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Li Yuanchao: Safeguard Party’s Core Leadership in State-Owned Enterprises

On August 15 and 16, Li Yuanchao, CCP Politburo member and head of the CCP Central Organization Department, visited several major state-owned enterprises in Beijing. He emphasized the importance of advancing Party organization work in state-owned companies and "transforming the Party’s political advantage into the company’s scientific development advantage."

His lecturing tour includes stops at Sinopec, China Unicom, the Beijing Second Commerce Group, and the Beijing Public Transportation Group.  

Source: Xinhua, August 17, 2009

Summary of Village Level Party Work in Lanzhou City

Expanding party membership at the village level is the key component in the CCP’s party development work in the countryside. Gansu Daily published an article summarizing the village level party work in Lanzhou city, Gansu Province.

According to the article, Lanzhou City picked a handful of villages in Yuzhong County and used them as a model for other villages. The examples of the party work included the following: targeting those wealthy individuals, educated young people and veterans or those who have technical skills for party membership; a party school at the county level to provide a college education opportunity for the leaders to improve their skills and quality; party leaders not only reach out to individual families to understand their needs but also bring job opportunities to improve the financial conditions in the villages.

The article concluded that the end results are effective as it combined the party work with the economic growth in the villages, which helped the party members to gain people’s trust, demonstrate their abilities and provide channels for additional party work.

Source: Gansu Daily, August 13, 2009

Liu Yunshan Stresses the Need for Patriotic Education before the 60th Anniversary

Liu Yunshan, the Director of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of the China Central Committee, stressed the importance of further carrying out patriotic education activities ahead of China’s 60th year anniversary celebration. He instructed that the activities must be practical, at the grass roots level, and be effective.

Source: Qiushi Journal, August 17, 2009

Global People: Guns Will Never Control the Party

The News Network of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) republished an article from Global People, “The Inside Story of Mao Zedong’s Reassignment of the Eight Military Region Commanders: Guns Will Never Control the Party.” The article writer declared unequivocally that the CCP must hold absolute power over China’s military. Alas, in real life, sometimes everything is more complicated and not just black and white. Mao once said, “Our principle is that the Party Controls the Gun, but the Gun Controls the Party. Nevertheless, (if you) have the gun, you can establish a party." This is telling that Mao was paying special attention to the military and eventually decided to reassign the eight Commanders of the Military Regions to prevent them from becoming the oppressors of their regions.          

                                                                                                                                          Source: News Network of the Communist Party of China, August 11, 2009

Xinhua: Break-Throughs in the News and Publishing Industry

Xinhua recently reported that the National News and Publishing Bureau Directors’ Conference was a major milestone in the industry. The Conference concluded with five areas fot break-throughs: (1) Deepening the reform of state-owned organizations to introduce creativity and a market orientation; (2) Improving privately owned publishing houses with needed controls for “healthy development”; (3) Speeding up development in the digital publishing area; (4) Strengthening the “Go Out” strategy for penetrating the international market; (5) Optimizing the publishing administrative environment by standardizing the “reporting order,” cleaning up the newspaper and magazine market, and establishing a “blacklist” of undisciplined reporters.

Source: Xinhua Net, August 11, 2009.

CCP in Tibet Autonomous Region Launches Patriotic Education Activities

The Party organizations in the Tibet Autonomous Region launched a series of patriotic education activities. The theme also incorporates the study of scientific outlook on development, strengthening the party’s work at the grass roots level and anti-separatist education.

Patriotic education activity consists of 50 projects covering 9 areas. It is divided into three stages to implement, which started in April. Examples of activities include: an education program on China’s modern history to praise the fundamental changes under the party’s leadership; organizing groups of monks and nuns who are considered "patriotic" and who "abide by the law" to give lectures at temples; exhibiting collectibles to showcase the reforms over the past 50 years; and an introduction of “red songs” for people to sing to express their love for the party, the country and their socialist beliefs.

Source: Xinhua, August 15, 2009

More Expenditure to Build-up the Party’s Grass Roots Foundation

The authorities in Wuling City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, are spending 5 million RMB on the construction of facilities for local Party activities, reported People’s Daily website. 19 new facilities will be built and over 20 renovated this year. The move will “effectively increase the cohesion and vitality of  grass roots Party organizations." The People’s Daily website published several articles about similar efforts to beef up local Party organizations.

Source: People’s Daily, August 10, 2009

Chinese Official: Properly Managing Relationship with Overseas Chinese

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China organs, published an article “Properly Handling Several Relationships with Overseas Chinese,” by Li Haifeng, director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. This article discusses the relationship between China’s external propaganda machine for overseas Chinese (the CCP’s media that publishes Communist Party propaganda targeting overseas Chinese) and the overseas Chinese media. Li states the common objective of these two groups is to lead the overseas Chinese to follow the right direction (set by the CCP) (The CCP has been heavily invested in and has thus taken control of many overseas Chinese media – Ed.). The two should join forces to strengthen their broadcasting power and boost their media coverage. “China’s’ external propaganda media for overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese media can work together through sharing information, providing content, exchanging experiences, organizing (joint) interviews, and having (joint) forums, so as to make the propaganda more focused, more lively, more attractive, more communicable and more persuasive.” While cooperating, both sides will improve their mutual understanding of each other.

Source: Qiushi Journal, August 1, 2009