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Chinese Hackers Have Broken into 103 Countries

The Epoch Times and the Chinese BBC have both coverd the story of a ten-month research study by the Munk Center for International Studies in Toronto, CA. The research reports that in the past two years, a Chinese spy network dubbed "GhostNet" has invaded 1,295 computers in 103 countries, including government agencies. These agencies include foreign affairs ministries, embassies and consulates, international organizations, news agencies, and NGOs. According to the report, there’s a "covert, difficult-to-detect and elaborate cyber-espionage system capable of taking full control of affected systems" that leads back to China.

Researchers at the Oxford University, UK also reported that these Chinese hackers have gathered information for the Chinese police to enable them continue their crackdown in Tibet.

While not claiming absolute proof, their newly-released report "Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network" says "circumstantial evidence" strongly suggests "this set of high profile targets has been exploited by the Chinese state for military and strategic-intelligence purposes." The Chinese Embassy in London denied any involvement and claimed the reports to be propaganda issuing from the Tibetan Government in Exile.

Source: The Epoch Times, March 31, 2009
Source: BBC Chinese, March 30, 2009
Source: NetworkWorld, April 1, 2009

Chinese State Media Gloat over France’s General Strike

Xinhua posted on its website an article from The People’s Daily (overseas edition) titled “Why Does France Always Have Mass Strikes?” The article starts, “Widespread strikes, just like delicious wine and luxury products, are one of France’s ‘local specialties.’ [Note: The article refers to strikes in France on March 19, 2009.] So what has caused such a large scale strike? The article states that “it had to start with Sarkozy’s ‘Reform France’ project. As a person who likes to show-off and behave eccentrically, ‘emotional president’ Sarkozy always acts on his own will and in his own way, even in political affairs. After taking office, Sarkozy has started social welfare reform that emphasizes extending working hours, increasing medical fees and decreasing welfare, disregarding opposition from many other sides. … Even at a time of economic crisis with an ever increasing number of jobless workers, Sarkozy insists on his way and continues the reform. Obviously this has angered the French people.” The article concludes that “If conflict from both sides gets worse, one can foresee that in this nation where strikes are a ‘local specialty,’ what awaits Sarkozy will be larger scale strikes, a more difficult situation to handle, and a more perilous political career.”

Source: Xinhua, March 25, 2009

Embezzlement Spreading, Science and Education Based Revitalization Dissolving

The academic corruption case in Zhe Jiang University struck China. With more and more dark news being unveiled, it seems that a national trend is forming by which the nation’s large academic investments are embezzled by corrupt individuals.
With millions in hand, a research group in Zhe Jiang University produced twenty fake theses and the university has so far offered no explanation. 

A growing number of such scandals have been reported in recent years. According to the China Society and Technology Association, due to poor administration, only 40% of its funding was actually spent on activities related to its projects.

Source: The Sun News, March 19, 2009

3000 District Procurators to Take Part in Intensive Training

Following the intensive training of 3000 top Public Security Bureau officers, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate recently called for an intensive training session for 3000 general procurators from the district level. The training started on February 26 and will end before 2010. Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, calls the training an unprecedented event of historic significance.

There are over 3000 district procuratorates nationwide which accounts for 80 percent of the total.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2009

Qiushi: Must Persist Marxism as the Guiding Principle in Ideology

Qiushi, a magazine under Xinhua News Agency, published an article titled “Why Must (China) Persist Marxism as the Guiding Principle in Ideology and Cannot Have Multi-Polar Principles?” The article says, “Marxism as the guiding principle in China was not determined by any individual’s or party’s will. It was a choice by the history and the people. Without Marxism, there is no new China, there is no China-style socialist. Under any circumstance, (China) must persist Marxism as the guiding principle.” The article emphasizes that “under the leadership of the Central (Communist) Party surrounding Hu Jintao, as long as we persist Marxist principle and continue to innovate in the economic reform and modernization, Marxism will have more sparkling life in China, and its leading position in ideology will be unshakable.”

Source: Xinhua, March 16, 2009

Large Number of Absentees at Annual Political Consultative Conference

As of March 11, members who did not show up at the annual China People’s Political Consultative Conference reached 301, Nanfang Dushi newspaper reports. China started its annual parliamentary sessions, the National People’s Congress (NPC) and its advisory auxiliary, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), on March 5 and March 3, respectively. 252 out of 2,235 CPPCC members were absent for the second session. 84 of them did not obtain prior approval for the absence. 301 were absent for the third session. 103 of them did not get permission for the leave. Most absentees are Hong Kong members, followed by artists and athletes.  Nanfang Dushi comments that such a large number of members who did not care to show up is unprecedented in the 60 year history of  the CPPCC.

Source: Epoch Times, March 12, 2009

China Expanding its Influence Through Confucius Institutes

China is expanding its influence through Confucius Institutes, says Deputy Minister of Education according to a government portal under the State Council. Currently there are 256 Confucius Institutes in 81 countries. Over 100 countries have applied with the Chinese government. These establishments are primarily funded by oveasea partners while both Chinese government and overseas partner share the management. These institutes have been used to further the Chinese government policy on oversea Chinese and encourage their patriotism toward China. Confucius Intstitues are headquartered in Beijing under the Office of Chinese Language Council International of the State. It goal is to establish 500 Confucius Institites by 2010.

Source: China Internet Information Center, March 12, 2009

7,000 Border Police Stationed as Village Cadres

A Ministry of Public Security (MPS) official recently revealed a massive dispatch of officials and police from MPS border control corps into bordering regions since early December 2008. 600,000 personnel were sent out and 7,123 police were stationed at local villages, serving as local Party chief or member of Village Committee. It’s reported that 16,112 social conflicts were solved and 449 social unrests were handled.

Source:, March 11, 2009