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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Reverses Position to Acknowledge “Israel’s Reasonable Security Concerns” for First Time

In a first since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, spokesperson Mao Ning of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry acknowledged “Israel’s security concerns” at a press conference on October 8. The following is an excerpt from a transcript published by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (emphasis added by ChinaScope):

China News Service Reporter: Yesterday, October 7, 2024, marked the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of the Gaza conflict. The conflict is still ongoing. What is China’s comment on this situation? How will China further promote a ceasefire and an end to the fighting?

Mao Ning: The Gaza conflict has dragged on for a year, resulting in the loss of many innocent lives and causing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. Its spillover effects have impacted the region, and tensions continue to escalate. China is deeply concerned about the ongoing violence and the continued absence of peace.

The brutal reality clearly demonstrates that military force and violence are not solutions to the problem; they only add new grievances to old ones, making peace and stability even more elusive. Recently, China proposed a “three-step” initiative to break out of the current Gaza conflict: a ceasefire and humanitarian aid are the top priorities, “Palestinians governing Palestine” is the fundamental principle for post-conflict Gaza reconstruction, and the “two-state solution” is the ultimate path forward. The legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people should be realized, and Israel’s reasonable security concerns should also be addressed. The international community should work to de-escalate the situation, convene a larger, more authoritative, and more effective international conference, and set a timetable and roadmap for implementing the “two-state solution,” ultimately achieving peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel, and harmonious coexistence between the Arab and Jewish peoples.

Bloomberg Reporter: I would like to clarify your earlier comment. When you mentioned the one-year anniversary of the Gaza conflict on October 7, did you say that “Israel’s reasonable security concerns should also be addressed”? Could you elaborate on this point? Has the Foreign Ministry previously made similar statements? I’m interested in the background of this stance.

Mao Ning: You heard correctly. I did indeed say that the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people should be realized, and Israel’s reasonable security concerns should also be addressed. This has always been China’s consistent position. Only by doing so can we ultimately achieve peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel and harmonious coexistence between the Arab and Jewish peoples.

Source: Website of China’s Embassy at the United States, October 8, 2024