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Communist Party School on the Important Issues of Building a Harmonious Society

Marxism remains the "guiding ideology" and "fundamental principle" for Chinese Communist Party and "the soul of social ideologies." In March 2007, a professor from the Party School of the Communist Party of China published a paper entitled "Important Issues for Future In-depth Studies on Building a Harmonious Socialist Society." Hu Jintao set forth the goal of a harmonious society at the Party’s Sixth Plenary Session held in October 2006.

China’s Government Think Tanks on Taiwan Politics

Xiamen Star issued a "2006 Taiwan Report" authored by a group of experts and scholars from Mainland China and Taiwan. Those from Mainland China allege that Taiwan has entered a new period of political turmoil, color revolution is taking place in Taiwan and public opinion will decide who is the winner in Taiwan election.

China Establishes Measures For Young Pioneers Counselors

On June 26, 2007, China Youth Daily reported that the Central Committee, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Personnel, and the National Working Committee on Children, had executed and implemented the Young Pioneers Counselors Administration Measures (hereinafter referred to as "Measure"). [1] The Measure provides guidelines and support in building a team of Young Pioneer Counselors.

Hong Kong Denies Entry to Hundreds of Falun Gong Practitioners – News Blocked in Mainland China

Just days before July 1, 2007, the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s hand-over to communist China, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan were denied entry into Hong Kong. After arriving, most of them were deported back to Taiwan. The incident started on June 25 when Theresa Chu, a Falun Gong human rights attorney was denied entry. As of June 30, about 520 people had been deported or detained at the airport.

The Policy on the 2006 Annual PLA Recruitment Campaign

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recruits nationwide once a year in winter starting November 1. Typically the Party Secretary of each town or city heads the recruitment campaign. A local Party Secretary in Jiangsu Province made a speech which reveals the general policies of the 2006 annual PLA recruitment campaign.