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New Statistics on Chinese Communist Party Membership

The official Xinhua News Agency reports that Communist Party membership increased by 11,859,000 between 2002 and 2006 averaging 2.37 million per year. As of the end of 2006, Communist Party membership reportedly totaled 2.391 million, of which 14.292 million were female and 55.472 million were 35 years of age or above. According to an overseas Chinese global media, the Epoch Times, between December 3, 2004, and July 16, 2007, over 23.8 million persons quit the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers by renouncing their membership on the web.

The Communist Party Claims Success in Recruiting and Retaining Party Members

The Chinese Communist Party claims it had "remarkable results" in its campaign to educate and control its members. Recent Xinhua News Agency articles set forth some key achievements in methods of control of Party members, including recruitment drives in all walks of life, and  an increased retention rate through using hotlines and long distance learning pilot programs.

In 2005 China Allegedly Kidnapped a “Valuable” Chinese Woman with New Zealand Residency

On July 17, 2007, a former Chinese diplomat disclosed that Chinese Communist regime kidnapped a New Zealand resident two years ago and brought her back to China via a state-owned ship that was waiting in New Zealand waters. "The kidnapped woman was very valuable to the Communist Party." Chen Yonglin, former First Secretary in Australia, made the disclosure amid recent accounts from former Chinese student leaders at universities in Australia, Europe and the United States revealing how China has used Chinese student organizations to infiltrate universities and communities in Western countries.