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CCP Expands Party Membership to Private Businesses

Zhong Pingyao, Deputy Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued requirements to the CCP party organizations at various levels of commercial businesses administration and private businesses association that they need to promote the CCP party work and expand party membership to private companies. The Party organization should be established in large private enterprises. For small companies, they should be pooled and served by the party organization established at the business owner’s association level or village/town level.

The statistics from the China Individual Laborers’ Association suggested that by the end of last year, there were 92,308 party branches established among private business owners’ associations, a 10.56 percent increase from the year before. Total party members at these party branches reached 1.96 million, out of which 329,500 are enterprise owners, 542,200 are small business owners and 1.088 millions are workers.

Source: Xinhua, July 2, 2009

China Is Behind on Concepts of Governing by Law

Xinhua published an article titled “Six Concepts to Change in Order to Deepen the Construction of Governing by Law.” It lists six deficiencies in governing by law and argues that these concepts need to be changed: first, from the current approach of creating social change by non-legal means to administering by law; second, from simple pursuit of economic growth to the whole society’s development; third, from focusing on the government construction to focusing on the national economy and the people’s well-being; fourth, from simply pursuing administrative efficiency to pursuing the equality of efficiency and fairness, while putting more weight on social justice; fifth, from rigid management to service-orientated governance; and sixth, from focusing on development and utilization of natural resources to focusing on the sustainable development of society.

Source: Xinhua, Jun 25, 2009

Global Times: U.S. Has a Different Kind of Military Parade

To justify the upcoming large-scale military parade on October 1, 2009, the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Communist regime, Global Times published the article, “U.S. Has a Different Kind of ‘Military Parade." The article argued that there are three reasons for the U.S. not have a large military parade to celebrate its national day. One, the U.S. is very concerned about the military’s involvement in domestic politics so it limits the military’s influence in domestic politics and social activities. Two, the U.S. would rather demonstrate its power via real war than a military parade. “Three, U.S. has a unique way of expressing patriotism from other nations.” Namely, “On major holidays, especially Independence Day and Pearl Harbor Day, all levels of the government, including the Federal government, State, County, City, and Town will hold military parades and the participants are retired veterans.” Besides, on all major holidays, the military will participate in the public parades. That’s the U.S.’s own kind of “military parade.” 

Source: Global Times, June 22, 2009

Ming Pao: China’s Tax and Spending Dilemma

Hong Kong based Ming Pao reported on June 28 that the latest Chinese statistics showed the government has less income from tax but is spending more. The government’s official response is to reduce spending on car purchases, receptions, officials’ visits (tours) of other countries, and construction of government buildings. However, given the massive corruption in China, it is impossible to control the government’s spending. The other option is to increase taxes, but that also presents big challenges, as the government promised the public that it would reduce the tax burden to stimulate the economy’s growth. Therefore, the government is trapped.

Source: Ming Pao, June 28, 2009

400 Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission are Called to Attend Centralized Training

According to Public Security Bureau, for the first time in history, 400 Secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission from the district Public Security Bureaus will take the centralized training class at the People’s Public Security University in Beijing.

Source: China Huanqui June 28, 2009

China’s Regime to Ensure the Absolute Security of Its National Day Celebrations

Over three thousands representatives of the national security forces met in Beijing on June 23, marking the launch of the security work for the 60th anniversary of China’s National Day on October 1, 2009. "Beijing Public Security is the main security force and has heavy responsibilities," said Wang Anshun, Director of Beijing Public Security Bureau. “We shall take security as our most important number 1 political task, the priority overrides everything else. We will do our utmost to prevent major political incidents, violent and terrorist incidents, and major mass incidents during the National Day period to ensure the absolute security of the National Day celebrations.”

June 23, 2009 was the 100-day countdown to the 60th anniversary of the the Communist regime’s takeover of China.

Source: China News, June 23, 2009

China Faces Frequent Leaks of Classified Information

China will increase its classified information system’s security measures, said Xia Yong, head of the National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets (NAPSS), in order to deal with “the grim situation.” The classified information system will provide technical protection to information according to the level of confidentiality of top secret, secret and confidential. The system has set forth tight security rules that must be enforced in the classified information system.

Source: Xinhua, June 22, 2009

China’s Super Think Tank To Seek Financial Independence

In an interview with the People’s Daily, Zhen Xingli, Vice Chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) revealed that CCIEE has formed a grant foundation team with the target of raising 500 million yuan by seeking financial support from corporations and enterprises. CCIEE received 5 million yuan from the Ministry of Finance as its initial funding.

Since its formation three months ago, CCIEE has provided dozens of research papers to the central administration, including topics on green recovery and expansion in exporting channels. On July 3 and 4, CCIEE will host its first "Global Think Tank Summit" in Beijing.

Source: Xinhua, June 18, 2009