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Commentary: Obama Follows Bush’s Old Path

China’s state media Guangming published an article commenting Obama’s Iraq policy—“Non-Withdrawal’s Withdrawal, Non-fight’s fight, Obama Follows Bush’s Old Path.” The article was also published in other major state media and websites. The article says “Due to U.S.’s geopolitical factor in Middle East, whether it is ‘ending’ or ‘withdrawal’ from (Iraq war), U.S, has not and will not ‘responsibly end the war.’ At the same time, it will absolutely make all kinds of reasons to indirectly occupy Iraq. Therefore, Americans will forever live in illusions. This is America’s ‘always beauty’ legend. But the end of Iraq war is not an end.” The article continues, “In all, Iraq’s occupation will not be interrupted, (U.S.) will continue to control Iraq militarily, economically, and politically. Bush used lies and cheating in the past. Today’s democrats will do the same to maintain and consolidate the occupation. After 19 months, who can say the occupation will not continue?”

Source: Guangming net, March 8, 2009

Intensive Training for Top Public Security Officials Linked to Upcoming Social Unrests

About 3,080 county public security bureau directors will go through a 10 day intensive training in Beijing in the next 6 months, a first in Chinese history, said China Public Security Ministry official. Starting from Feb 28, these public security officials will be in class in 7 separate groups. The first group has 425 Directors. The instructors at the training sessions in Beijing include Vice Minister of Public Security and other top Party officials. The top public security bureau directors expressed in class discussions that their biggest headache is social unrests. 2009 will be a high season for social unrests, according to Xinhua.

Xinhua, February 27, 2009
Nanfang Daily, February 26, 2009

Beijing Censor Tiananmen Square Massacre Questioning

On March 2, Monday, at a press conference of China’s Political Consultative Conference, the Communist Party’s showpiece political event, a Voice of America reporter questioned the government response to letters written by Tiananmen Mothers, families of 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre victims.

According to Hong Kong based Mingpao report, it caused a “commotion” among the audience. Zhao Qizheng, the spokesperson replied with “Chinese government has had a clear conclusion on the political disturbance in 1980’s.” While CCTV was live broadcasting the whole press conference, it immediately switched to another program when the Q&A started. In the following Xinhua news, that part was also blacked out.

Source: Voice of America, March 3, 2009

Xinhua: Other Western Countries Should Follow Hillary to Put Economy Ahead of Human Rights

An article titled “Hillary Visits China: Economy Ahead of Human Right, Cooperation over Discrepancy” on Xinhua’s website applauds Hillary Clinton’s realism in her China visit. The article says “Human rights issue was out of the focus at the top level meeting between China and U.S. demonstrates that the balance of China and U.S.’s mutual influence has materially changed. Now U.S.’s need of China is increasing. … U.S. can not possibly be as hard-lined as before. At the same time, more and more of the core interest of both countries are overlapped. Many issues require the cooperation of both countries to resolve. As compared to the big countries’ cooperation, human rights issue naturally becomes less important.” The article also quoted the comment by Professor Xiong Zhiyong from China Foreign Affairs University, saying “Hillary Clinton’s statement is realistic, and is the right choice of U.S.’s China policy. It is worth other Western countries to follow.”

Source: Xinhua, Feb. 23, 2009

50 Million Quit Chinese Communist Party and Affiliates

As of February 26, over 50.4 million Chinese have renounced their affiliations with Chinese Communist Party at a web site of Epoch Times. Since the November 2004 release of an editorial series Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party by The Epoch Times, Quit the Party has become the biggest push ever for freedom in China. There have been numerous news reports that the Beijing authorities have arrested, tortured and killed people for distributing and possession of the editorial series. According to Epoch Times, these withdrawals run deep into the heart of the Party as its upper echelon including diplomats, general Party secretaries and other high-ranking officials are among those who publicly sever their ties with the Party.

Source: Epoch Times

State Public Relations: Transition from the Defensive to the Offensive

Starting from the Olympics in 2008 China has moved to the offensive in its public relations, wrote a government think tank, the Institute of Public Communications of the Remin University of China. From SARS in 2003 to Tibetan violent crackdown in March 2008, China was passive in public relations during crises. However, the Olympics in August 2008 served as a turning point when China changed to the offensive. In subsequent crises such as toxic milk powder and current international financial crisis, China was more proactive and quickly controlled the situation. The article recommends three PR weapons available to the State: media, visits and speeches by overseas leaders, and statements by Chinese celebrities such as Yao Min (athlete), Zhang Ziyu (actress), Jackie Chan (actor) and Jet Li (actor).

Source: Xinhua, February 3, 2009

Notable Trend in Key Personnel Changes in the Party

20 of the 31 Secretaries of Communist Party’s Provincial Organization Departments are “monks from outside,” Nanfang Daily reported. 11 of the 20 previously held posts at the Party’s central committee, 9 transferred from other provinces. There are signs that the tendency may accelerate in 2009. Within the past two months, 3 Secretaries of the Party’s Provincial Organization Departments were changed. None of the new officials are from local.

Source: Nanfang Daily, January 19, 2009

Party Leader Rebukes Debate on Freedom of Speech

Jia Qinglin, Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the Number 4 Party leader, published a strongly worded article to scold those who call for freedom. In a article published in Party Magazine Qiu Shi (Seeking the Truth) on January 16, 2008, Jia wrote:”(We must) continue to uphold the correct political direction, steadfastly walk along the unique Chinese socialist political road; build a solid defense against Western Two-party or Multi-party system; against the Two-House, Three-Power Center system and various other wrong ideas.”

Jia’s comment was a clear attempt to squelch the recent debate on freedom in Chinese official media.

In January 2009, three articles in Chinese Media stirred up great interest among Chinese people:
Beijing Daily (January 13):“Seeking the Truth Cannot Separate from Freedom of Speech”;
People’s Daily (January 13): “How Could Government Officials Survive Internet Scrutity” ;
Yan Huang Chun Qiu (January, 2009): “Constitution Politics: The Demand for China’s National Revival” .

These articles and the fact they passed the censor, and Jia’s quick rebuttal were seen as a sign of heated debate among Chinese top leaders.

Source: Yazhou Zhoukan, February 2, 2009