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Retired CCP Cadre and Professor Urges CCP to Step Down, Proposes “Federal Republic of China” Unifying Mainland China with Taiwan

Veteran Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cadre and retired professor from Renmin University, Leng Jiepu, recently published an open letter addressed to the two Vice Chairmen of the CCP Central Military Commission, proposing the establishment of a Federal Republic of China and urged the CCP to step down.

The open letter is available on X platform. Leng talked with a reporter from the Epoch Times on August 11 to confirm that he was the author of the open letter.

Leng’s letter was addressed to Zhang Youxia and He Weidong, the two Vice Chairmen of the Central Military Commission, and was also communicated to the general public. He mentioned that he had learned that Xi Jinping was very ill and unable to work and that all party, government, and military affairs had fallen on Zhang and He. He expressed his hopes the two would support his proposal. Leng mentioned that the hanging of a large banner “The CCP Must Step Down” on Sitong bridge in Beijing in 2022 and the march with banners calling for the “Downfall of the CCP” in several cities have indicated that “the situation (for the CCP) is not optimistic.” He therefore suggested that the CCP take “the route of compromise” by establishing a Federal Republic of China and unifying the country with Taiwan, calling his proposal “the best possible solution.” He also proposed specific operational steps, including the formation of a “Grand Committee for the Unification of the Chinese Nation.”

1. Epoch Times, August 12, 2024
2. X Platform, @china_epoch