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Real Name Registration to Become Mandatory for Chinese Phone Users

According to Nanfang Daily, a newspaper based in Guangdong Province, major Chinese telecommunication companies including China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom have issued internal documents requiring that, starting on September 1 of this year, local branches must implement the "requirement of real identity registration for telephone users," which the PRC’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued in June of this year. The internal documents demand that phone users provide their real identities. China Mobile even published a "notice on its official website on the comprehensive implementation of real identity registration for phone users."

According to the "requirement" issued by MIIT, real identity registration for phone users refers to the fact that when operators of telecommunication services process the registration of land line and mobile phone (including wireless broadband card) users, they need to be truthful in providing the real identity of the user while processing the user agreement or confirming the services. In other words, starting from September 1, not only the new users, but existing users who process a transfer, relocation, or other business need to provide their real identities.

As early as 2010, MIIT announced the implementation of real name registration for mobile phone users, but it was not carried out successfully. This time, it is applied to all phone users instead of just mobile users. For the first time, the "requirement" also penalizes the operators who do not comply. All operators of telecommunications are now obliged to run an annual self-checkup of the implementation of real identity registration. Those who fail to do so are subject to fines between 10,000 yuan (US$1,634) and 30,000 yuan (US$4,902).

Source: Nanfang Daily, reposted by Xinhua, August 29, 2013

Xi Jinping: The Party’s Ideological Work is an Extremely Important Job

At a nationwide meeting held in Beijing on August 19 and 20, the Chinese Communist Party’s Chairman Xi Jinping gave a speech on propaganda and ideological work. Xi emphasized that economic development is the central task of the Party, while the Party’s ideological work is an extremely important job.

Xi pointed out that propaganda and ideological work are to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field and to consolidate the common ideological foundation for the whole Party and the people of the nation. Party members and cadres should strengthen their belief in Marxism and Communism. Leading officials, especially senior officials, should systematically master the basic theory of Marxism, should honestly and thoroughly study Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the "Three Represents" important thoughts, and the Scientific Concept of Development. All Party schools and academies, institutes of social sciences, and universities should have Marxism as a required course and become important forefronts of Marxist study, research, and propaganda. In particular, new and young cadres should do a good job in their theoretical studies and stand firm in their ideals and faith.

Xi asked for in-depth propaganda and education in socialism with Chinese characteristics so as to hold people of all ethnic groups in the nation in unity and cohesion under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi stressed that to be a true Party member is to adhere to the correct political orientation, hold a firm political viewpoint, firmly propagandize the Party’s theories, path, guidelines and policies, propagandize the Party’s deployment of major tasks, propagandize the Party’s important analyses and judgments on the current situation, resolutely maintain a high degree of uniformity with the Central Committee, and resolutely safeguard the authority of the Central Committee. All the propaganda and ideological units and all the Party members and cadres in the propaganda and ideological fronts should be clear in their adherence to the Party’s principles.

Source: Xinhua, August 20, 2013

Hurun Wealth Report 2013 Released

On August 14, the Hurun Research Institute, together with GroupM Knowledge, released the GroupM Knowledge-Hurun Wealth Report 2013. The 40-page research report analyses China’s wealthy people broken down according to their regional distribution across China, as well as their investments, consumption preferences, and how they use the media.

The number of millionaires (defined as individuals with a personal wealth of CNY 10 million, equivalent to US$1.6 million and GBP 1 million) grew by three percent in 2012 to 1.05 million, while the number of the super-rich (defined as individuals with a personal wealth of CNY 100 million, equivalent to US$16 million and GBP 10 million) reached 64,500, up two percent from the previous year. The growth, the slowest in five years, has decelerated for the second consecutive year.

Beijing remains in first place with an increase of 5,000 to 184,000 millionaires, and with an increase of 200 to 10,700 super rich. Guangdong ranks second with 172,000 millionaires and 9,600 super rich. Shanghai follows with 147,000 millionaires and 8,500 super rich.

A quarter of the millionaires say they are very confident about China’s economy in the coming two years, a decline of three percent from the previous year. The confidence level of the year before was 54 percent. Sixty-six percent of the millionaires say they are fairly confident – a two percentage point increase from a year earlier, while nine percent of millionaires say they are not confident – a two percentage point increase from a year earlier. This is the highest number in last three years.

Source: Xinhua, August 15, 2013

Jeju’s Immigration Policy Makes Chinese the Largest Land Buyers in South Korea

Chinese have become most generous buyers in South Korea’s land market. As of the first quarter of this year, the area of Chinese-owned Korean land reached 5.7 million square meters, far more than that held by Europeans and Americans. What the Chinese want most out of the purchase of a property in Korea’s Jeju Island is immigration.

With Jeju’s weak economy, the island launched a preferential immigration policy. Starting in February 2010, as long as foreigners invest 500 million won (about 2.7 million yuan, US$0.37 million) in Jeju’s resorts, hotels, and other "residential facilities for the purpose of holidays and rest," they will be qualified to live on Jeju Island for five years, after which they will be granted permanent residency in South Korea, enjoying the same education and health insurance benefits as Korean citizens. After the implementation of this policy, the number of Chinese buyers increased substantially. Chinese-owned land increased from 49,000 square meters at the end of 2010 to 485,000 square meters at the end of March 2013, almost 10 fold in two years.

Chinese buyers of Jeju land come mainly from three areas. The first is northeast cities such as Shenyang; the second is from Beijing; and the third is the Yangtze River Delta cities, including Shanghai and Nanjing. All these three areas are within a two hour direct flight from Jeju.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily, reposted on Xinhua, August 8, 2013

Levin Zhu: China’s Real Personal Income Growth Has Dropped over the Past 10 Years

Levin Zhu, President and CEO of China International Capital Corporation, said on China Central Television’s (CCTV) morning financial program that, over the past 10 years, China’s economy has maintained steady growth, but the growth of the Chinese people’s real income has been declining. Personal savings account for only 10% of national savings. This is not conducive to stimulating a consumer-driven economy. Only by raising the people’s income level as quickly as possible, can consumption play the role of boosting the economy.

Levin Zhu is the son of former Premier Zhu Rongji. Last July, Fortune magazine named him one of "Asia’s 25 most Influential Business Leaders."

Source: Website of China Securities Journal, re-posted by, July 25, 2013

Number of Chinese Netizens Reaches 591 million, Mostly Mobile Phone Users

On July 17, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released its 32nd issue of the China Internet Development Statistics Report. It showed that, as of the end of June 2013, the number of China’s netizens reached 591 million. Of those, the mobile phone users reached 464 million, or 78.5 percent.

The first half of this year has seen 26.6 million new netizens, 70.0 percent of whom use their mobile phone to access the Internet. The Internet has also expanded rapidly in rural areas, with 54.4 percent of the new Internet users coming from rural areas. The CNNIC report attributed the rapid increase to the development of the 3G network, wireless network, and mobile phone app innovations. Among all means of communications, Chinese netizens still favor instant messaging. As of the end of June 2013, 497 million people were users of instant messaging. Of those, 397 million used their mobile phones to send and receive messages.

Source: People’s Daily, July 18, 2013

Xinhua: Japanese Defense Whitepaper Aimed at China

Xinhua recently reported that the newly released Japanese Defense Whitepaper is full of false statements against China. The Japanese Cabinet approved the latest Whitepaper on July 9. It suggested that the Japanese government is pushing hard to counter the “Chinese military threat.” The language in the Whitepaper suggested that China’s military activities at sea are a threat to the safety not only of Japan but to the entire region as well. The report however expressed the belief that this is just a game the Abe administration is playing in order to justify its attempts to modify the Japanese constitution and to break the traditional military limitations Japan has had in place since the end of the Second World War. The Whitepaper claimed that China has taken a lot of “dangerous steps” to change the existing international order and that, in the past ten years, China’s defense budget has tripled while Japan’s showed a five percent decline. The Chinese government issued an official rebuttal immediately, saying that the Japanese allegations are simply lies and Japan is just looking for excuses to increase its defense spending.
Source: Xinhua, July 11, 2013

Yu Zhengsheng: Deepening the Fight against the Dalai Lama

Xinhua recently reported that Yu Zhengsheng, the Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party, emphasized the importance of continuing and deepening the fight against the Dalai Lama. He made the comment during a trip to the Tibetan area of Gansu Province. Yu also called for more investments in the Tibetan regions to lift the people’s living standards. He suggested that the Tibetan people will provide better support for the Communist Party only when their living conditions are improved. Yu also visited some Buddhist temples and asked the locals to “love the country.” In a speech given to the local government officials, Yu pointed out that the “self-governance” idea that the Dalai Lama came up with is a complete violation of the Chinese Constitution and is an obvious attempt to divide the country.

Source: Xinhua, July 9, 2013