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China Warns of ‘Anti-China’ Study Abroad Agencies, Tightens Control of Overseas Students

China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) has reported that some overseas study agencies have been “altering student resumes” to include anti-China rhetoric in study abroad applications, posing a threat to national security. The MSS claims to have uncovered a case where an agency assisted foreign anti-China forces in infiltrating student groups by modifying application materials with “illegal content that damaged China’s image.” The MSS warned “students and parents to be cautious of study abroad opportunities being used as bait for anti-China activities.” It cited laws that classify the “fabrication or distortion of facts harmful to national security” as espionage-related offenses. The MSS release reflects the tightening control of China’s government over overseas students, possibly reflecting CCP fears of losing ideological influence over the Chinese youth as well as a reaction to growing political awareness among the middle class.

One such study abroad agency allegedly promised students a “green channel” for admission to foreign universities by “polishing” their application essays. In May, the agency and its leadership were reportedly “dealt with according to law.” Meanwhile, some have described increasingly strict procedures facing Chinese students wishing to study abroad, including political screenings and as a requirement that prospective students sign guarantees of loyalty to the Chinese government.

The MSS announcement has created a chilling effect among Chinese netizens, with some parents expressing concerns about their children being labeled as anti-China or being accused of endangering national security while studying abroad.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 9, 2024