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Web Photos: Chinese Taoist Under Military Training and Patriotic Education

Chinese internet users are stunned by web photos showing Taoists kicking goose-steps and saluting to flag-rising, wearing Taoist priest’s robe.

Wudang Taoist Academy is a three-year religious college recently approved by the State Administration of Religious Affairs (SARA), located at the Wudang mountain, where famous Taoist temples are seated.

The kicking of goose-steps is part of the military training that all newly enrolled students ought to undertake. The flag-rising ceremony aims to cultivate the patriotic passion of the students, according to the Nanfang Daily report.

Source: Nanfang Daily, November 12, 2008




Chinese Media Outlet Issues Mistresses Report

In a recent report published by China’s Nanfang People Weekly (or Nanfang Renwu Zhoukan), mistresses of corrupt officials were found least subject to legal punishment.

The report investigates 41 corrupted officials at the ranking of governorship in the Communist Party, Government, People’s Congress, Political Consultative Conference, and Judiciary Branch, spanning from 1998 to 2008. The sources used are public information from the court system and media interviews with the defense lawyers and family members of the officials.

36 out of the 41 investigated have at least one mistress. These officials aged 62 on average at the time of being prosecuted, with their legal spouses around 60. The mistresses are on average 11 years younger than the spouses, while the largest age difference being over 30. After a comparative study, the report concludes that the motives of possessing mistresses have shifted from seeking sexual pleasure toward mutual benefits. The special group of mistresses of high officials are de facto playing the role of money managers.

However, the mistresses are more or less risk free from among the group of investigated, as only 8 out of the 36 were put on trial and 5 convicted, shows the report.

Source: Radio Free Asia, November 11, 2008

Blacklisted Chinese Democracy Activists to Sue Netease

Finding their names blacklisted on an internet file of the company’s website, three democracy activists have asked for an open apology and plan to sue Netease Com Inc, a Chinese internet company listed on NASDAQ (code: NTES).

Zheng Cunzhu, a businessman in Anhui province and chairman of the board of Jiahe Food Inc. Ltd, was the first to find from the official website of Netease a file named "badwords.txt," where his name was placed aside a list of dirty words. Zheng also spotted the names of Wang Zhaojun, a member of the standing committee of the political consultative conference of Anhui province, and Guo Quan, a professor at Nanjing Normal University. The three of them intend to file a lawsuit in the U.S. against Netease, providing no apology is heard by Nov. 14.

Zheng, Wang, and Guo are famous as each of them wrote an individual open letter to the leaders of the communist regime, calling for political reform and criticizing the regime’s policy on  the 1989 prodemocracy movement and the Falun Gong religious group. Censored in the Mainland, the letters  spread widely on overseas Chinese websites.

Other forbidden words on the list discovered by Zheng include those related to democracy, religion, and the domestic civil rights movement. The lawsuit aims to call attention to freedom of expression in China, with the hope of reforming the political system.

Source: Radio Free Asia, November 11, 2008

Minister of Public Security: Use Weapon with Caution, Handling Social Unrests

In a recent issue of Qiushi magazine, an article, authored by Meng Jianzhu, the Minister of Public Security, defined the tasks of the public security as maintaining the order, dissolving the conflicts, deterring the violent behaviors, and keeping the situation in control. It called for a stop to intensifying the conflicts caused by improper measures taken by police.

In particular, Meng cautioned against using weaponry and forceful measures so as to prevent blood shedding. He also stressed on guiding the public opinion and announcing the government message in the first time at emergent events. It’s believed that Meng’s article is a response to the recent escalation of police violence and inflated public discontents.

Source: Nanfang Daily, November 4, 2008

Hainan University Sealed, Fearing Spread of Cholera

As of November 1, 7 students were diagnosed as cholera out of the 30 with the symptom of diarrhea at Hainan University, located in the southern island of Hainan province. It’s the second batch of cholera outbreak in the island after the 17 cases found in Zhanzhou city on October 20.

The campus is now closed up. All students, faculty, and staff members are required to take preventive medicine for three days in a row so as to deter the spread of the infectious disease.

According to the local health authority, 51 cholera cases were identified between October 3 and November 2 across the province. No death was reported.

Source: China Youth Daily, November 4, 2008

Hu Jintao: Firmly remember the sad lessons of this year’s significant safety incidents

The following is a translation of news report regarding Hu Jintao’s speech at the Central Party School in September, criticizing cadres for lack of “objective consciousness, a general situation consciousness, a sense of hardship, and a consciousness of responsibility”, as reflected in the recent series of food quality scandals. [1]
On September 19, 2008, China News Net broadcast that, according to a CCTV News Broadcast report, the opening ceremony for a special topic seminar for state level main cadres  was held that morning at the Central Party School. This seminar was to mobilize the party to further study scientific development activities. Hu Jintao, the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), State President, and Central Military Committee President, pointed out during the meeting that some significant production safety and food accidents had happened during the year, which had caused significant losses to people’s lives and property. He emphasized that the severity of these accidents and their consequences must be fully evaluated, and some sad lessons must be firmly remembered.

Hu Jintao stressed that since the reform and open policy began, the CCP has emphasized restructuring, and has insisted that the party must manage the party, govern the party strictly, advance the party’s structuring of its magnificent projects, and drive the party’s structure to grow stronger through constant reforms. At the same time, we must see soberly, along with the continuous development of the reform and open policy and socialist market economy, and along with the increase in time, that the party has been in power and the change in the party’s team, and that the party’s self structuring faces many new topics and new tests. The tests of the party’s power, the reforms and open policy, and the development of a socialist market economy are all long-term and complex, and the task of managing and ruling the party is more arduous than at any time in the past.

Hu said that this year, some places had significant production safety incidents and food safety incidents, which caused a significant loss of people’s lives and property. From these incidents, it shows that some cadres lack objective consciousness, a general situation consciousness, a sense of hardship, and a consciousness of responsibility, and that they show an attitude drift, loose management, and that they have slacked off in their work. Some don’t even listen to the people’s voices, and don’t care about those significant problems that relate to the safety of people’s lives. We must fully evaluate these incidents and their severity, and firmly remember the sad lessons.

Hu Jintao pointed out that those incidents told us again that only if we resolved the existing significant problems in the team of the party members, let the party comrades build the party to better serve the people, build the government for the people, always think of the people first, and always care for the people, can the CCP lead the people to strive for the victory of completely building an affluent society.

[1], September 19, 2008

4,525 Officials convicted in five years

4,525 county-and-above-level government officials were convicted from 2003 to 2008, said by Wang Shengjun, the Supreme Court’s chief justice, in a report to the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress on October 26. The figure is 77.52% higher than five years before. The courts trialed 1.2 million criminal cases that seriously harm the social security, including crimes endangering national security, terrorist, gang crimes, murder, kidnap, robbery, and drug abuse. 1.6 million people were put in jail.

Source: Xinhua, October 26, 2008

Gansu Police Put Video Surveillance System in Place

Gansu provincial Pubic Security Division’s Visual Command & Coordination System (VCCS) was in operation on October 27. VCCS, composed of large screen monitor, visual command function, and phone recording facility, is mainly used as a central command system for major emergencies.

The current visual surveillance monitor covers 14 cities and a mining area with high resolution. In real time, the monitor can switch to and zoom in any geographic target inside the province, provided incorporated into the system. The VCCS allows a centralized control of daily dynamics of public security across the whole province. Gansu is the last province in the country to equip the provincial PSD with VCCS.

Source: Xinhua, October 28, 2008