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Deputy County Mayor Position Attracts 65 Ph.D. Applicants

In an open job fair to select the deputy county mayor and public deputy commune director in charge of science and technology in Zhenzhou city of Henan Province, Shan Men Xia Municipality planned to hire a Ph.D. graduate specializing in administration of industrial economy as its deputy county mayor. The advertisement attracted 65 Ph.D. applicants to compete for the position. Such results were beyong expectations. In explaining the phenomenon, one author had commented: “For an ordinary person starting at a lower level, reaching such a position would take years of hard work. Whereas someone with a Ph.D. who jumps to the position, not only realizes the dream of ‘being a government officer,’ but also the dream of ‘making money.’ It is really a good deal.”

Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2008