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BBC Chinese: China Supports the Opposition Forces in Myanmar Election

BBC Chinese recently reported that, on November 8, Myanmar will have its first democratic election in 25 years. It seems China is currently leaning towards supporting the opposition party rooted in the Rakhine State where most of the minority Buddhists live. The Opposition party is gaining wider support among voters and it is against the Muslins. China recently invited the party’s leader to visit China and promised to supply him with whatever he needs. Most of the Chinese investments in Myanmar are in the Rakhine region. That is where China’s newly planned oil pipeline will lead to a port that helps bypass the Strait of Malacca, over which the United States Navy has substantial control. Apparently China’s siding with the opposition party in Myanmar is to protect its investments, and that’s understandable. However, it seems to be a deviation from China’s long standing argument against interference in other nations’ internal affairs. 
Source: BBC Chinese, October 15, 2015