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China Expands Global Law Enforcement Training and Cooperation Initiatives

Chinese Public Security Minister Wang Xiaohong announced plans to train 3,000 foreign law enforcement officers and “deploy police advisors and workstations to countries in need” over the next year. Wang’s announcement was made at the 2024 Global Public Security Cooperation Forum in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province.

This initiative by Beijing aims to “improve law enforcement capabilities abroad, guide joint patrols and investigations, and address border crimes.” China also pledged “continued financial and operational support” to Interpol and UN peacekeeping missions. The initiative follows China’s “police cooperation agreement” with the Solomon Islands in 2023, which upgraded the relationship between China and the Solomon Islands to one of “comprehensive strategic partnership.”

Wang emphasized China’s willingness to “deepen cooperation with other countries to promote a fairer, more rational, and more efficient global public security governance system.” The move is seen as part of China’s strategy to strengthen its overseas influence and build relationships with foreign countries.

The Global Public Security Cooperation Forum, in its third year, saw increased participation with over 2,000 attendees from 122 countries, regions, and international organizations. It featured 12 sub-forums covering topics such as tourism safety, traffic management, international police education, and urban public security.

A “Global Public Security Cooperation Concept Document” was released outlining ten “cooperation measures” including “the deepening of a multilateral security cooperation mechanisms, combating transnational crime, strengthening global anti-terrorism efforts, and addressing potential risks posed by artificial intelligence.”

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), September 10, 2024