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Tibetan Leaders Criticize CCP’s Tibet Policy Following CCP Media Report

On August 28, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouth-pieces CCTV and Xinhua News Agency released a nearly-3-minute video showcasing the “achievements of the 30th Anniversary of Paired Assistance (from Provinces and Institutions) to Tibet.” The end of the video included a quote from Xi Jinping regarding four “as long as” conditions regarding Tibet: “As long as we work together, as long as we promote ethnic unity, as long as we follow the CCP, and as long as we adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we will surely achieve the glorious goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as planned.”

Comments from Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and from Kelsang Gyaltsen, the Central Tibetan Administration’s representative in Taiwan, outlined a critical view of the CCP’s policies for governing Tibet during Xi’s era, summarizing four main goals of the CCP:

  1. Completely remove the influence of the 14th Dalai Lama from the subconscious of Tibetans by searching their homes and personal phones.
  2. Treat Tibetan religious language and culture as a “tumor,” close privately run Tibetan language schools, and arrest intellectual elites who attempt to preserve Tibetan culture.
  3. Force Tibetan children to attend boarding school, leaving behind their parents and their culture. Compel the children to study Mandarin Chinese and Han Chinese culture under the framework of “forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.”
  4. Fully implement the “Sinicization of religion” (i.e. the modification and watering down of religion to meet the requirements of the Chinese Communist Party)

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 29, 2024