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Li Yuanchao on Establishing Party Organizations in Colleges

Li Yuanchao, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and the Head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, hosted a conference for Party Secretaries and Presidents of universities and colleges in China on August 8, Xinhua reported. “(We) must use our revolutionary and innovative spirits to strengthen the establishment of party organizations and party member teams in universities and colleges, and transform the Party’s political and organizational strength into the college’s scientific development strength. (We) must adhere to the Presidential Responsibility System under the Leadership of the Party Committees; smooth the work system and operational mechanism of the party organizations at the school and department level.  (We) should strengthen the establishment of root-level party organizations, especially the branches that draw professors for their membership, and actively recruit young professors and college students that are deserving into the Party,” Li announced.

Source: Xinhua, August 9, 2009

The Chinese Communist Party Penetrates the Legal Profession

China Economy Net reported on August 6 that, among 14,000 law firms, 3,895 firms have established independent Party branches, while 2,692 firms have joint Party branches. The Party sent guidance officers to all of the 2,741 law firms without Party members. Thus the entire legal profession is completely covered by the Communist Party.

The same news network reported that the Minister of Justice, Wu Aiying, commented on “sensitive legal cases” and “Mass disturbances.” Wu said that, in the first half of this year, there were more than 270,000 legal support cases nationwide. Wu emphasized strengthening Party development among lawyers and covering the entire legal profession.

Source: China Economy Net, August 6, 2009.

Music Piece Red Flag Trilogy for Patriotic Education

The grandly-styled musical piece “Red Flag Trilogy” is being played on all major television and radio stations, at universities, science research institute as well as in some municipal communities, Xinhua reported. “Red Flag Trilogy” is a collaborative effort by Beijing University, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the August First (Chinese Military) Film Studio. The trilogy consists of three pieces: praising the party, praising the military and praising the national flag.

According to Xinhua, Zhao Weiming, professor of the Institute of Journalism, stated, “The intent of the ‘Red Flag Trilogy’ is to express people’s love of the Party, of the People’s Liberation Army and of the country.” “It will be used to exemplify unity, patriotism and a way to express people’s feelings.” The production has been made into a music video which will be included in the upcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of the PRC.

Source: Xinhua, August 6, 2009

Party Directives to Suppress Petitions at Local Levels

The Central Political and Legal Committee issued directives requesting that local officials handle petitions on law and litigation-related issues locally without elevating them to Beijing.

Zhou Bensun, secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, recently spoke at the "National Conference and Training for Petitions about Law and Litigation-related Issues." He stressed the need to build a strong and reliable foundation locally so that cases can be solved without going to Beijing and "create a harmonious and stable social environment to welcome the upcoming 60 year anniversary celebration." Zhou asked all political and legal agencies to seriously study and understand the directives issued by the central administration. Exercise and carry out the “opinions of the Central Political and Legal Committee and further improve handling of petitions about law and litigation-related issues.”

Source: Xinhua, August 7, 2009

PLA Daily: Resolutely Oppose Military Nationalization

Compared to “nonpartisan armed forces” and “nonpolitical armed forces,” military nationalization is the most demagogic, according to an article from People’s Liberation Army Daily. “Hostile forces use it to confuse the relationship between the Party and country/armed forces and to put the military’s concerns in conflict with the country’s concerns so that the country’s concerns related to the military trump the political concerns of the military, thus negating the absolute leadership of the Party over the military. It is not only politically harmful, but also lacks theoretical support and will not work in practice – it is a false paradox.”

The PLA article asserts that military nationalization is in conflict with Marxist nationalization, harmful to the concerns of our armed forces, out of touch with the practical requirements of our political party, and contrary to the fundamental interests of the country.

Source: China News Service, May 7, 2009

Netizens Challenge the Credibility of Official Statistics

The International Herald Leader reported discontent from the public as its members challenged the credibility of official statistics. According to the July 28 report of the National Bureau of Statistics, urban disposable per capita income actually grew 11.2% for the first 6 months of 2009, while the same income for rural residents increased 8.1%. Income for both urban and rural residents exceeded the 7.1% GDP growth. However, netizens cast their doubts by claiming that their income was “being generated” (by the official statistics). A Party School director also questioned the accuracy of the numbers. “The rapid growth of per capita income of urban residents contradicts the drastic decrease of the personal income tax amount.” According to a poll, urban residents perceived the fluxuation in their income for the second quarter of 2009 to be -8.6%, the lowest income since 1999.

Source: Xinhua, August 3, 2009

Taiwan CNA: The CCP Has Started Selecting Cadres for the Eighteenth NPC

The Central News Agency (CAN) of Taiwan recently published a report based on news from the Hong Kong magazine Mirror. The report suggested that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has started selecting high ranking officials for the Eighteenth National Party Congress (NPC). There are two “hard” conditions: the candidates must be below 45 years old and must be current bureau-level officials. The Organization Department of the CCP Central Committee determines the selection process: The Department officials will meet and vote on the candidates, and then the leaders of the Department will bring back the results for “consideration”. Voting results will not be announced.

Source: CAN, July 29, 2009.

500 Attended Public Security Bureau Spokesperson Training Classes

From July 26 through July 30, close to 500 people attended the training class held for the spokespersons of the Public Security Bureau at the Chinese People’s Public Security University. This training was another large scale centralized training session held by the Public Security Bureau following a similar session for 3000 county level Public Security Bureau Directors and 400 city level Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Meng Jianzhu, Minister of Public Security, spoke at the closing ceremony of the training session. He stressed the importance for the attendees to fully understand the unprecedented challenges that threaten social stability. He said there is a need to improve the “spokesperson system." Whenever an unexpected event takes place, the spokesperson should immediately come forward and publicize first hand information.  According to Meng, the spokesperson should “always put political work as the first priority. They need to be mentally equipped with the (Party’s) theory of persistency on the socialist path with Chinese characteristics; constantly improve their own political capability, and fully understand and exercise the Party’s instructions and policies.”

Source: Legal Daily, August 1, 2009