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Xinhua on Bush’s African Trip

International Herald Leader, a newspaper under China’s official Xinhua new agency, published an article on February 19, 2008, commenting US president Bush’s recent trip to Africa. The article said that Bush’s mission “anti-terrorism and humanitarian assistance” did not resonate in Africa. Instead African media believe the deeper reason behind Bush’s trip was to strengthen US’s military presence in the continent and protect the transport of oil. The article found two features in Bush’s African itinerary: 1) Except for Rwanda, the other four countries visited by Bush are all coastal countries to Atlantic; 2) The visited countries are either of strategic importance or under frequent wars. The conclusion is Bush’s trip is to gradually pave the way for US to militarily intervene African affairs by firstly making friends with coastal countries and countries under war.

Source: International Herald Leader, February 19, 2008

Mongolia’s Arkhangai Expects Chinese Language Courses

J. Khurelsukh, governor of Mongolia’s Arkhangai Province, told Chinese Ambassador Yu Hongyao on February 19 that there is a need for Chinese language courses in middle and elementary schools in the province. Khurelsukh regarded it necessary for Mongolians to study Chinese language to facilitate the exchanges and cooperation with China. Recently Chinese language has gained popularity in Mongolia with courses launched in more than 40 schools.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2008

Reliance on Taiwan’s Desire for Independence: Contradiction for the Chinese Communist Party

In a recent opinion article, Mr. Chen Pokong, a political commentator for Radio Free Asia, believed that the main purpose of Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) expansion of its military force is to reinforce and protect its power instead of national defense. As CCP could not frankly admit that, it finds many good excuses for its military expansion, such as opposing Taiwan’s independence, terrorism or hegemony. Please read the translation of the full text of the article below: [1]
Whenever the international community questioned the motivation for the CCP’s military expansion, the CCP maintained that the buildup was required for national defense. On some occasions, it also indicated that military expansion was an effort against Taiwan independence.

Nevertheless, the U.S. as well as many western countries and many among China’s neighbors maintained that the CCP’s military expansion was far beyond preparations for national defense. Keating, the U.S. Pacific Commander who recently visited China, has also pointed out this issue. Regarding the CCP’s amassment of military strength, based on what the CCP has indicated, one might consider that this burgeoning military was in development for waging some form of “Taiwan Strait War.” However, the size of China’s military force registers far beyond that which would be required for such a clash.

During the past twenty years the CCP has constantly expanded its military power, while overall military expenses have increased in double digits annually, reaching one hundred billion yuan each year. Under an outside estimate, the CCP’s actual military expense has been two to three times more than the published figure. Each year during the CCP’s “two conferences,” the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the CCP publishes its annual fiscal budget. The military budget has always topped the list among all categories.

For example, in March 2007 when the “two conferences” were held, Chinese authorities placed special emphasis on rhetoric centered around “people’s lives.” Still, the military expenses remained paramount among the key budgets, with military expenditures totaling 350.921 billion yuan this fiscal year, an increase of 52.99 billion, or 17.8%. This allotment comprised 7.5% of the country’s annual budget, and military expenses exceeded the “Three Nong” expenditures. [2] These expenses concerned 800 million farmers when farmers were considered the largest “people’s lives” problem. Total expenses for technology, education, health and culture were less than half of that spent for the Chinese military.
When viewed in light of the issue of Taiwan’s independence, the CCP evidences an intriguing mindset. On the one hand, if the Taiwanese government were to go so far as to actually assert its independence, the CCP would be in a position of losing face. All these years, the CCP has projected its voice very loudly against Taiwan independence both within its nation and abroad. On the other hand, if Taiwan maintained a level of quiet about its independence, the CCP would not know what to do. It would no longer have an excuse to keep up the rate of military expansion. However, it would not feel safe if the military expansion were stopped. In fact, the CCP has placed its stakes on the issue of Taiwan’s independence always being there in the long run. So, when the CCP talks about striking out against Taiwan independence, it is half-true at best. There is an unspoken dependence on the existence of Taiwan’s clamour.

From the issue of Tibet, we catch the CCP’s trick. The Dalai Lama publicly announced that he had given up on the idea of Tibetan independence stating that, moreover, he would like to concede that Tibet is a part of China, but he did so in the hopes that Tibet would be autonomous to a great extent. He even used the CCP’s term, “One Country Two Systems,” in hopes of solving the Tibetan issue. However, the CCP not only didn’t appreciate the offer but also continued to “criticize” the Dalai Lama, forcing Tibet to remain labeled as a region striving for independence. Internationally, people all know about the Dalai Lama’s view on Tibet, which is no demand for independence, but only a demand for autonomy. Only the Chinese people wrongly continue to think that the Dalai Lama is still demanding Tibetan independence.

The purpose of the CCP’s distorted propaganda has been to delay peace talks with the Dalai Lama. In the meantime, it seeks to transform Tibetan culture behind the Dalai Lama’s back so that it can completely control Tibet. The CCP shuns the responsibility for the peace talk failures and has persuaded people to consider that it was the fault of the Dalai Lama and the exiled Tibetan government. Thus the CCP has rid itself of the pressure of the constant demands for peace talks from the international communities.

Coming back to the Taiwan issue the situation is about the same. With the excuse of striving against Taiwan’s independence, the CCP has developed and accumulated a lot of military power. It also can hold high the flags of nationalism and patriotism in front of the Chinese people, which are now precisely the CCP’s raison d’etre while facing the collapse of spiritual belief in China.

Moreover, while the CCP plays at smoke and mirrors in the name of opposing Taiwan’s independence, it has effectively blocked Chinese people from viewing the democracy in Taiwan. It has thus avoided the direct influence and impact of Taiwan democracy. Not to mention that the CCP’s media had already demonized Taiwan’s democracy and regularly disparages and smears the democracy in Taiwan by comparing it with its own Cultural Revolution.
With the coming election in Taiwan this year, the CCP does not necessarily hope for Ma Ying-jeou’s victory as many have predicted. With its complicated mentality, the CCP does not yearn for the “Taiwan independence” issue to cool down, neither does it wish for the conflict to disappear. Between the two sides of the Strait, if the topic of “democracy and dictatorship” replaced that of “unification and independence” it would be a big disaster for the CCP.

Let’s predict what would happen if Ma Ying-jeou were to be elected. He promotes “no unification, no independence, no force.” Once in office, the CCP would still transform his image, rendering Ma as one who is seeking a different form of independence for Taiwan. The CCP would criticize him. Or if Hsieh Chang-ting won?–he promotes “conciliation and paragenesis.” Irrespective, the CCP would give him the fixed tag of “Taiwan independence” and suppress him in the long run.

I still need to repeat my previous reminders: the CCP started to increase military expenditures and expand its military force on a grand scale in 1989, after the June 4th incident. When the CCP expands its military force at will its main purpose is to reinforce and protect its power. The Chinese military is for controlling its people, but not for defense. The CCP could not frankly admit that. Thus, it finds many good excuses for its military expansion, such as opposing Taiwan’s independence, terrorism or hegemony.

[1] Radio Free Asia, January 30, 2008
[2] The “Three Nong” are Nong Cui – countryside, Nong Min – farmers and Nong Ye – agriculture.

A Peasant, Visited by Hu Jintao, is a Professional “Official Visit Receiver”

On January 12, 2008, The China Central Television (CCTV) reported that Mr. Hu Jintao, the President of China visited Mr. Zheng Jichao, an ordinary peasant of Liying village, Wangjiaba town, Funan County, Anhui Province. In the footage, President Hu was shown drinking tape water. It turned out that Zheng, actually, is an experienced “professional impersonator,” who was visited by five batches of local government officials and interviewed by two batches of reporters. An Internet user found this out after a simple search on the Internet. The search results are translated and listed below: [1]
The First Time: (November 15, 2007)

Zheng was first visited on November 15, 2007, by Zhao Kai, deputy secretary of the Work Committee for offices directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, who came to Fuyang for inspection and salute and was accompanied by Hu Liansong, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress and municipal party committee secretary, Zhang Shaochun and Li Hongta, provincial heads in certain divisions, and Liu Shaotai, vice mayor.

At a house reconstruction site, 50-year-old Zheng held Zhao Kai’s hand and said happily, “the residence building is built and the road is widened. We use methane to cook food and our life is enhanced. For all of these, we are thankful for the Communist Party and government’s care and support.” Zhao Kai was very happy to know those villagers whose houses fell were satisfied with the newly reconstructed houses. He said reconstruction work after a disaster was critical to public vitality, interest, social stability, and key development; therefore, everyone must work hard to ensure completeness of the reconstruction task.

Source: (official website of Anhui Province’s Center for Education of Chinese Communist Party members)

The Second Time: (November 23, 2007)
On November 23, 2007, the heads of the county, town, and village all came to Zheng’s home and asked him this and that, and also brought him winter jackets, quilts, and flour. They asked him again and again if he needed any help. When Li Guoqing, the deputy county head, heard his fallen-down house had been reconstructed and they had no worries about food and clothing, he then felt relieved and left. When Zheng wore the winter jacket handed out by the county head, he was so grateful to say, “The winter jacket was new and thick, wearing it warmed my heart. The things we didn’t think through were thought by our government!”

Source: (official website of Fuyang city government, Anhui Province)
The Third Time: (December 5, 2007)
On December 5, 2007, Zhao Shucong, provincial party committee member and executive vice governor, was accompanied by Song Weiping, the municipal party committee secretary, and Song Jiawei, a municipal party committee member and deputy mayor of the standing committee, to a house reconstruction site and Zheng Jichao’s home. After seeing Zheng’s home had been rebuilt and he had no worries about food and clothing, Zhao Shucong encouraged Zheng to make a good use of compensation money to further development and become rich sooner.

Zheng said there were three or four groups of people that came to his home to verify the loss. They all took notes carefully to record what he said. They all had a clear recording. Holding 3979.85 yuan for the compensation and 5000 yuan for his home reconstruction, Zhen said he would build the house nicely and plan well for the next year’s production.

Source: (website of Fuyang city radio station)

The Fourth Time: (December 10, 2007)

On December 10, 2007, Wang Sanyun, Anhui provincial party committee deputy secretary and acting governor was accompanied by Zhang Jun, secretary-general of Anhui provincial government, and other division heads to Fuyang to investigate and guide the work.

Wang Sanyun came to a house reconstruction site in Wangjiaba in Funan to observe the construction work. In Zhentaizi, the roads were smooth, water towers were built, and villagers were happy and busy wrapping up the new houses. After heard a report by the town heads, Wang Sanyun was very happy. He walked into Zheng Jichao’s new three-room home and asked him the source of the house-building and quality of the house. “Are you happy with your new home?” “Certainly! With the government’s support, I now live in a good home.” Wang Sanyun handed Zhen Jichao a cotton quilt and reminded him of keeping warm in winter.

Meng Qingyin, Qi Long, Wang Haiyan, Chu Jinshui, Du Changping, Liu Shaotai, Hu Mingying, Tao Kegui, and Li Zipeng, the city heads, also accompanied Wang Sanyun to do the investigation.

Source: (website of Science and Technology Association of Fuyang city)
The Fifth Time: (December18, 2007)

Interviewed by Reporters:

Zheng Jichao said, “At that moment I was moved to tears.” “No sooner had the flood receded, the verification of flood disasters and compensation tasks in the county started.” “My family was eligible for a compensation of more than 10,000 Yuan. I was so very happy.” I told everybody I met, “We have no fear no matter how big the flood since the Party (CCP) is the patron of our people.” 

Source: (official website of Chinese Communist Party’s Commission For Discipline Inspection of Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guiling City Government’s Bureau of Supervision)

The Sixth Time: (December 18, 2007)

After more than one hour’s drive, the reporters’ eyes were widely opened when they stepped into Zhengtai and Zhizhuangtai in Wangjiaba Town, Funan County.  The original flood-damaged and dilapidated-houses have disappeared. What cast into their eyes is another scene with rows of brand-new flats, with stalls of bright fences, and a spacious paved road that directly leads through the two sides of Zhuangtai. There is a newly built water tower, surrounded by flowers and lawns…

From a distance through the iron fences, Zheng Jichao was just taking a sunbath in the yard. He heard that the reporter was coming to interview; Zheng Jichao stood up in a hurry, and also came the neighbors around the village by ones and twos.”

“Look at the design and planning of our houses, are they comparable to the houses in the cities?” “Your reporters have seen much more than we; how is the tree planting project here?” The folks asked the reporter with feeling of joy. Pointing at the new houses, Zheng Jichao said to the reporters, “The government really cares about me. I was subsidized for 5,000 Yuan for the house and a few hundred Yuan for fixing up the yard. Even the fence was free. Now the tap water and town gas are connected to our house. A few days ago, the town sent us two sacks of flour. I am free from worries of food, dwelling and cooking. Although the weather is cold, our hearts feel warm”.

Source: (official website of Anhui Province’s Center for Education of Chinese Communist Party members)
The Seventh Time: (January 12, 2008)

In the afternoon of January 12, Hu Jintao made a special visit to inspect the Wangjiaba Gateway despite the wind and snow. In last summer, for the sake of the bigger Huai River project, the people in the flood storage made a great sacrifice. The General Secretary had been thinking of the folks in the area and made a special visit to Zhengtai and Zhizhuangtai, Liying village, Wangjiaba Town, Hunan County. After inspected the reinforced protection slope of Zhuangtai and the announcement of compensation, Hu came to Zheng Jichao’s home.

As soon as he entered the house, the General Secretary held the host’s hand, and said with deep feeling, “The folks suffered in the Huai River flood last summer. Now it is winter and cold, I have worried whether you have other difficulties in your life. Today I specifically came here for you.” Zheng Jichao told the General Secretary, “Owing to the help of the Party and the government, I have built my new house and have support for my living.” “Have you received the state’s compensation for the flood?” asked the General Secretary.

“Yes, it is right here”. Zheng Jicha said while taking a red deposit book from his pocket. Hu took over the deposit and counted the amount. He then smiled at Zheng Jichao and said, “Like this, I do not need to worry anymore.”

Upon leaving Zheng’s house, Hu Jintao saw the tap pipes in the yard.  He turned on the faucet, and drank some water from his palms. The General Secretary’s act of caring deeply for the people touched the people who were on the scene.

Source: (CCTV)

So far, the Party leaders who have visited Zheng Jichao’s home are listed below (listed in the order of official rank from low to high, exclude the village and town leaders):

Li Guoqing, Funan County Governor
Li Zipeng, Secretary-General of Fuyang City government
Tao Kegui, Municipal CPPCC Vice Chairman
Hu Mingying, Vice Mayor of Fuyang City
Liu Shaotai, Vice Mayor of Fuyang City
Du Changping, Vice Mayor of Fuyang City
Chu Jinshui, Fuyang City People’s Congress Deputy Director
Wang Haiyan, Fuyang City CPC Committee, Vice Mayor
Qilong, Fuyang City CPC Committee,
Song Jiawei, Fuyang City CPC Committee; City Deputy Director of the NPC Standing Committee
Meng Qingyin, Fuyang City Deputy Secretary
Sun Yunfei, Mayor of Fuyang City, Fuyang City Deputy Secretary
Li Hongta, Province Bureau of Civil Affairs
Zhang Shaochun, Deputy Secretary-General of Anhui Province
Song Weiping, Fuyang City Deputy Secretary, Chief of Municipal People’s Congress
Zhangjun, Government Chief Secretary of Anhui Province
Hu Liansong, Vice Chairman of Anhui Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, former Fuyang City Party Secretary
Zhao Shucong, The Standing Committee of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee, deputy governor of Anhui Province
Zhao Kai, Deputy Decretary of the Work Committee in the Departments under the Central Committee
Wang Yun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee, Acting Governor of Anhui Province
Wang Jinshan, Secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee
Wen Jiabao, The People’s Republic of China Premier
Hu Jintao, China People’s Republic of China, secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee

[1], January 26, 2008

China Central TV Station Lands in Cuba

A celebrating ceremony was held on February 18, 2008, in Cuba’s capital Havana for the landing of China Central TV (CCTV)’s three international channels in Cuba. Up to 2007, CCTV’s Chinese international channel CCTV-4 had landed 66 programs covering 68 countries and regions; English international channel CCTV-9 landed 98 programs covering 90 countries and regions; French international channel CCTV-F landed 9 programs covering 30 and Spanish international channel CCTV-E landed 7 programs covering 7 countries and regions, respectively.

Source: VOA, February 18, 2008

Beijing Expresses Deep Concern over Kosovo Independence

China’s foreign ministry issued a statement on February 18 that expressed "deep concern" over Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia. "The unilateral approach by Kosovo may cause a series of consequences and lead to severe negative influences on the peace and stability of the Balkan region," and “China always believes that reaching an agreement acceptable to both sides through negotiation is the best avenue to solve the problem,” said the statement.

Source: Xinhuanet, February 18, 2008

A List of China’s Princelings and Their Corresponding Posts

On September 7, 2007,, an overseas Chinese news website, published an updated list of China’s Princelings [1] and their corresponding posts. [2] The Union of Chinese Nationalists (UCN)published the original list. According to its website, UCN firmly believes in the Three Principles of the People [3], opposes despotic dictatorships, defends China’s sovereignty, and opposes the split of national territory.

1. He Guangwei – director-general of the National Tourism Administration (Born 1944; Origin: Huarong, Hunan Province; son of He Changgong, a former vice-chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC))

2. Wang Guangtao – minister of the Ministry of Construction (Born 1943; son of Wang Daohan, a former Shanghai Mayor and a former President of the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait)

3. Wang Jingxiang – CEO of the Gangxinxing Corporation (daughter of Wang Daohan)

4. Zhou Xiaochuan – governor of People’s Bank of China (Born January, 1948; Origin: Yixing, Jiangsu Province; son of Zhou Jiannan, a former Minister of Ministry of Machine Building Industry and Ministry of Construction)

5. Lin Yanzhi – Undersecretary of Jilin’s Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) (Born April 1948; Origin: Wang Kui, Heilongjiang Province; son of Lin Feng, a former Vice-Chairman of the National People’s Congress)

6. Hu Deping – vice-president of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice-minister of the United Front Work Department, CCCPC (Born November 1942; Origin: Liuyang, Hunan Province; first son of Hu Yaobang, a former general secretary of The CPC Central Committee)

7. Liu Hu –China Resources Standing Committee director and deputy general manager (Hu Yaobang’s second son)

8. An Li – a former Xiamen Vice-Mayor (wife of Hu Deping; daughter of An Ziwen, a former Minister of the Organization Department of the CCCPC)

9. An Min – vice-minister of the Ministry of Commerce (Born April 1945; Origin: Suide, Shaanxi Province; son of An Ziwen, a former Minister of the Organization Department of the CCCPC)
10. Lou Jiwei – vice-minister of the Minister of Finance (Born December 1950; Origin: Yiwu, Zhejiang Province; brother-in-law of Chen Qingtai, a deputy director and secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Development Research Centre of The State Council)

11. Li Tieying – vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress (Born: September 1936, Origin: Changsha, Hunan Province; first son of Li Weihan, a former vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress)

12. Li Tielin – vice-minister of the Standing Committee of Organization Department, CCCPC; director of the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform; a member of the 16th CCCPC (Born May 1943, youngest son of Li Weihan)

13. Hong Hu – Jilin Province Governor (Born June 1940; Origin: Jinzhai, Anhui Province; son of Hong Xuezhi, a former vice-president of The National Committee of The CPPCC)

14. Hong Bao – vice-commander of the Tianjin Garrison, major general (son of Hong Xuezhi)

15. Liu Xirong – vice secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of The CPC (Born May 1942; Origin: Ruijin, Jiangxi Province; son of Liu Ying, a CPC revolutionary martyr)

16. Teng Jiuming – undersecretary of Chongqing Municipal Committee of the CPC and secretary of the Chongqing Committee for Discipline Inspection (son of Teng Daiyuan, a former vice-chairman of The National Committee of The CPPCC)

17. Su Rongsheng – Beijing Military Region vice-commander, lieutenant general (son of Su Yu, a vice-minister of the Ministry of National Defense, senior general)

18. Qiao Zonghuai – vice minister and a member of the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Born July 1944; Origin: Jianhu, Jiangsu Province; son of Qiao Guanhua, a former minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

19. Chen Weilian – vice-president of the National Administrative Academy (oldest daughter of Chen Yun, a former member of the Standing Committee of The Political Bureau of The CPC and a former vice-chairman of the CCCPC)

20. Chen Weili – general manager of the China International Intellectech Corporation (daughter of Chen Yu)

21. Chen Yuan – president of China Development Bank (Origin: Qingpu, Shanghai; oldest son of Chen Yun)
22. Chen Fang – manager of the Guangdong Zhongshanshiye Corporation (youngest son of Chen Yun)

23. Chen Zhifei –Aerospace Ministry senior engineer (Origin: Xiangxiang, Hunan Province; oldest son of Chen Geng, a senior general and a former vice-minister of the Ministry of National Defense)

24. Chen Zhijian – Chongqing Garrison vice-commander, major general (Origin: Xiangxiang, Hunan Province; second son of Chen Geng)

25. Chen Zhishu – vice-commander of the People’s Liberation Army in Hong Kong, major general (Origin: Xiangxiang, Hunan Province; third son of Chen Geng)

26. Chen Zhiya – secretary-general of the China International Strategy Foundation, Academy of Military Sciences Foreign Military Research Department researcher, major general (Born 1949; Origin: Xiangxiang, Hunan Province; son of Chen Geng)

27. Chen Haosu – president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (son of Field Marshal Chen Yi)

28. Chen Danhuai – head of the General Armament Department’s Technology Department, major general (son of Chen Yi)

29. Chen Xiaolu – board chairman of the Beijing Standard International Investment Management Corp. (son of Chen Yi, son-in-law of Su Yu)

30. Wang Guangya – vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the United Nations (Born March 1950: Origin: Jiangsu Province; son-in-law of Chen Yi)

31. Chen Tonghai – board chairman and general manager of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Born 1949; Origin: Guanyun, Jiangsu Province; son of Chen Weida, a former secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of The CPC)

32. Tao Siliang – vice-president and secretary-general of the China Association of Mayors (Born 1941; Origin: Hunan Province; daughter of Tao Zhu, a vice-premier and a former member of Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee)

33. He Jiesheng – head of the Academy of Military Sciences Encyclopedia Department, major general (Born November 1935; Origin: Sangzhi, Hunan Province; oldest daughter of He Long, a field marshal and a former vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission)
34. Nie Li – vice-president of the Standing Committee of the China Association of Inventions (Born September 1939; Origin: Chongqing; world’s first female major general; daughter of Field Marshall Nie Rongzhen)

35. Ding Henggao – director-general of China Society of Inertial Technology, academician, senior general; former director of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (Born February, 1931; Origin: Nanjing; son-in-law of Nie Rongzhen)

36. Tan Dongsheng – vice commander of the Guangdong Military Region, lieutenant general (son of Tan Zhenlin, a former senior commander of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA))

37. Zhang Xiang – vice-commander of the PLA’s Secondary Artillery Unit, lieutenant general (Origin: Sichuan Province; son of senior general and former Vice-Premier Zhang Aiping)

38. Luo Dongjin – deputy Political Commissar of the People’s Liberation Army’s Second Artillery Unit, lieutenant general (Born February 1939; Origin: Hengshan, Hunan Province; son of Field Marshal Luo Ronghuan)

39. Li Lun – deputy head of the General Logistics Department, lieutenant general (Origin: Chaohu, Anhui Province; son of Li Rongke, a former vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a former minister of the Ministry of Investigation)

40. Ding Yiping – vice-commanding officer of the Jinan Military Region, commander of the North Sea Fleet, lieutenant general (Born 1955; Origin: Xiangxiang, Hunan Province; son of Ding Qiusheng, founding lieutenant general and a former North Sea Fleet Political Commissar)

41. He Daoquan – vice-president of National Defense University, lieutenant general (Origin: Huarong, Hunan Province; son of He Changgong, vice-president of the Committee of The National Committee of the CPPCC)

42. Zhou Erjun – head of the Political Department of National Defense University, major general (nephew of former Premier Zhou Enlai)

43. Luo Jian – Political Commissar of the Logistics Department of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense; major general (son of Luo Ruiqing, a former minister of the Ministry of National Defense and a senior general)

44. Qin Tao – vice-commander of the Beijing Garrison, major general (son of Qin Jiwei, a former member of the State Councilor and a former minister of the Ministry of National Defense)
45. Yang Jiping – vice-commander of Tianjin Garrison, major general (son of Yang Yong, a former secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC)

46. Zhang Xiaoyang – president of the PLA Institute of Foreign Languages, major general (Origin: Pingjiang, Hunan; son of Zhang Zhenzhi, a senior general and a former vice-president of Central Military Commission)

47. Zhang Haiyang – political commissar of the Army’s 27th Regiment, major general (son of Zhang Zhen, a former head of the General Logistics Department and a former member of the CCCPC)

48. Zhang Zhengan – chief of the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, General Staff Department (GSD); major general (nephew of Zhang Zhen)

49. Xu Xiaoyan – chief of the Communication Department of GSD, major general (son of Field Marshal Xu Xiangqian)

50. Ma Guochao – deputy political commissar of the Naval Air Force, major general (son of CPC military hero Ma Benzhai)

51. Feng Hongda – vice-commander of the North Sea Fleet, major general (son of Feng Yuxiang, a military general who first aided Chiang Kai-shek in cleansing the communists, but who later on turned against Chiang and responded to the CPC’s call to join the then newly formed CPPCC)

52. Liu Taixing – head of the Academic Research Department of the PLA Air Force Command College, major general (son of Field Marshall Liu Bocheng)

53. Liu Taichi – vice-head of the Air Force Armament Department, major general (son of Liu Bocheng)

54. Liu Miqun – vice-president of the PLA Air Force Command College (daughter of Liu Bocheng)

55. Yang Junsheng – head of Military Police Armament Department and Technology Development Director, major general (daughter of Yang Chengwu, a former secretary-general of the Central Military Commission)

56. Yang Dongsheng – vice-head of the PLA Second Artillery Armament Department, major general (son of Yang Chengwu)

57. Yang Dongming – Head of the Material and Fuel Department within the PLA General Logistics Department, major general (son of Yang Chengwu)
58. Wu Shaozu – vice secretary of the Work Committee for offices, directly under the CCCPC, a former State Physical Cultural Administration chief (Born April 1939; Origin: Leiyang, Hunan Province; son of Wu Yunfu, a secretary-general of the Central Military Commission)

59. Li Nanzhen – vice-president of the Shijiazhuan Army Command College, major general (son of Li Desheng, a senior general and a former Vice-Chairman of the CCCPC)

60. Liu Zhuoming – director of the PLA Navy Equipment Demonstration Center, major general (Origin: Dawu, Hubei Province; son of Liu Huaqing, a former vice-chairman of the country)

61. Pan Yue – deputy chief of the State Environmental Protection Administration (son-in-law of Liu Huaqing, a former vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission)

62. Xu Yuanchao – vice-head of Nanjing Military Region Armament Department, major general (son of the military general Xu Shiyou)

63. Xu Yanbin – vice-president of Armored Force College (son of Senior General Xu Guangda, a former vice-minister of the Ministry of National Defense)

64. Wan Boao – State Physical Cultural Administration Propaganda Department director, China Sports Magazine director and editor-in-chief (son of Wan Li, a former Chairman of the National People’s Congress)

65. Wan Jifei – chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the China Chamber of International Commerce (Born October 1948; Origin: Dongping, Shandong Province; son of Wan Li, a former vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress and a former vice-premier of the State Council)

66. Ye Xuanping – a former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of The National Committee of CPPCC (Born November 1924; Origin: Mei County, Guangdong Province; son of Field Marshal Ye Jianying)

67. Wu Xiaolan – a former vice mayor of Shenzhen, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress (wife of Ye Xanping, granddaughter of CPP Elder Wu Yuzhang)

68. Ye Xinfu – CEO of the Hong Kong Wanxing Corporation (son of Ye Xuanping)

69. Ye Xuanning – a.k.a. Yue Feng; a former head of the Liaison Department of the General Political Department; lieutenant general; chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Kaili Corporation (son of Ye Jianying, a cofounder of the PLA, a former vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission and a former Minister of the Ministry of National Defense)
70. Ye Xuanlian – the PLA’s General Staff Department cadre (son of Ye Jianying)

71. Ye Xiangzhen – a.k.a. Ling Zi; film director, currently resides in Hong Kong (daughter of Ye Jianying)

72. Zou Jiahua – vice-premier of the State Council (son-in-law of Ye Jianying)

73. Ye Xuanji – senior official of the People’s Armed Police (nephew of Ye Jianying)

74. Ye Jingzi – CEO of Brilliant Culture (born 1975; granddaughter of Ye Jianying)

75. Fu Rui – former assistant general manager of China National Nuclear Corporation (son of Peng Zhen, a former chairman of the National People’s Congress)

76. Fu Yang – vice president of the All China Lawyers Association, Beijing Kang Da Law Firm senior partner (son of Peng Zhen)

77. Fu Yan – board president of Beijing Fuli Corporation (daughter of Peng Zhen)

78. Jiang Xiaoming – president of the board of directors of the Shenzhen CyberCity Co. Ltd. (son of Qiao Shi, a former chairman of the Standing Committee of the People’s National Congress)

79. Wang Xiaochao – China Poly Group Corporation director and assistant general manager (son-in-law of Yang Shangkun, the fourth Chairman of the PRC)

80. Larry Yung Chi Kin– Citic Pacific chairman, richest man in mainland China (Born 1942; Origin: Jiangsu Province; son of Rong Yiren, former Vice-Chairman of the country)

81. Deng Yingtao – director of the Center for Economic and Cultural Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Born September 1952; Origin: Guidong, Hunan Province; son of Deng Liqun, a former head of Publicity Department of the CCCPC)

82. Xie Fei – vice-chairman of the Chinese Film Association and vice president of the Standing Committee of China Movie Directors Association (Born 1942; son of Xie Juezai, a former vice-chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC)

83. Jiang Zehui – president of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (Born February 1938; Origin: Jiangsu Province; younger sister of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin)
84. Jiang Mianheng – president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (first son of Jiang Zemin)

85. Jiang Miankang -General Political Department Organization Department head, major general (Born 1957; Origin: Jiangsu Province; youngest son of Jiang Zemin)

86. Li Xiaopeng – board chairman and general manager of China Huaneng Group, assistant general manager of the State Grid Corporation of China, nicknamed King of Asian Electricity (Born 1959; son of Li Peng, the fourth PRC State Council Premier)

87. Li Xiaolin – executive director and general manager of China Power International Development Limited (daughter of Li Peng)

88. Zhu Yunlai – CEO and director of China International Capital Corporation Limited (son of former Premier Zhu Rongji)

89. Zhu Yanlai –general manager of the Development Planning Department, Bank of China (Hong Kong) (daughter of Zhu Rongji)

90. Wen Yunsong – CEO of Unihub Corp., Beijing (son of Premier Wen Jiabao)

91. Xu Ming – ECO of Dailian Shide Group, ranked 15th richest man in China in 2003, ranked 12th in Chinese Forbes (son-in-law of Wen Jiabao)

[1] Crown Prince Party (太子党) or The Princelings, are the descendants (usually in the second-generation) of prominent and influential senior communists of the People’s Republic of China. It is not a political party, but an informal, and often derogatory, appellation to describe those benefiting from nepotism and cronyism. Although some of them are good citizens and keep a low profile, many of them are perceived to be arrogant and undeserving of the fortune or the prominence they hold. By utilizing their fathers’ privileges, they often place themselves above the law and foster the spread of corruption.
[2], September 7, 2007
[3] Three Principles of the People was a political philosophy developed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. They include Government of the People, Government by the People, and the Welfare of the People. By Government of the People, Sun meant freedom from imperialist domination. To achieve this he believed that China must develop a "civic-nationalism" as opposed to an "ethnic-nationalism," so as to unite all of the different ethnicities of China. To Sun, Government of the People represented a Western constitutional government, with the National Assembly representing people’s political wishes and the administrative power carried out in a five-branch government. Sun understood People’s Welfare as an industrial economy and equality of land holdings for the Chinese peasants.

ChinaNews on Spy Accusation

The accusation that China has been actively spying in US is "a pure fabrication with an ultimate motive", claimed by the front page article who cited the rebuttal statement from the spokesperson of the Department of Foreign Affairs in response to the arrest of four "Chinese Spies" by US. The media fanfare on the arrest is consistent with the continued touting of the so-called "Chinese Espionage" and "China Threat" that has become an inharmonic note accompanying the China’s fast rising economy and the continued improvement of Sino-US relationship. The article states that US has the world’s most sophisticated and complete espionage agencies and 1/3 of internet hacking actives occurred in US. It calls for the US to let go the Cold War mentality and stop groundless accusation toward China.

Source: China News, February 17, 2008