shen stated that the principle “Party School’s last name is Party” has been written into the Party School’s work regulations, which should be absolutely implemented. The “Party School’s last name is Party” requires the Party School to resolutely put Democratic Centralism into practice, strengthen organizational discipline, and fight against any violations of Party discipline.

Shen also argued that mediocrity, conservative, and rigidness cannot not be tolerated either. Those who do not make any mistakes by doing nothing successful should also be treated strictly.

Source: Study Times, September 14, 2009

Top Party Leader Presses for Greater Security for October 1

Zhou Yongkang, Politburo Standing Member and Party Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, pressed for greater local security measures for the October 1 National Day Celebration. During an inspection tour of Beijing and its vicinity, Zhou said, “Maintaining stability in the capital to ensure celebrations are safe and successful is the overriding political task at the moment. Various destabilizing factors and security risks should be resolved locally so that local stability throughout the country will ensure stability in the capital, which in turn will lead to a safe and successful National Day celebration.”

Source: Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China, September 23, 2009

China News Service: The CommuniquÚ Reveals the Party’s Concern about Looming Problems

The Communiqué by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was published on September 18. China News Service quoted expert’s interpretation of the communiqué: it reveals the Communist Party’s concern about looming problems.

The communiqué mentioned the current situation more than just once, pointing to “Profound changes in the global, country and party situation, which imposed a new requirement for the Party’s development” and “The entire Party should brace itself for impending danger in the time of peace, develop heightened awareness of looming problems, remain concerned for the Party, fulfill the Chinese people’s responsibility to expand the Party, be daring regarding reform and innovation, and under no circumstances be rigid or stagnant.”

Source: China News Service, September 18, 2009

The Chosun Ilbo: Xi Jinping’s Hard Line Talks

During the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the focal point was whether Xi Jinping would be crowned as the next leader of the Communist Party. The Chosun Ilbo, or North Korea Daily, reported some of Xi’s hard Line talks:

“China can solve the problem of feeding 1.3 billion people. That has already been the greatest contribution to the global community. Some foreigners who had nothing to do after being fed kept pointing fingers at us. China does not export revolution, does not export hunger or poverty, and does not try to stir up your lives, either. Why should you criticize China?”

Response on “How to view the Tibetan turmoil.” “There are many birds in a cage. If we drive the noisy birds out, the cage will no longer be active. We have already been immunized and seen too much. The key is how we settle our scores.”

Source: The Chosun Ilbo, September 18, 2009

Xinhua: Ministry of Culture Implementing Culture Industry Development Plan

Minister of Culture Cai Wu said on September 14th that the Ministry is actively coming up with policies to stimulate the development of the culture industry. The primary efforts are focused on these aspects: (1) improving resource integration to speed up establishing leading “culture enterprises"; (2) encouraging private capital to enter the area of the culture industry; (3) establishing large scale model concentrated culture bases; (4) improving technology-oriented creativity; (5) following the “Go Out” strategy and internationalizing the culture market; (6) building corresponding financial and human resource systems.

Source: Xinhua, September 14, 2009.

Xinhua: International Chinese Media Alliance Founded in Shanghai

The creation of the International Chinese Media Alliance was announced on the closing day of the Fifth International Chinese Media Forum on September 20 in Shanghai. Chinese language media around the globe have been challenged since the second half of 2008, which is a general trend that remains unchanged. Other than a few newspapers that were hit hard by the financial crisis, nearly all Chinese language media are still running. Internet based Chinese language websites actually had a 30% traffic increase.

China News Services took the initiative to call for the creation of the Alliance. The preparatory work started two years ago and received 116 agreement letters from various countries.

Source: Xinhua, September 20, 2009.

China’s Think Tanks to Learn From Western Model and Increase Domestic Influence

As an important component of the nation’s softpower, the Chinese think tank is striving to learn from the Western “think tank” model to increase China’s ability to deal with various challenges. One example is the formation of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) in March and its 2009 Global Think Tank Summit in July.

Composed of mostly active and retired high ranking officials, CCIEE is trying to build its own funding sources so as to maintain independence. 

The statistics show China has 2,500 research institutes that have policy study as their core research topic, out of which, 2,000 provide services to the government directly or indirectly. Most of the think tanks are owned by the government with a small number belonging to universities or independent entities.

Source: Xinhua, September 20, 2009

Qiu Shi Calls For Unity of Socialism and Patriotism

Qiu Shi Journal published its 18th issue on September 16, 2009. It carried an article on socialism titled “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is the Unity of Socialism and Patriotism.” The article reaffirmed the ideology that only socialism can save China. It also stated that "in facing new opportunities and challenges, China must reshape the nation’s spirit using the unity of socialism and patriotism."

Source: Xinhua, September 15, 2009