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Human Rights Watch Report: CCP Harasses Chinese Citizens in Japan

Human Rights Watch released a report revealing the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) transnational harassment and intimidation of Chinese citizens living in Japan. Several interviewees stated that due to fear of retaliation or concern for their family’s situation in China, they did not seek help from the Japanese police.

F.G., from Inner Mongolia, has lived in Japan for nearly 20 years. In 2019, CCP police went to his family’s home and threatened them. He said, “They threatened my relatives, telling them to inform me that my actions were criminal offenses against the state. They recorded all of my family members’ contact details. My relatives were terrified. Since then, my relatives have cut off contact with me.”

S.T., who moved to Japan from Xinjiang, said, “One day (in 2017), I received a call from a relative asking me to come home. I refused, and immediately a police officer took over the phone. He told me, ‘Listen to your relatives, or I cannot guarantee what might happen to your family.’” S.T. said that was the last time he spoke to his relatives.

Source: NTDTV, October 10, 2024