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State Council Claims Chinese Style Human Rights is Reaching its Height

Chinese human rights are at the best period in history, said State Council Information Office Director Wang Chen. He stated that China has applied the universal human rights to the specific situation of China and has blazed a path of Chinese style human rights. The improvement of human rights has been in sync with the political, economic, social and cultural development, said Wang.

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2008

China’s State Media Angry at Sarkozy over His Meeting with Dalai Lama

China’s state media have reacted angrily to French President Sarkozy’s decision to meet Dalai Lama and have continuously published articles to attack and discredit Sarkozy recently. Below are a few examples:

A Hoax Damaging [Sarkozy’s] Political Reputation
December 7, 2008, from People’s Daily

Xinhua International Commentary: Unwise Move that Damages China-French Relations
December 7, 2008, from Xinhua

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: The Wrong Action of Meeting Dalai by French Leader Rudely Interfered with China’s Internal Affairs
December 7, 2008, from Xinhua

Sarkozy’s Political Show Is Overdone
December 8, 2008, from Guangzhou Daily

“Information Security Agents” Recruited Among College Students

College students are being recruited as "Information Security Agents" by the authority among Chinese universities, according to a web document recently disclosed from an official website of Dezhou College in Shandong province. This document details the guideline for "recruitment and administration" to establish a "secret student security team" among "political reliable" candidates. One of the stated missions is "to deeply investigate and monitor the mind status and trend of the faculties and students during important holidays, social and political events". All members conduct one-way communication for secrecy and have a monthly quota of reporting at least three "valuable information" to authority.

Source: Secret China, December 6, 2008

Xinhua: China’s Foreign Relations Entering Golden Stage

As part of the theme to celebrate the achievement of the open door policy adopted 30 years ago, Xinhua has been publishing a series of articles focused on the subject. On December 1, in its international section, Xinhua published a talk given by Wu Jianmin, a commentator for Xinhua, former Chinese ambassador to France and President of the China Foreign Affairs University who summarized the major changes that China’s foreign relations have gone through in the past 30 years ago.

Wu summarized the major changes in the following three areas: worldwide environment, policy adjustment, and the focus. He said that the world has transitioned from war and revolution towards an era of peaceful development. From 1949 to 1978, China’s foreign policy was focused on surviving the embargo from the western countries led by the US which was aimed at eliminating China. But since 1978, as China has adopted an open door policy and the Party has shifted its focus to economic development, there has been a need to maintain a good relationship with other countries. As a result, the guiding principle of foreign policy has changed to seeking the common ground with other countries. The focus of the policy has also shifted from fighting for survival towards building mutual cooperation since China has a need for it.

“Currently China’s foreign relations are entering a golden stage”, Wu said, “we have formed dynamic relationships with 172 countries that are the giants, neighboring countries, developing countries and maintained the multilateral foreign relations with them.”

Source: Xinhua, December 1, 2008

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rejects U.N.Torture Accusations

In responding to the recently published conclusions by the UN Committee Against Torture where China was reported to have a “large number of torture cases”, Qin Gang, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the claims calling them false accusations. “A few individuals in the ‘Committee Against Torture’ used unverified or fake sources to purposefully politicize the entire process. They have added a large amount of slandering facts and false accusations which we are completely against.” Qin said, “we will continue to be firmly devoted in protecting human rights. We are also willing to engage in international cooperation which will be based on equal rights and mutal respect so as to promote developments in the human rights field."

Source: People’s Daily, November 23, 2008

Shanghai Rights Lawyer Openly Renounces Membership in Communist Party youth organizations

On November 20, Zheng Enchong, a prominent Shanghai rights lawyer made an open speech to quit the Communist Party young pioneers and youth league. Zheng said he wanted to publicly make the announcement because it was the fourth anniversary of the book “Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party” being published. Zheng also recognized that since the book was published, there have been 45 million Chinese people who have renounced their membership in the Chinese Communist Party [and related youth organizations].

In his speech, Zheng said that he was inspired to quit the party because he found himself being misled by four big lies made by the Chinese leaders. The latest taxi driver strikes in Chongqing and Sanya as well as the social unrest in Longnan Gansu Province have demonstrated that Chinese people have regained the conscience to fight for their rights. He believes that China’s only hope is to have peaceful elections.

It was four years ago in September of 2005, two months after he was released from prison that Zheng read the book called the “Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party”. He asked his friend to use a fake name to quit from party organs (the youth league and young pioneers) for him. The recording of Zheng’s announcement was aired during a rally to celebrate 45 million Chinese people quitting the Chinese Communist Party and related organizations held in Hong Kong on November 23, 2008.


The Epoch Times, November 20, 2008

Sound of Hope, November 23, 2008

Close to Twenty Thousand Party Officials Fled China with Billions of Funds Since Mid 90s

The Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate’s Office announced that Party officials fleeing China have reached between 16,000 to 18,000 since the mid-1990s taking over 800 billion Yuan overseas. The money was primarily  misappropriated from major projects such as land development, tax revenue, loans from financial institutions, funds allocated for government expenditures and national economic programs.

In the past 30 years, the Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate has prosecuted over 16,000 cases of corruption and bribery. The Beijing Municipal People’s Prosecutor’s Office was established in January 1951 and closed down in 1966 during the Cultural Revolution. It was reopened in July 1978.

Source: Xinhua, November 9, 2008

Henan to Enforce Governmental Reporting of Emergent Events

On November 17, Henan provincial government issues the Notice of Doing A Better Job Reporting Unanticipated Incidents. The Notice specified that when an unexpected event occurs in the future, local authorities ought to in the first time provide information in writing to the provincial Office of Emergency Management. If a written report is impossible due to special circumstances, do an oral report, followed up with a written report. If the first report is incomplete, a follow-up report is required.

The provincial Office of Emergency Management ought to timely report to relevant leadership officials in the provincial government. In case of urgent situations, the Office can simultaneously report to several relevant leaders; for major incidents, it must immediately report to key leaders.

It is reported that Henan Province will strictly implement the regulation by hold accountable personnel who cause damage or major consequences due to late report, underreport, or no report.

Source: Xinhua, November 19, 2008