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Scholar: Chinese College Students Born in the 2000’s Hold Dichotomous World View

Yan Xuetong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of Tsinghua University, recently pointed to the intergenerational differences between college students born in the 2000’s and the previous generations. Yan highlighted their idiosyncrasies in terms of ideology, aesthetic standards, values and moral concepts.

Yan observed that Chinese college students born in the 2000’s often look at the world with a dichotomous view, treating countries other than China as the same group, and regarding universal values such as peace, morality, fairness and justice as unique Chinese traditions. They tend to believe that only China is righteous and innocent, while all other countries, especially those in the West, are “evil,” and that Westerners have a natural hatred toward China. In addition, Yan believed that this generation is deeply influenced by the Internet and they take what they have learned from cyberspace, such as economic determinism and conspiracy theory as common sense.

Yan pointed out at a conference that contemporary students often have a strong sense of superiority and self-confidence, and they are easily influenced by the Internet. He suggested that teachers should help students understand the twists and turns of history and the diversity of the world; they should also help them enhance their ability to think logically and critically.

Source: Mingpao, January 14, 2022

Chinese Real Estate Developer Aoyuan Announced USD Bond Default

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDAQ: SINA) recently reported that China’s Aoyuan Group, the 25th largest real estate developer in China, announced in advance that it will default on its U.S. dollar based bonds. It will not pay the interest in the next few years for its over US$1 billion U.S. Dollar debts. The announcement somewhat caught the market and investors by surprise. Not only did it not initiate any tender offer for the dollar bonds due this week, but it also announced a default before the expiration date. This practice is obviously different from other real estate companies. After the official announcement of default, Aoyuan will enter the stage of debt restructuring. In its announcement, Aoyuan stated that it is working with advisors (including legal, financial and other advisors) to evaluate its capital structure and liquidity and to conduct due diligence. In terms of operations, affected by the tight liquidity, the performance of Aoyuan has continued to be sluggish. Aoyuan said that the continued downturn in the market has dampened consumer confidence and made it difficult for the Group to realize inventories and sell assets on reasonable terms. The company pointed out that the management team of the group, including the senior management, remains stable and is committed to improving the firm’s operations.

Source: Sina, January 20, 2022

Samsung Overtakes Intel as Global Chip Leader

Well-known Chinese news site Sohu (NASDAQ: SOHU) recently reported that the U.S. research firm Gartner just revealed data showing that, in 2021, Samsung Electronics’ semiconductor revenue increased by 31.6 percent to US$75.9 billion, surpassing Intel to become the world’s highest-revenue chipmaker. The second-ranked Intel’s semiconductor revenue was $73.1 billion last year, with an increase of only 0.5 percent. It was the slowest sales growth among the top 25 chip manufacturers. Intel’s competitor AMD, in the server processor segment, market share has soared from 14th to 10th. However, Gartner’s ranking does not include foundry companies such as TSMC. It is worth mentioning that, in order to consolidate its position as the world’s number one, Samsung intends to return to China to seize more market share. Recently, it has established a new team called the “China Market Innovation Group,” which directly reports to the co-CEO. In 2018, 60 percent of Samsung’s chip revenue came from the Chinese market. Each year in China, it has easily earned RMB 300 billion (around US$47.3 billion) a year. It is fair to say that Samsung becoming the chip king in that year definitely had help from the Chinese market. In 2021, the global semiconductor industry sales surged 25.1 percent to $583.5 billion. This is the first time the industry exceeded the $500 billion revenue mark. As chip demand continues to surge, chipmakers such as Intel and Micron have expressed the belief that the global semiconductor boom will continue into 2025.

Source: Sohu, January 20, 2022

Global Times: Japanese Media Complained about Chinese EV Dumping

Global Times recently reported that Japanese media have been covering how Chinese electric vehicles are gaining momentum in Japan, entering the Japanese public transportation and logistics industry with a “crushing price advantage.” They claim that the momentum has the potential to lead to China’s deeply mining Japan’s information. The Japanese people should not be careless. The media urged the Japanese government to respond. At the end of last year, there was a “shocking” news report that four electric buses made by China’s BYD began to operate on the Keihan bus line in Kyoto city. Japan-made electric buses cost JPY 70 million each, while China-made buses cost JPY 19.5 million. BYD plans to sell 4,000 electric buses to Japan by 2030. Japanese media also indicated that electric vehicles made in China are also making their way into the Japanese logistics industry. For example, leading logistics company “Sagawa Express” plans to introduce 7,200 Chinese electric vehicles. And SBS Holdings, the parent company of “same-day delivery,” also plans to replace 2,000 current vehicles with Chinese electric trucks. Even with Japanese government subsidies, Nissan and Mitsubishi’s EVs are priced much higher. Japanese media speculated that the strong momentum of China’s electric vehicles is due to the large subsidies from the Chinese government. They also urge the Japanese government to follow China’s example and introduce laws to prohibit the transfer of EV driving data abroad.

Source: Global Times, January 21, 2022

China Is Improving Cambodia’s Navy Base

The think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies reported that, in photos released by the Cambodian government and commercial satellite images, Chinese dredgers can be seen near Cambodia’s Ream naval base.

The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) said deepening the port is necessary for big warships to use it and that this is part of a secret agreement between China and Cambodia. It quoted a Wall Street Journal report in 2019 that this agreement would allow the People’s Liberation Army to use the Ream naval base in exchange for Beijing providing money to improve the base’s infrastructure.

Source: Epoch Times, January 22, 2022.

China’s Population Sees the Slowest Growth in Decades

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the total population in mainland China, excluding foreigners, was 1.41 billion people as of the end of 2021, an increase of 480,000 people compared to 2020.

There were 10.62 million newborns and 10.14 million deaths. The natural population growth rate was therefore 0.034 percent for 2021.

Analysts in China observed that the number of newborns in China in 2021 was the lowest since 1949, and the birth rate was the lowest on record.

A moderate forecast for the future trend of China’s population assumes China spends 1 to 3 percent of its annual GDP on incentivizing women to have more children, which is the average spending rate of developed countries. In that case, China’s newborns will drop to below 10 million in the next two or three years, down to 773,000 in 2050 and 306,000 in 2100. Currently, China’s newborns are half that of India. The rate will be one-third of India’s by 2050 and less than one-quarter of India’s by 2100. According to this moderate forecast, China’s newborns will be overtaken by the United States in 2083 and will be two-thirds of the United States in 2100. While China’s total population is more than four times that of the United States, the number of newborns will be overtaken by the United States in two generations, showing the population’s rapid depletion.

China National Bureau of Statistics, January 17, 2022, January 17, 2022
Caixin, December 14, 2021

CNA: China Cut Orders; Lithuania’s Century-Old Brewery Switched to Taiwan

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that, affected by the diplomatic turmoil between Lithuania and China, Lithuania’s oldest brewery Volfas Engelman lost all Chinese orders last fall. CEO Marius Horbačauskas said that Volfas entered the Taiwan market in mid-2020. In the first year, sales volume was about 8,000 liters. However, in 2021, the volume surged to 180,000 liters, a 23-fold increase. Though not wanting to get involved in politics, Volfas was informed near the end of last summer that the Chinese Internet and the media were criticizing Lithuanian products, and they were boycotted in the Chinese market. In the end, Volfas Beer was notified in October that all orders by the end of the year were cancelled. Marius said that 30 years ago, Lithuania fought and sacrificed to break away from the Soviet Union and restore freedom and independence, so it is easy to sympathize with other nations who have experienced similar experiences. Smaller countries have different needs and behavioral patterns and therefore it is easier for them to understand each other.

Source: CNA, January 17, 2022

CCP Published its Propaganda about Xinjiang in Times Square, in Europe, and in Japan

On January 6, Xinhua News Agency posted an article that China has broadcasted “Discover Shihezi (a city in Xinjiang)” in Chinese and English on the electric billboard “China Screen” at Times Square in New York, 48 times a day for 7 consecutive days. In addition, on January 7, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) propaganda machine posted the same video on the websites of the Paris-based Nouvelles d’Europe newspaper and Japan’s AFPBB News and its social media. The videos were in Chinese, English, French, and German. The videos claimed that Shihezi’s present-day “prosperity” is the result of more than 70 years of development under the CCP’s leadership.

A commentator called this the CCP’s global propaganda. It involved lying to Western audiences and to politicians by claiming a place where the CCP forcibly-immigrated Han people and committed genocide was actually a “beautiful” and “green city.” He also criticized Times Square’s  electric billboard and other Western companies for giving up moral standards in exchange for the CCP’s money.

in July 2011, Xinhua News Agency rented the biggest and best-located billboard at Times Square, a 60 inch by 40 inch screen, . Media said the rent could be US $300,000 to $400,000 per month.

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 12, 2022