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Party Organizations Established in over 85% of Guangdong Law Firms

According to the Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice, it has achieved “three complete coverages” in the Party membership build-up. All of the 27 lawyers associations now have established Party organizations. All of the 1,268 law firms in Guangdong with Party member lawyers have established Party organizations and all of the 197 law firms that do not have Party member lawyers now have Party liaisons in place to establish Party organizations. Of the 17,241 practicing lawyers in Guangdong Province, 5,766 are Party members.

Source: Xinhua, September 15, 2009

New Regulations Prohibit Receiving Satellite Programs

The Chinese State Administration for Radio, Film and Television passed a new ordinance, “Regulations on Managing Ground Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcast” and “Temporary Measures for Installation Service of Ground Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcasts.” This regulation dictates new rules concerning the sale and installation of satellite dishes and decoders. Only government authorized manufacturers and retailers are allowed to manufacture and sell such equipment. Imports need government consent and an individual is not allowed to bring such equipment into or mail them to the country. Installation also needs government authorization. Any unlicensed person is not granted permission to install the equipment. (Ed – Satellite dishes allow Chinese people to view non-government television and radio programs. The Chinese government has been highly aggressive in stopping people from viewing such programs, including New Tang Dynasty Television and other US-based independent TV networks).

Source: China News Agency, September 15, 2009

Xinhua: A Forum on the Media Force Building Exercise Held in Beijing

Xinhua reported recently on a forum held in Beijing on deepening the Three Items of Education exercise. The forum was sponsored by the Party’s Central Propaganda Department. The “Three Items” are as follows: the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics; the Marxist View of Journalism and Professionalism; Work Ethics. As part of the “education” exercise, 100 young reporters and 100 core journalists from 18 national level news agencies visited multiple “old revolutionary base areas” during July and August. It was concluded in the forum that the “education” exercise should become “routine.” It served as a very good exercise to experience how to better feed the Party’s messages to the general population.

Source: Xinhua, September, 7, 2009.

Hu Emphasizes Key Drivers to the Party’s Development – Administrative Ability and Party Advancement

On September 8, Hu Jintao chaired a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. The meeting discussed the committee work since the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee. It emphasized that the party development work under the new environment must use administrative ability and party advancement as the key drivers and stick to administrating by science, democracy and law. The committee agreed to hold the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee in Beijing from September 15th through 18th.

Source: Global Times, September 9, 2009

Key Point to Watch: Could Xi Be Positioned for 2012 Party Chairman?

On September 8, the CCP’s Politburo decided to hold the 4th Plenary Session of the CCP’s 17th Central Committee from September 15 to 18.

According to Beijing political analysts, a key point to watch is whether Politburo Standing Committee member Xi Jinping could become vice chairman of the CCP’s Military Comission. That position may pave the way for Xi to succeed Hu Jintao in the CCP’s 18th Congress in 2012.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, September 9, 2009

China Continues to Expand its Propaganda Overseas

The largest State publishing bureau targeting non-Chinese celebrated its 60th anniversary. Communist Party leaders Li Changchun and Liu Yunshan sent congratulation letters. The letters stated that the China Foreign Language Bureau was founded under the leadership of Mao Tsedong to “introduce China to the world.” The letters call upon the China Foreign Language Bureau to follow the expansion strategy of the Communist Party on international propaganda, “to increase the influence, affinity, focus and effectiveness of the media on the foreign audience.”

With a staff of 3,000, the China Foreign Language Bureau is State-owned and under the direct guidance of the Communist Party Central Committee. It has over 20 subsidiaries as well as 12 overseas branches located in the United States, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Egypt, Mexico, Japan and Hong Kong, constituting a conglomerate of foreign language publishing and marketing.

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2009

State Media Reporters to Receive Revolutionary Education

One hundred reporters from 18 State media departed Beijing on August 22 for old revolutionary bases in Jiangxi Province to “receive revolutionary education.” The trip was organized by the Propaganda Department and the International Communication office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party jointly with other State regulatory organizations. During the next six days, the reporters will visit Mao Tsedong’s residence at Jinggangshan, the Jinggangshan Museum of Revolutionary History, and other revolutionary museums and landmarks.

Source: Xinhua, August 22, 2009

Hu and Wen Facing Fierce Challenge from Jiang’s Group

Secret China republished an article from the Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily, reporting that Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao face a vigorous challenge from Jiang Zemin’s group, as the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is coming on September 20, 2009.

The protest and clash at Urumqi that happened 10 days after Hu Jintao’s visit from August 22 to 25 was a slap in the face. Zhu Jiamu, the Vice President of the China Academy of Social Sciences published a long article, quoting Jiang Zemin’s words that China must stick to the Socialist direction and people’s democratic dictatorship. He criticized Wen Jiabao’s acknowledgement of the universal values of freedom, equality, and human rights without mentioning his name.

The two major topics of the Fourth Plenary Session are the human resource adjustment at the CPC Central Military Commission and Direction on Party Development; both are linked to the leadership of the next generation. Therefore, the challenge of Jiang’s group against Hu and Wen might create turmoil in China’s political and economic environments.

Source: Secret China, September 7, 2009