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CCTV: Singapore Diplomat – The Era of Western Domination of the World Is Coming to An End

Recently, many Chinese news websites published a video clip said to be an excerpt of a speech delivered by Kishore Mahbubani at Harvard University. Mahbubani was a Singaporean diplomat and geopolitical consultant once serving as Singapore’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations. In the video, Mr. Mahbubani said:

“I can tell you this, as someone who travels to 30 or 40 countries a year, when I come to the United States and I go to my hotel room in Charles Hotel and turn on the television, I feel that I’ve been cut off from the rest of the world. And literally, the insularity of the American discourse is actually frightening. This is true of the New York Times, this is true of the Washington Post, (and) this is true of the Wall Street Journal. There is an incestuous self-referential discourse among these newspaper journalists and so on so forth. And they reference each other’s perspectives and end up misunderstanding the world.

Because you know the one key point I emphasize is that the era of Western domination of world history was a 200-year aberration. It’s coming to an end. And as a result of it you’ve got to learn to understand non-Western perspectives in the world. And it’s actually quite frightening that in many ways I find American intellectuals behind intellectuals including in Serbia where I just was or Greece or Istanbul. They are much more aware of what’s happening in the world than most American intellectuals are. I don’t know how to solve that problem.”

Source: CCTV, July 20, 2024

China Facilitates Reconciliation of Fatah, Hamas, and Other Palestinian Factions in Beijing

At the invitation of China, senior representatives from 14 Palestinian factions held reconciliation talks in Beijing from July 21 to 23. They signed the “Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity.” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the closing ceremony. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated that “The most significant consensus from the talks was achieving major reconciliation and unity among all 14 factions. The most core outcome was the reaffirmation that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

Wang Yi met Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh and Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmud Alul on July 21 and July 23, respectively.

Commentaries pointed out that Beijing has once again intervened to save Hamas, allowing it to survive and to continue to play a significant role in the future Palestinian government, posing a long-term threat to Israel.

The U.S. State Department reiterated that the United States has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization and that it believes Hamas should not be involved in Gaza’s post-war governance.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz made a post on the X platform saying “Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement in China for joint control of Gaza after the war. Instead of rejecting terrorism, Mahmoud Abbas embraces the murderers and rapists of Hamas, revealing his true face. In reality, this won’t happen because Hamas’s rule will be crushed, and Abbas will be watching Gaza from afar. Israel’s security will remain solely in Israel’s hands.”

1. Xinhua, July 24, 2024
2. Aboluo, July 24, 2024
3. X Platform, Yisrael Katz’s account @Israel_katz,

Xinhua Removes Article Praising Xi Jinping as a Reformer Amid Speculation and Rumors

On 7/15, the first day of the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) 20th Party Congress, Xinhua News Agency released a special feature titled “Reformer Xi Jinping.” Many media outlets highlighted this title in their coverage, noting that it was the first time the official media referred to Xi Jinping as “reformer (改革家).” The nearly 10,000-word article praises Xi’s commitment to reform, likening him to Deng Xiaoping, who is known as the chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up. It claims that Xi will “lead the entire party and nation on a new journey of further comprehensive deepening of reforms.”

However, starting on the 7/16 (the day after publication), this lengthy “Reformer” article was no longer available on the Xinhua website. Other media linking to or quoting the “Reformer” article have been changed to refer to another article instead. Meanwhile, Ta Kung Pao, a CCP-affiliated media outlet operating in Hong Kong, still has its front-page report on the “Reformer” article.

China observers pointed out that for Xinhua to publish such a lengthy feature, it must have been under the instructions of the General Office of the CCP’s Central Committee; and the designation of “reformer” was clearly meant to position Xi Jinping in a specific light. Now that the article is unavailable, it can only be said that it has been deleted. The reason for the deletion is unclear.

At the same time, there are rumors spreading online that Xi Jinping suffered a stroke during the Third Plenary Session meeting.

1. Radio France International, July 17, 2024中国/20240717-官媒捧文-改革家习近平-突下架-有评论忧三中全会出状况
2. Wenxue City, July 16, 2024

China’s Photovoltaic Industry Faces Extensive Oversupply

Chinese companies have dominated the world’s photovoltaic industry (i.e. solar panel production). The sector represents one of the “new three products” (new energy vehicles (i.e. electric vehicles), lithium batteries, photovoltaic products) comprising Beijing’s current industrial strategy. In 2023, China’s exports of the “new three products” totaled 1.06 trillion yuan (US$ 150 billion), surpassing the trillion-yuan mark for the first time. Within just half a year, however, the entire Chinese photovoltaic industry has fallen into a loss territory.

As of July 9, among the listed companies that have disclosed their mid-year performance forecasts, most companies in the photovoltaic industry are forecasting significant losses. Among them, seven companies – LONGi Green Energy, Tongwei Co., Ltd., TCL Zhonghuan, Aiko Solar, Shuangliang Eco-Energy, Jingyuntong, and Hongyuan New Energy – are expected to have loss exceeding 1 billion yuan each. LONGi Green Energy, the world’s largest photovoltaic company, indicates a net loss of 4.8 billion to 5.5 billion yuan. Its market value has fallen from its peak of 550 billion yuan to below 100 billion yuan.

In the past, China provided heavy national subsidies to the photovoltaic industry that had attracted many manufacturers enter this field, producing homogeneous products. By the end of 2023, China’s annual production reached 861 gigawatts, more than twice the global installation volume of 390 gigawatts. It is predicted that the capacity will increase by another five to six hundred gigawatts this year. It is estimated that China’s silicon wafer, battery, and module production capacity to be put into operation in 2024 will be sufficient to cover the global annual demand till 2032 (nine years).

Critics point out, “(China’s) support for the photovoltaic industry is a result of government policy, rather than market guidance. (The current overcapacity) was inevitable. It is a result of a planned economy that has mismatched production and market (demand).”

Source: Epoch Times, July 14, 2024

“People’s Court” Finds Xi Jinping Guilty of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity

A “people’s court” known as The Court of the Citizens of the World, held a trial in Hague, against China’s top leader Xi Jinping, from July 8 to July 12. Based on evidence of Xi’s effective control over the state organs committing widespread and systematic violations in Tibet and Xinjiang, the court confirmed charges of crimes against humanity in Tibet and genocide and crimes against humanity to Uyghurs in Xinjiang, against Xi Jinping.

Though the court cannot take forcible actions against Xi, it hopes that its findings can compel countries to impose sanctions or reconsider their economic and political ties with China.

Source: VOA, July 13, 2024

Hong Kong Strengthens “Patriotic Education” with New Initiatives and Programs

Guangming Daily reported that China’s “Patriotic Education Law” came into effect on January 1, 2024. In April, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government established a Patriotic Education Working Group. Recently, Hong Kong has carried out a variety of patriotic education activities.

In May, the Hong Kong government announced that the “Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense” would be reestablished under a new name: the “Hong Kong Museum of Anti-Japanese War and Coastal Defense.” The aim of this change is “is to help visitors gain a deeper understanding of the history of the anti-Japanese War (WWII), appreciate the close ties between Hong Kong and China, and enhance visitors’ sense of national identity, belonging, and pride.”

The government pushed out new middle school curriculum guidelines on the subject of Chinese history: the “Hong Kong National Security Education Curriculum Framework.” The national security education curriculum frameworks pertains to 15 subjects. All elementary and middle schools are required to fly the national flag on every school day, on New Year’s Day, on the Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day, and on National Day. Schools are also required to hold a flag-raising ceremony once a week. Elementary and middle schools are instructed to organize national education activities on major holidays. The General Studies subject at the elementary schools is to include content on national identity and Chinese culture. Chinese history has become a compulsory subject in middle school. The high school’s Citizenship and Social Development subject is to closely align with China’s development.

The Guangming Daily reported that universities and middle and high schools in Hong Kong are actively engaging in various exchange and internship programs in mainland China “to help Hong Kong youth gain a better understanding of the motherland and enhance their sense of affinity towards the country.” The Hong Kong Joint Publishing Group, including Hong Kong Sanlian Bookstore, Hong Kong Zhonghua Book Company, and the Hong Kong Commercial Press, publishes approximately 2,000 new books in Chinese and English each year. Among these, hundreds of publications are on national education, many of which have won prestigious publishing awards both domestically and internationally. For example, they published a series of books of “How Much Do You Know About the National Flag, National Emblem, and National Anthem,” the series of “My Home in China,” and the picture book “Our Country, Our Security.”

Source: Guangming Daily, June 30, 2024

China Expands “Big External Propaganda” with Local International Communication Centers

Since 2023, China’s “big external propaganda” (大外宣) activities (a series of propaganda campaigns aiming to project China’s voice and image overseas) have been rapidly shifting from the purview of the central government to a responsibility of China’s local governments. As of now, China has established 23 provincial-level international communication centers, in Shenzhen, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hebei, etc… The latest additions include the “Zhejiang International Communication Center” established on May 31 and the “Tianjin International Communication Center” established in early June this year. According to the official newspaper Tianjin Daily, the Tianjin center “will send more than ten filming teams to multiple countries and regions, using cameras and writing to showcase Tianjin’s core role in building a community with a shared future for humanity, co-constructing the ‘Belt and Road,’ and to serve the main diplomatic strategy of the country.”

An article titled “Efforts to Strengthen the Development of International Communication Capabilities and Systems” on Qiushi Journal in November 2023 pointed out that these international communication centers, “by displaying local characteristics,” has become a “new force” in China’s international communication. The ” Jiangsu International Communication Center” has set up channels in seven languages on overseas mainstream social platforms such as X Platform, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, which are blocked in China. The director of the Hubei Communication Center stated that the Hubei center has formulated a “one place, one strategy” approach: “For example, we focus on football-related content to Brazil and Argentina and food and emotional programs to Southeast Asia and Italy.” The “South Asia and Southeast Asia Regional International Communication Center” in Yunan Province is “the only media institution in (China) targeting South Asia and Southeast Asia.” The center publishes journals in Burmese, Thai, Khmer, and Lao, maintains websites in seven languages: Burmese, Lao, Thai, Khmer, English, Vietnamese, and Chinese, and writes on social media platforms with regional languages.

A public diplomacy scholar in the UK told VOA that China’s central government-level communication institute like China Global Television Network (CGTN) now seem to increasingly focus on political news, leaving non-sensitive and non-conflictual topics to the local international communication centers, letting them focus more on culture, tourism, history, and other areas. Joshua Kurlantzick, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, told VOA that China’s provincial international communication centers are just one of many attempts in Beijing’s “big external propaganda” efforts. “If one doesn’t work, China has many other options.”

Source: VOA, June 19, 2024

Beijing International Book Fair: A Global Platform for Cultural Exchange and Publishing Cooperation

Guangming Daily reported that the five-day 30th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) recently concluded. The report said that, from “inviting in” to “going out” (i.e. inviting foreign publishers into China as well as publishing Chinese works abroad), this year’s BIBF achieved extensive cross-border and cross-field exchanges and integration in the publishing world. This year’s BIBF resulted in over 2,100 Sino-foreign copyright trade agreements or intentions, attracted 1,600 exhibitors from 71 countries and regions, showcased 220,000 types of Chinese and foreign books, held over 1,000 cultural events, and welcomed nearly 300,000 visitors. More Chinese stories are being widely disseminated around the world through the BIBF platform.

The continuously growing BIBF, together with renowned international book fairs such as the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, the New York Book Fair in the United States, and the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy, is building a stage for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations. The BIBF, by simultaneously “inviting (foreign publishers) in” and “going out,” provides a platform and build bridges for the global “flow” of cultural achievements. Copyright transactions and international publishing cooperation between China and other countries have also become routine outside the BIBF.

Source: Guangming Daily, June 28, 2024