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The Party Permeates Society and Red SMS

On June 23, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) committee of China’s southern province Hainan vowed to have its subsidiaries installed in every segment of society by the end of the year. “Social organizations with three or more full-time staff of formal CCP members should launch a party branch; those with two or fewer must join a branch with fellow organizations. … It called for a hierarchical CCP structure in all social groups, foundations, and other private entities.”
In Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, the party chief sent a cell phone text message to greet 10,136 grass-root cadres. The mobile text messaging system, jointly developed by the city’s CCP Organization Department and the nation’s largest mobile phone company China Mobile, allows instant dissemination of the party’s messages.
The above are but two examples of ongoing nationwide campaigns to strengthen the CCP’s grip on the people. 
Source: Hainan Daily, June 24, 2010
Zhejiang Online, June 24, 2010

400 City Party Officials in Beijing for Intensive Training

Since June 18, 400 CCP Secretaries of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the city level, the party officials in charge of the personal conduct and corruption of CCP members, were summoned to Beijing to start a nine-day intensive training. At the top of the agenda were “anti-corruption,” and “how to handle the Internet well.” This is the newest round of massive training of local CCP officials since last year, when 2,000 county level Secretaries for Discipline Inspection attended training sessions in Beijing and Hangzhou. 
Source: The Beijing News, June 24, 2010

Floods Hit Southern China, Military Mobilized

Serious floods have hit hard in the southern provinces of Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangxi. The situation is reported to have worsened, with more torrential rains expected in the next two days. In Jiangxi, where the widespread flooding has killed more than 200 and caused $6.4 billion in damages, the armed forces have been dispatched, including 26,524 troops, 1,418 vehicles, and 585 assault boats.
On June 23, the CCP Central Military Commission’s (CMC) General Staff Department (GSD) and General Political Department (GPD) issued a joint directive to mobilize the People’s Liberation Army and Armed Police forces.
Source: China News Service, June 23, 2010
PLA Daily, June 24, 2010

China’s Widening Income Gap

[Editor’s Note: This report by a Xinhua research team provides a sobering view of China’s social economic disparity. Published on the government media Jing Ji Can Kao Bao (Economic Information Daily), the report reveals some sensitive data that are unflattering to China. Although, similar data has been widely reported outside of China, reading them on the Chinese media is somewhat unusual as it is generally against the party’s nature to reveal bad news. The publication of this report may be an indication of the government’s increasing inability to conceal facts from the public. It may also be a decoy to divert people’s attention from more serious issues.

The first part deals with the widening income gap in China. The second part presents various color-coded income types. Many of them are illegal; most are hidden. It paints a disturbing picture of today’s society in China.

The following is a translation of the excerpts of the report. Subtitles were added by the editor.]

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New Dynamics of Overseas Communist Parties after the Onset of the Financial Crisis

[Editor’s Note: For communist parties members in China and worldwide, the global economic meltdown triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in October 2007 kindled their hope for the resurgence of the world socialist/communist movement. They view the crisis as proof of the Marxist theory that capitalism is doomed to fail and be replaced by socialism. An article published in Qiushi Journal on February 26, 2010, detailed the strategies and practices that communist or left wing parties in countries outside of China have used in recent years. Following are excerpts from the article titled, “New Dynamics of Overseas Communist Parties after the Outbreak of the Financial Crisis”]

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Beijing’s New Cultural Revolution, Ideological Guidance and Strategic Discussions

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It is worth noting Beijing’s recent intense work on developing culture related businesses domestically and exporting culture products internationally. This article and the next one, Beijing’s New Cultural Revolution, and Industrial Policies and Global Practices, attempt to sum up the Chinese Communist regime’s efforts in strategizing, planning, and implementation in the arena of Chinese culture. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) purpose is to solidify its governance, assure the ideological guidance of socialism/Marxism in society, and expand its global influence. This article focuses on the CCP’s ideological guidance and on debates among government officials and scholars. The second article will appear in a subsequent issue.

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More Than 45 Million Overseas Chinese, Official Said

Xu Yousheng, deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) under the State Council, said in an event in Hongzhou that the population of overseas Chinese exceeds 45 million, topping the world’s nations. “Among the 45 million people, many are newly emigrated and mainly located in Europe.”
OCAO is the agency channeling communication between overseas Chinese, whether naturalized or not, and the Beijing regime.
Source: China News Service, June 16, 2010

Beijing Trains African Officials in Handling of the Press

A two-week training and “press research seminar” was launched in Beijing on June 17. Thirty-six officials from 19 African countries, including senior government press officers, spokespersons for presidents or prime ministers, and key personnel in local major media participated in it.
Wang Cheng, Director of the State Council Information Office and deputy chief of the Department of Propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee, gave a keynote speech. “Western media dominate most of the information in international news reporting, leaving developing countries with weak voices. Strengthening the communication and cooperation between China and African countries will not only better mutual understanding, but will help defend the common interests of developing countries in international public opinion.” 
Around 200 government press officers in 48 African countries attended the training series, initiated in 2004, with the current one as the 7th session.
Source: Xinhua, June 17, 2010